Move Along - Comments

  • The opening for this story was very intriguing, indeed. At first I thought it was a recurring nightmare of his, about what happened when they split up. It made me wonder whether she'd been seriously injured or killed, and this is what always haunts Logan - the fact that their parting moment was potentially their last moment together and he could have caused her to walk out in anger without looking where she was going. But then it's apparent that it was all in his mind. It made me wonder whether he's so affected by their breakup that he's constantly thinking of worst-case scenarios and they're even plaguing him while he sleeps.

    Logan seems very attached to Amy, it's the little things that gave that impression to me - he had been the insomniac in their relationship, after all - he just seems so attentive to detail, like knowing that Amy was a good sleeper. He seems so attached to her that it's impossible to me that he could have cheated. I wish Amy would believe him. XD

    And suddenly we're whisked over to Amy and her side of the story. I couldn't help but feel sorry for Logan as she ignores him and gets angry when he sends her flowers; I think that's because I heard his side of everything first, and how he's plagued by nightmares and stuff. XD

    It was interesting to hear about Amy's back story and how she ended up in her dead end job at Pretty Petals. I know a lot of people who dropped out of college/university and most of those occasions were for the best. I get the impression that Amy would have really suffered through college, so getting a job was the best move for her to take. It was intriguing when her dreams were described as all gone and it gave me something to wonder about - did something happen in order for her to stop pursuing her dreams.

    When Logan's first lot of flowers came round, with simply the word "I'm" written on the card, it really intrigued me and made me wonder what he was up to! Especially since she works in a flower shop and probably doesn't want to receive flowers after working with them all day. I think Logan decided to do his whole "flower apology" because she works with flowers but at the same time I don't think it was the best plan of action for him since it would take more than some flowers to win Amy back round. She comes across as a person who is incredibly stubborn about something once she makes her mind up about it - like with dropping out of college and ignoring Logan completely.

    I think she got it in one, here. If you think I need flowers, you’re insane. You know, I watch guys running around this store, buying our cheapest flowers as last minute gifts for girls they’ve been with for weeks, not four fucking years. She knows what flowers mean to guys - they're more of an apology/plea for forgiveness than anything else - and she's confident she won't fall for any apology that Logan gives her. The ending of her angry voicemail was interesting though. Let me get over you. It shows that she still has feelings for him, despite what has happened, but is desperate to ignore them and just hopes they'll go away in time.

    I'm assuming that the three guys holding the bunches of flowers are guys in Logan's band? I didn't really understand who they were until right at the end of them giving the flowers, so it might have been helpful to maybe introduce them as his friends as she moved each bunch of flowers away? Idk. It probably would have helped if I'd known the band so it's my own fault. :lmfao

    The ending of the little flowers moment was really good, it was a nice touch that he just handed her a card, rather than another bunch of flowers. She probably would have just threw them back at him, anyway. XD

    The confrontation between the pair of them sort of confirmed Amy's stubbornness. She's got it in her head that Logan cheated on her because of what that awful girl put on the internet (in my mind, this "awful girl" is the spitting image of one of my ex flatmates for some reason, which is kind of amusing for me) and refuses to believe anything else, no matter what Logan says. It's kind of sad that she's trusted this girl over Logan, though.

    And ohh, the ending! His nightmare was like a warning, almost. I liked how he remembered his nightmare and was able to save Amy from being hit by the car. That was like the happy ending for his nightmare. So in the end he got his happy ending, after all.

    Loved this little oneshot! It was really well written, you've improved so much (I know I say that all the time, but it's so true!).

    PS. I really loved the layout. <3
    August 15th, 2010 at 12:17am
  • Hahaha I enjoyed how she had Logan in her phone as "Dickhead." It was adorable and I loved it. :)
    February 27th, 2010 at 11:16pm
  • Oh my god that was so good. And I'm not just saying that because I love Logan. Everything about the story was amazing :)
    February 27th, 2010 at 09:27pm
  • Oh my gosh. Adorable. The imaginary audience in my head is going, "Awwww. :]"
    February 27th, 2010 at 09:17pm