Crash - Comments

  • Icamane Hatake

    Icamane Hatake (250)

    United States
    HA! Comment virginity!
    Hmm, it's a very intereting play structure Think I really want to read the rest of it xD
    It's interesting how so far, there hasn't been much dialoge, but a lot can be said from their actions. I'm curious as the the purpose of the newscaster weaving between the other characters, but I have a feeling we'll find that out later tehe
    I really like the layout too. It feels highway-ish for some reason. Like, a highway outside of Vegas or something. Maybe that's 'cuz of the banner xD But it's very appropriate.
    So now that you've gotten me curious I want to read the rest of it, because it's like "AH! MUST FIND OUT!"
    Oh, and the scene with the girls singing made me giggle tehe I know people who do that, and it amused me.
    So, I'm off to go stalk you some more!
    August 15th, 2010 at 12:55am