Just Like Paradise - Comments

  • that was a really good ending! i have loved this story since the begining you did a brilliant job!
    June 17th, 2010 at 04:57pm
  • Nooooooo.
    But I love the Oshie family.
    I don't want them to go away.
    You did a fantastic job with both this & the prequel.
    I'm gonna miss it.
    June 17th, 2010 at 05:46am
  • The perfect ending
    : D
    June 16th, 2010 at 09:57pm
  • Omg I'm going to cry! I can't believe its over! TJ and Bri made an amazing couple! And reading your stories made me feel over the moon
    June 16th, 2010 at 08:57am
  • oh man
    that is just the PERFECT ending to a PERFECT story!
    I enjoyed and loved every single part of this and the prequel! it was amazing!
    June 16th, 2010 at 08:31am
  • Jake Alexander Oshie was a big bad five years old and in morning preschool at Saint Therese Church where he had already been caught kissing two girls during nap time.
    oh god.. and here I was concerned about Tyler and Nate being just like their father. I forgot I had to worry about another little boy. we should have adopted a girl...

    He was already signed into a very lucrative deal with the Pittsburgh Penguins, earning almost an eight-figure deal after going as the first pick in the first round of the two thousand twenty-seven NHL Draft.
    look at my big boy :D ohhh <3

    Nate and Ana had taken the next step and one night during the fall of their junior year, he popped the question.
    OHHH!!!!!!!!! MY BABY! wow.. i feel old.. :'( I feel like it was just yesterday when my baby was born... :(

    Abby was currently finishing her first semester at Cornell. It was still hard to get phone calls and texts from her. Brianna would choke up and TJ would sigh as he ended their calls
    oh... my baby girl <3 it would be so hard for me to be away from her <3 I just love her to pieces.. my only girl.. sighhhh. i'm sad just thinking about it

    “Any time.” He insisted with a watery smile, forcing out an awkward cough, trying to stay strong in front of Brianna who looked like she was going to burst into tears at any moment.
    *SOBBB!!!!**** OH TJ OSHIE.. YOU ARE SUCH A MAN <3 i love this.. he is so damn sexy when he is trying to stay strong <3 <3

    “Abby, sweetheart.” Brianna got out before Abby dove into her mother’s arms, hugging her tightly as they both cried. TJ stroked his hand up and down his daughter’s back, looking around the campus as he avoided the scene in front of him. He couldn’t guarantee that he wouldn’t be the same in a few moments if he couldn’t keep it together.
    oh my gosh.. ohmygosh.. ohmygosh.. why did she have to go to school so far away!!! why couldn't she stay close to home!!! *wails* all my babies are leaving the nest.. sigh.. i guess at least I have baby jakey..

    “I’m scared.” She whispered so only TJ could hear her. TJ sighed as he held her tighter, head hanging down dejectedly.
    I love the next part.. how it would be so easy to insist that she go home.. but he knows he has to be rational and be all.. baby you want this.. you're scared now but it's going to be okay.. once again.. what a man! <3

    Moose.” He laughed, speaking of his chocolate lab.
    hahahahahha i don't know why.. but moose just makes me laugh really hard.. like i am laughing way too hard.

    The two women chatted for a few moments before Tyler whisked her away upstairs to help her settle into his room.
    christ. no sex!!! not in my house!!!

    “You want me to… toss your salad?”
    ohmygosh. it is SOOO assuring to know that some things will NEVER change <3 TJ Oshie.. you have my heart

    Brianna smiled into his shoulder, so happy to have all of her children home again, reminding her of the days when she stayed home to look after all three of them as they still waddled around in diapers.
    Can we go back to that? and start the story all over again?? I would like that lots :( :( :( i'm so close to the end.. soo close.. i don't want it to end!

    Look how pretty Mama is.” He pointed out to Jake who turned his head to look at Brianna. “Doesn’t she look pretty?” TJ grinned cutely. “Very pretty.” Jake smiled as he blushed himself.
    oh teej. aren't you just the charmer <3

    Years of marriage and four children later, he still knew the way to make her heart race
    the way it should always be <3

    They were spread all over the nation, and Brianna and TJ still had another to go through school, first loves, heart breaks, joy and a hell of a lot of hockey games.
    thank god for jake.. i'm not ready for it to be over.. wait.. fuck it is ending!!!!!! nooooooo!!!!!!!!!

    To some it may seem like chaos, but to Brianna and TJ Oshie, it felt just like paradise.
    fuck. i cried.

    i can't..
    i can't... believe.. its.. its.... over... *WAILS*
    i am not even being dramatic.. i love this story so much and my heart is broken that it is over..
    oh my goodness..
    this was perfection. Filled with love, happiness, family, and smiled galore. I loved it so much.. the perfect ending to an amazing story with an amazing cast.
    I can't believe that this was started almost a year ago and now is coming to an official end. This was great.. amazing.. spectacular.. and I am SOOOO glad you wrote it for me <3
    btw.. this was better than everything I wanted it to be :D
    loveeeee you!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3
    June 16th, 2010 at 06:39am
  • : D
    May 28th, 2010 at 12:07am
  • “Mama!” Jake wailed as he balled handfuls of TJ’s shirt in his hand. “I wan’ Mama!” He insisted with pink, puffy cheeks streaked with tiny baby tears.
    Awwww my baby looooves me!!! Don’t worry jake.. I’m coming home soon :)

    but at the same time, it killed him that she would end up so far away. He couldn’t keep an eye on her with five hundred miles between them.
    Ohh pooorrr teej. He can’t insert all that dominance over his baby girl.. oh nos.. she might hook up with an ivy league boy! SCANDAL!

    a thin silver chain with the number forty-eight as well as the number two, Ana’s own jersey number. Ana wore an identical necklace with a slightly more feminine appearance.
    Suuurprise! Lol they are crazy In love.. it’s kinda ridic.. but absolutely adorable

    His crush for her was painfully evident as he blushed and turned shy whenever she was around.
    Lol. Look at what ana does to those oshie boys :p

    He had seen Facebook exchanges between the two.
    HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! TEEJ WOULD! He is totally the kind of dad/parent that would stalk his kids on facebook.

    Both Oshie men knew that if they got a woman pregnant – girlfriend or not – before they were married or at leastengaged, they’d have their mother to answer to.
    Straight up bitch slapped.

    “It’ll be okay, Dad.” Nate grinned with a small laugh, realizing how much it was tearing his Dad apart to be separated from his wife and daughter for so long.
    *content sight* ohh TJ. You’re still a love sick puppy after all these years <3

    When you meet the right person, it’ll feel like a part of you is missing whenever they leave, whether they’re a room a part or across the country, you’re not complete till they’re near you again.”
    AWWWWWW!!!!!!! THAT IS SOO SOO SOO SWEET. TJ Oshie you are a sweet man <3

    You need to go through hardships, fights you think will tear you apart, distractions, temptation, separation… when you get past all of that, then come talk to me about love.”
    Amen. Too young. And although it’s hard to think about nate getting hurt or betrayed.. or having any sort of hardship, it’s part of growing up, and I’d rather have him have that experience before he gets in tooooo deep, than not let him have it at all.

    That whole part where TJ was reminiscing about when the kids were young.. SOOOOOOO cute. I love that he is still so happy with his life. A lot of guys at that point in their life are sick of the marriage and the family. It’s good to know that TJ still feels like he did when he was in his 20s. Definition of a MAN. :D <3

    Oh and I found a sorority I’d love to pledge
    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OH MY GOD.. I THINK TJ IS GOING TO DIE. A SORORITY!? He’d be like.. aka a whore house. Lololololololol

    “You’re my only baby girl. Besides, Nate and Tyler can’t get pregnant.”
    *keels over* HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I am in the library right now.. and people are giving me weird looks as I laugh at this.. ohmygod. My eyes are tearing up. HAHA.

    “You know I’m smarter than that, besides, those boys are more likely to get another girl pregnant before I wind up pregnant.”
    Sooooooooooooooooooooo true. No lie. *cough* NATE *cough*

    “Just me and you, little man.” Abby laughed as Jake gurgled happily
    OHH SO CUTE! <3 gurrglee gurgle!

    “You know, one of these days you’re not going to be able to bend over to tie your skates on, and I’m going to have to haul your ass down to the ER because you’re going to have thrown your back out from trying to skate with your fifteen year old son.”
    HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!!!!!!!! That will be the day TJ oshie kills himself.

    “While I wouldn’t mind waiting another six or seven years, I can’t wait for grandbabies.” She sighed

    You and I both know that when this ends.. I might go into cardiac arrest..
    Seriously.. this story is so amazing and it’s hard to believe that it’s going to end FOR GOOD in a chapter.. (praying for at least 2)
    Those Oshie kids did turn out alright.. especially for having a crazy dad like TJ ;)
    But I balanced out the equation.
    Seriously.. I’m going to cry when this is over.
    I love the fluff and the family atmosphere this has.. even when everything is going crazy.
    Baby Jake is so precious.. just like the rest of those kids..
    I’m going to miss my baby nate when he goes.. probs as much as I’ll miss abby and already miss TY.
    Sigh! But I will be ready to focus attention on Jake and have some alone time with TJ ;D
    I want to say I want more.. but then it ends.. and I don’t want that!
    <3 <3 <3!!!!!!!!!!!!
    May 27th, 2010 at 09:17pm
  • Nooooo.
    I love this family.
    Don't end this.
    Keep it going forever.
    Dead serious here.
    May 27th, 2010 at 08:31pm
  • It's taken me some time, but I finally caught up with this story. I hadn't been getting update emails, so I'm glad you told me you updated.

    This is such an amazing story. I love how it's happy, but they have their issues.
    I love how Teej is overprotective of his daughter, but supports the boys getting tattoos, having sex...
    I love that you didn't send his kids to North Dakota - and I'm not at all surprised at Tyler's choice.
    It's nice to see Abby have some freedom after all those years.
    This story just makes me smile.
    This is a great story. Can't wait for more!!!!!
    May 27th, 2010 at 05:51pm
  • This is one story that must keep going! Even with just the Oshie kids and their lives I love this story!
    May 27th, 2010 at 04:58pm
  • I love this story!!! can't believe it is ending! great job!!!
    May 27th, 2010 at 01:07pm
  • Jonathan Toews Jr. I literally squealed out loud.
    Oh just the thought of a baby Tazer running amuck around the world.......
    And lmfao at Tj spraying Abby's boyfriend with a spray bottle. Totally something I'd see him doing, not going to lie. So funny.
    And I just can't condone going to the Canucks, but, the draft bit was so cute and I love how baby Oshie AND baby Toews were both drafted first round in the same year. Now I'm trying to imagine what that would be like if it actually happened like that... ohhhhh man. But I'm with Jess, hopefully Nate goes to a better team! Say, Chicago, perhaps? (;
    Honestly I never get on this site anymore but I come on when I get the email update to read this story. I love it! More soon?
    May 1st, 2010 at 06:39am
  • Jake sounds so precious.
    And lmao at TJ using the spray bottle on Brian.
    What a good father.
    But really Kara, the Canucks?
    I sure hope Nate goes to a better team!
    More soon. <3
    May 1st, 2010 at 02:31am
  • Dear lord Oshie and Toews offsprings wow lucky kids!!!

    Also loved Jake he's adorable!

    And love the spray bottle! So true
    April 29th, 2010 at 08:09am
  • I adored this update, the whole Oshie clan is adorable! Can't wait for more!!!
    April 29th, 2010 at 02:41am
  • oh i honestly shed a tear! that was so sweet!

    “Bad!” He scolded, spraying water in Brian’s face with a Windex-like bottle repeatedly until the boy pretended to wake up.
    that reminds me of Lilo and Stitch. She would also spray him with a bottle when he was 'bad'. I laughed out loud for that one!
    April 29th, 2010 at 01:43am
  • hahah so adorable with the whole abby and brian scene.
    i wonder how many times teej would spray brian if abby said she was pregnant,or he hurt her.(:
    cant wait for moree(:
    sooon please?
    April 28th, 2010 at 11:27pm
  • I LOVED the water bottle trick TJ gave to Brian... =D
    I really liked this chapter and Jake seems soo cute!!!!
    i loved the update. I can't wait for more
    April 28th, 2010 at 10:02pm
  • Brianna and TJ gave Jake his name and he was certainly one of the most beautiful children they had ever seen. His hair was a shocking white blonde and had enormous brown eyes lined by long, translucent lashes.
    oh! what a cute babyyy!!!! <3 <3 <3

    His worst nightmare had come true, his baby girl was sixteen. She could drive, date, and stay out until ten-thirty.
    oh gawd.. the end of TJ's life as he knew it... bahahahahahah

    “Babby!” Jake giggled after his sister as TJ bounced his boy on his hip, bringing him downstairs to the man cave to watch a little bit of the playoffs.
    ohmygod.. is that not the most precious way to say abby's name??? *dies* what a sweet little baby boy <3

    yler nodded, adjusting his maroon and gold cap on his head. It had been two weeks since he had committed to play hockey at the University of Minnesota. Sure, TJ was happy that his son had gotten a full D1 scholarship to a great school nonetheless, but he was hoping that maybe Tyler would be the next Oshie at UND.
    *PUMPS FIST* VICTORY!!!!! MINNESSSSOOOOTAAAA!!!! <3 my baby boy has great taste <3

    Tyler promised his mother that he would graduate college, a promise that both the Oshie boys made.
    damn well better..

    Jake burst into wild giggles, thrashing his tiny limbs about as his high-pitched laugh filled the basement, making the two older men laugh.
    OH!!! CUTE BABY LAUGH!!!!!!! <3 <3 *sigh* there is nothing more adorable than a happy baby laugh

    “Same with Brian.” Tyler frowned, speaking of Abby’s main squeeze that spent more time at the Oshie house than any of the Oshie men were comfortable with.
    can we just take a moment and feel bad for that poor kid... :(

    “Fuck.” TJ exhaled. “Hasn’t she moved on from him yet?” He asked, looking at his son for an honest answer.
    HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! wishful thinking teej

    “Bad!” He scolded, spraying water in Brian’s face with a Windex-like bottle repeatedly until the boy pretended to wake up. Brian looked up at Mr. Oshie wide-eyed at the death stare he was getting before he turned and walked from the room. It wasn’t Brian’s first encounter with the spray bottle and it certainly wouldn’t be the last.

    “Mama!” He squealed, running as fast as his tiny legs would take him to Brianna who had just stepped into the house. Mama was Jake’s only real word, and he used it a lot.
    :D :D :D :D he loves me <3 <3 cute little baby boy <3

    “Well, I ate some and then baby boy had some yummy mashed bananas.” TJ laughed at the way Jake’s face scrunched at the mention of mashed bananas.
    hahahahah i can't say i disagree with baby boy.. i'd rather have wings

    “Sure baby, march your butt up there right now and fix it.” She kissed his cheek, making him frown but comply nonetheless. He figured the more he pleased her now, the more likely she was to kick Brian out early tonight.
    hahahaha. that's right.. go please me boyyy :D and i love how everything comes back to Brian.. it makes me laugh

    Fucking Brian.
    annddd i'm dying for a second time. I love that.. sooooo perfect :D :D I wish i knew how to make that weird looking laughing animation again but this time on mibba

    “Jonny Toews you son of a bitch.” TJ laughed as his friend stood to greet him, wrapping one another in a tight hug.
    I am in love with this greeting :D soo funny and perfect.

    He didn’t run around the house stark naked anymore, he didn’t cuddle up to her bed when he was feeling sick, and he surely didn’t need her to make his every meal, fold his laundry, or make his bed. But that didn’t mean she would stop.
    OHHHHHH!!!!!!! :( TEAR!

    “Don’t cry, Mama.” Tyler smiled softly, placing a hand on her knee comfortingly
    oh baby boy :( you don't understanddd! I've watched you grow up! you're my baaayybeee!

    “With the ninth pick of the two-thousand twenty-seven NHL draft, the Vancouver Canucks select Tyler Oshie.” Brianna’s lips wanted to erupt into as scream, but it came out as a strangled sob instead as Tyler nearly squeezed the life from her.

    “Thank you so much.” He whispered before pressing a kiss to her head, moving on to hug TJ whose chest was swelling in utmost pride for his baby boy.

    oh my god.. i'm not going to cry.. i am TOTALLY NOT. GOING. TO. CRY. :( :( but i'm so proud of him! way tooo gooo ty! :D <3

    I can just like.. go walk away with content..
    this was so amazing.. i love the reaction of the whole family.. all the love and support that Tyler got fromt hem was perfect.
    it was a perfect moment for the Oshie family and for Tyler as well.
    of course, Nate next year :D there are good things in the future for both of my babies.. especially with Tyler heading to the U! :D :D :D good choice honey! :D
    I love little Jake.. what a fabulous addition to the family <3
    this was so so so so so so so soooooooooooooooooooooooo amazing.. i am definitely in love with this chapter.. not to mention this story.. andd when it ends.. i'll cry all over again :(
    *SIGH* more soon please?? cause i love feeling this heavenly content :D
    <3333 this and you!!!!
    April 28th, 2010 at 09:47pm