Bug Bite - Comments

  • youngbae.

    youngbae. (100)

    United States
    First of all, some fangirling was inevitable, apparently. Coffee
    And so is a long comment for a long and unfworthy one shot. Arms Weird

    Your writing is exceptional! Cheese
    I adore how you've written enough details for it to be an amazing story, but not bordering on overboard.
    Also, I'm happy that it's not the cliched party! Wow
    It's a legit party, and not so cliched as to have people there that wouldn't normally be there.
    I also like that you actually described that it was indeed a closet, and not a spare room. That there were actually hangers and clothes and that it was a small space. Clap

    Obviously I loved the closet scene. Immensely. My favorite part?

    “Sh-shino…” I stuttered, only to get replied by a low growl.

    “You’re so cute when you stutter...” I felt him lean forward, his breath once again caressing my exposed flesh.

    Cheese Happy face I can just hear the husky tone he's got, and him saying that....unf.

    Typos I caught:
    I'll be addressing and correcting any typos I find, putting them in bold and correcting them. Cute

    For being a drunk kounoichi, Sakura was surprisingly fast. Let’s not talk about her inhuman strength.

    She was by her closet, shouting a string of obscenities. Not even a fraction of a minute passed, before she approached me. Feeling very self conscious, under everyone’s prying eyes, I willingly headed towards the closet in haste.

    It had a bug draw upon it… certainly; my luck couldn’t be that-

    Even more,would was I willing to kiss a boy?

    I tried to control my breathing, concentratein on anything but the mysterious man in front of me.

    Muffled voices resonated from outside the closet, but I immediately ignored them once Shino was done kissing me.
    February 26th, 2010 at 07:04am
  • moxie;

    moxie; (100)

    Happy face
    oh... my... -goes to re-read it again-.

    Happy face Whoa. WHOAAA.
    This is... just... -speechless-
    Amazing, AMAZING job Chuey. Holy shit! :D WHOA! tehe This is just so... unf.
    tehe You might've just turned me on.

    Weird And developed a serious lust for Shino.
    February 26th, 2010 at 05:11am