It's a Band Thing Part Two - Comments

  • Sierra Kusterbeck

    Sierra Kusterbeck (100)

    United States
    This was good, just a little too cute for my tastes. Not to say that it's bad, I'm just not a fan of cute stories. XD More of a doom-and-gloom-nothing-works-out-right-and-at-least-one-character-dies-or-comes-down-with-some-kind-of-awful-disease kind of girl. I don't know why I tend to enjoy those the most... >.>

    But yes, anyway. Back to the story.

    It was a bit too cute for me, like I said. It also didn't seem to have a lot of depth to it. I wouldn't call it shallow, because that makes it seem like I'm insulting it, but just not as deep as I would have wanted it.
    May 7th, 2011 at 05:04am