Just Like Paradise - Comments

  • mully17

    mully17 (100)

    Omg I love the oshie family!!! They are awesome
    March 16th, 2010 at 12:02am
  • Multi Colored Ranger

    Multi Colored Ranger (100)

    United States
    Omg! Dude, you just made me so happy! I love this!
    March 15th, 2010 at 09:23pm
  • Jon Toews

    Jon Toews (105)

    United States
    so i was beyond confused when i got a notification, i thought mibba was going crazy. But OMG. i flipped out when i saw the sequel! I love it :) So cute, i am so happy you are making a sequel, i love the Oshies :]
    March 15th, 2010 at 08:37pm
  • AlishaIeroVeex

    AlishaIeroVeex (100)

    Loving it already
    : D
    March 15th, 2010 at 08:32pm
  • musiclovr101

    musiclovr101 (100)

    US Minor Outlying Islands
    i <3 Sequels....

    ( OSH CUT HIS HAIR!!! and it looks like a perm.... someone needs to hang out w/ more gay men..... they keep you from making bad decisions such as that.....)

    I really like this so far,,,
    Whats the next step??
    I dont' even know what it could be?
    Another baby?
    Grandkids haha.... hopefully not yet if Tyler and Nate can keep it in their pants and if Abigial can keep her legs closed

    Keep it up
    keep it frequent
    March 15th, 2010 at 08:20pm
  • Lady Looch

    Lady Looch (100)

    United States
    TJ rest his face in his hands as he sat on the other side of the curtain from the dressing rooms, wishing he could disappear. The only one wearing something so revealing in public should be his wife, not his thirteen-year-old daughter.
    i'm pretty sure abbie will be the death of him. oh gawd. he loves that little girl and is so over protective it is ridic!

    “Nope, I can’t do this.” TJ shook his head and stood up.
    hahahaha thata boy teej. just walk away..

    He knew that Brianna was trying to instill morals into their children by not constantly spoiling them, but it irked him that it was his money to spend on his kids and he wanted to spoil the shit out of them.
    god. why do i have to be the good parent all the time teej :p

    turning his hat backwards on his head, revealing a small, gold M on the back of the maroon cap. It was safe to say that it was not particularly TJ’s favorite hat that Tyler would wear, but he often reminded himself that he and Tyler were not the same person.
    GOOO GOPHERS!!!!!!! BAHAHAHAHAHHA! my son has much better taste than his papa :D

    “Sending a group of sixteen year olds to Mexico for spring break is not safe with no chaperones.”
    my kids are not going to SEXICO without an adult.. aka.. with out me.

    “Ty, you know that no means no, listen to your Mom.” TJ said, stealing a piece of fruit from the bowl Brianna was putting together.
    exactly. listen to the parent that knows what she is talking about. NO MEANS NO TYLER!

    “Don’t say it if you don’t mean it, Ma, don’t play with my heart like that.” Tyler narrowed his eyes at her.

    “Oshies!” All three of the men in the Ultimate Athletics store turned their heads to see Brianna standing near the storefront. “Put the skates down and let’s go get something to eat.”
    hahahaha :D yeah. listen to mama osh :D

    TJ asked as he laced his fingers with Brianna’s the same time as Tyler and Abby did the same thing
    adorable <3

    “Boyfriend?!” TJ damn near shouted, eyes growing wide as his already pink cheeks turned a bright red.
    HAHAHAHHAHA. honest to god, this will get me every time :D fucking hilarious

    Nate and Tyler scare away any boys who come near me anyways.
    my poor baby is going to be a nun because of those boys!

    “Bri, leave him alone.” TJ insisted. Brianna gave him a rather pointed look and he immediately silenced up, knowing that the best thing to do at the moment was to keep his big mouth shut.
    timothy dont even act like i cant girl my boys when you can snap at my poor little baby girl! you shut your mouth and eat your dinner.

    “Listen to Dad, Bay.” Nate instructed down the hall, making Abby frown and stick her tongue out at her younger older brother before he could disappear into his room.
    hahahaha whatever nate. we all know you're secretly the devil child

    . TJ’s pupils dilated and felt his heart racing in his chest. It wasn’t just his daughter he was going to have to keep an eye out for.

    Yes, this vacation was going to be more work than play.
    aint that the truth!

    “Yeah keep walking!” TJ called none too happily; that familiar beast from the early years of he and Brianna’s relationship clawing in his chest.
    hahahahahahahhahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh osh! i love you so so much! and i love that beast more than I will EVER admit ;D

    “Can I go?” Abby asked.“No.” TJ replied, not missing a beat. She huffed, lying back down in the sand.
    god. TJ is such a dick when it comes to her. but it is SOOOOO cute to watch him be so over protective of her :D

    However, this vacation was just what TJ needed, he had to take Brianna somewhere relaxing to prepare her to tell his wife what he wanted to be the next step of their relationship.
    aw fuck. what is this moron gonna do!

    oh my god.
    i am SO SO SO happy you decided to do a sequel!
    I love my oshies <3 they are adorable
    seriously. this is amazing. and this comment is freaking long!
    but oh my god. this vacation is going to be epic and i cant wait to see how it all pans out! :D
    more soon please?!?!
    im so happy you posted.. now people besides me will be harassing you for updates! :D yaaay!!!!
    March 15th, 2010 at 07:00pm
  • Lady Looch

    Lady Looch (100)

    United States
    POST! NOW!
    March 5th, 2010 at 05:14am