The World's Clutter - Comments

  • pretty reckless.

    pretty reckless. (100)

    United States
    Oh, my God. laksdjfldjsflksdjflksjf So fuckin' cute. I, honestly, when I gave the tweet to you, thought you would do something like a touring guy who always left his old best friend behind and then he realized how much he missed her and blah blah blah--long story short, this was not what I expected. Moreover, I love how you interpreted the tweet. The descriptions were great and I liked your character, Cory. You gave her personality by saying she liked collecting little nick-nacks (which I thought was a really cute quirk) and just the way your developed her with the dialogue and her side-thoughts.

    And how did you know I liked Halvo?! He was so fuckin' cute, I utterly died.
    I wasn’t sure was my facial features were saying to him, since I couldn’t make up my mind in a decision, but it seemed I had helped give him an answer as his mouth turned into a huge toothy grin. “Have you ever seen New York City?”
    Stunned at this answer I shook my head and eyed him.
    “It’s beautiful. At night, it kind of reminds me of you”
    His answer startled me and yet he carried on, bringing more confusion to my now muddled mind.
    “What about Detroit? There’s this restaurant you’d love. And Chicago too, there’s a lot of people you would get along so well with”
    THIS. My heart melted. He thought of her. Oh, my God, I'm shaking and smiling like a fool. That is the cutest thing in the WORLD.

    There were a few grammar and spelling mistakes, but overall the writing was fab, dear. It was really cute. :)
    March 23rd, 2010 at 03:43am