I Confess... I'm Messed Up - Comments

  • emaciated idol

    emaciated idol (100)

    United States
    I liked it, and I'm excited for an update!
    I got really good imagery out of it, what with the rainy, cloudy day in Chicago; and then Bren standing on a balcony smoking...
    And, I'm excited to see how you'll do the mpreg, because everyone does it differently. So yeah, looking forward to that XD
    Question: So, did he give up smoking? Because it's mentioned, but then he's standing there smoking. Uhhh...yeah. Maybe I'm just dumb :P
    Also, could you maybe make the font a little darker? It was a little hard to read....

    Loved it, and I'm fer sure subscribing right now :-]]]]]]]]]]]
    March 27th, 2010 at 02:29am