Strange Terrain - Comments

  • amyEternal7x

    amyEternal7x (100)

    United States
    So, I just read the four chapters you've posted and I have to say, they are amazing.
    I love this, and I can't wait for more.
    June 21st, 2010 at 11:31am
  • x.Kris.x

    x.Kris.x (100)

    This story is fucking hilarious! Oh man, you write so amazingly well; not that I expected any less from you. But I honestly couldn't read through her humiliation. The emotions you convey are just so powerful it's insane. Even though I -- along with the other readers, I believe -- aren't exactly the same as your lead character, you write her thoughts and feelings in such a way that we can completely empathize with her, rather than just sympathize.

    I would have kicked Brian's ass though. What a jerk! Just like, get out and key his car or something haha. It does sort of bug me that Alex seems to rely so heavily on stereotypes to define herself and her actions, but then again, I can only see if from my background and therefore it would appear different to me. It leaves a lot of room for growth and development with her, and that's certainly something I'm looking forward to reading about.

    I'm throwing down $20 that Naoki likes her. Maybe even asks her out later on in the story. Just putting that out there right now, since Danni's already claimed Brian's balls in a jar :-P Hahaha. I'm really surprised Alex didn't tell them about Brian, but I feel like she may tell Naoki eventually. Not that I don't love both her friends (they're so different they compliment each other so well), but I just feel like Naoki's quiet confidence and friendship would offer a safer retreat for Alex to share that secret. Even though I don't agree with her not telling them in the first place...

    Since I've got money going on this, please update soon! We need to find out what happens! Although I will wait patiently for long chapters. Longer chapters are much more satisfying, and display a much deeper comprehension of not only the story characters, but of writing styles and techniques. Long chapters really allow readers to get emotionally attached and connected to the story and characters, creating an entirely new world for them to delve into. If people can't handle long chapters, perhaps they should go back to reading picture books so they don't get overwhelmed with the incredibly stunning details you put in your story.
    June 14th, 2010 at 08:47pm
  • Aliyah-loves-A7x

    Aliyah-loves-A7x (100)

    United States
    I love this story
    it's so amazingly well written
    I can't say anything bad about
    and I wouldn't want to
    thank you for taking time out to write it
    June 14th, 2010 at 06:42pm
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    man, i really love Casadee and Naoki. they are amazing friends, each totally different in a good way.
    you write the pair amazingly, i must say...
    Gah, Brians a dick!
    *grumble grumble*
    seriously, how can one person harbour that much hate towards another though he knows jack all about her?
    and i love how she kept his secret because she actually values promises, no matter who she makes them with. that is an amazing strength...
    im really loving where this story is heading, and how fast you update these awesome chapters!
    you, my love, are amazing!
    more, please! *gives cutest face possible*
    June 14th, 2010 at 02:46pm
  • saberhagen

    saberhagen (100)

    I LOVE the long chapters! and I definitely love this story.
    Brian is such an ass.
    I wonder how she'll manage to keep that secret, and how long Brian can keep it secret since, according to Suzy, Jimmy pretty much lives there.

    And btw, I love the way you write :D more soon, please?
    June 14th, 2010 at 02:28am
  • Queen of the Clouds

    Queen of the Clouds (4955)

    New Zealand
    wow that second chapter is really huge. is it meant to be that big? could you perhaps shorten it down to make it easier to read?
    June 14th, 2010 at 12:33am
  • Dezi Demize

    Dezi Demize (100)

    United States
    My god! I could kill Brian! What a jerk-off!!! He could've at least turned her down gently instead of laughing in her face and insult her the way he did! I really hope karma comes around and bites him hard in the ass!!!

    Keep up the awesome work and update soon<333
    June 13th, 2010 at 07:37pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    Last night, I had been invited to stay here by the family of my long time crush who rejected me the same day my house was destroyed by a busted water main. It really sounded like the plot to some kind of horrible romantic teen movie but as ludicrous as it sounded, it remained true given that I was in this strange bedroom.

    Aww, no honey, you just wish it was a horrible romantic teen movie. I don't blame you.. who'd have the strength to put up with that all in one day?

    "And don't think that just because we're living together now I'll change my feelings about you. I'm not gonna want to date you," he added sternly.

    Oh, get the fuck over yourself, Brian! Stupid douche.. I hope you feel like a complete idiot later on. Coz you are.

    Oh, honey.. I don't think you could get over him quite that easily. I mean, yes, he was rather harsh and hurt you, but I think there's lingering feelings that you are just in denial of. Especially considering how you noticed the details of seeing his tattoos and muscle definition.. you've still got a thing for him. But I guess now you wish you didn't. haha.

    Is it weird that I find it so totally adorable the way Suzy refers to Gates as Jr? There's just something so endearing and innocent to it... it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. hahahaha.

    The thought of her eskimo kisses as batter transferred from my face to hers was something I cherished now. I truly missed those times.

    =( Poor thing has been through so much in her short life... I hope that once Brian realizes that, he backs off on the asshole trip.

    "My, what a great waitress we've got here. I feel compelled to leave a tip now," he joked as I blushed.

    Bahahaha! That's something I could hear him really saying.. hahaha.

    He smiled at me the same way he had the night before, acting as if there was nothing wrong between us, and let go of my shoulders.

    Argh! Mega super giant king douche of douche-land! You will never get your balls back at this rate... I've since tipped a bit of liquid out. Be afraid!

    Aww.. that's so sweet how Suzy hugs Alex. It's kind of sad that she is only now getting the embrace she has sorely been in need of... I feel so bad for her. The poor girl has been through so damn much and she just buries her feelings so often that it must be hard to ever show much emotion. I want to hug her!

    Casadee was the first one to head straight for me, seizing me into a sudden, tight hug as I stood in place, looking over her shoulder at Naoki in a pleading way. He cracked a small smile with sympathetic eyes and shrugged, silently telling me that there was no way to pry her off of me.

    Aww... at least she has them! Of course she can't be as open with them as she would like with all of her problems, but them showing support for what they do know is something. I'm glad she has that at least =)

    Even if he hated my guts, he still deserved the assurance that my promises meant something to me. I couldn't in all consciousness become a hypocrite to my own word.

    She is far too nice and kindhearted to that ball-less douche. I get that that's just her personality, but he's taking advantage of that and walking all over her. Asshole.

    "No way. He was laughing and joking with the rest of them yesterday after Brian told the story. He can't do that to my best friend and think it's ok," she insisted, her voice still carrying a slight edge.

    Good! You tell them, Cas! And if she feels the need, I have a spare testicle jar she could use to store Zacky's balls, should she decided to castrate him =)

    What? The chapter's over? How did that happen? I was reading along, scrolling down then it wouldn't scroll anymore. Now i'm depressed. I want more! Now! I have no patience when I get into something, as you well know, so be prepared to be hounded until I get more.

    More! More! More! More! More!
    June 13th, 2010 at 05:26pm
  • Aliyah-loves-A7x

    Aliyah-loves-A7x (100)

    United States
    it's happened
    I have fallen in love with this story and it's plot line
    absolutely amazing
    June 8th, 2010 at 08:32pm
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    oh wow!!!
    this was so worth the wait!
    it is purely amazing, and im not just saying that!
    your character descriptions are fucking...amazing! seriously, you make me feel like they are my best friends, not brand new characters i've just met. its an amazing talent you have there missy.
    and geez! i just want to slap Brian so hard right now! douche bag!
    i was so happy he was being all nice to her at band practice and doing a little flirting, then BAM! asshole factor skyrocketed and he was a complete prick!

    but this story is going to be amazing, i can just feel it!
    with your amazing gift of writing, a killer story line and epic chapter lengths, this is definitely a new favourite already!
    seriously can't wait for more!!!!
    June 7th, 2010 at 03:49pm
  • MsSynnieVengeance

    MsSynnieVengeance (100)

    United States
    omg. the second she did that and asked him to pull over i cringed. terrible about what happened to their home.
    June 7th, 2010 at 03:26pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)


    I had the most epic comment written then the fucking window closed. I am so mega pissed off right now. And I'm really sorry, but I can't even remember what I'd said... FUCKING INTERNET!

    God, I'm so pissed. But I'll review from where I'm reading from...

    Oh god.. she's planning on telling him... oh god. I can feel my own stomach flip flopping for her... I wish I could yell at her not to do it! Oh god...

    Oh.. Alex! You poor, innocent and sweet little thing! God... I can't bare to read it! I've got my hands over my eyes as I read her confession.. argh.. a big part of me doesn't want to read his response, but it's like a car crash. I can't not read it....

    I'll get my butcher knife ready.

    ARGH! That fucking ass! He's laughing at her!! What complete and utter douche.. how could you laugh at someone so callously? I wanna beat the shit out of him right now... kick him right where he's balls used to be. Coz you know I've now cut them off and stored them in that little jar. He will have to work so damn hard to get them back... trust me.

    God, he is such a cruel bastard! He just has no heart at all, does he? No understanding of what it's like to be ridiculed and laughed at.. because if he did, he wouldn't be treating her like that. He'd understand the hurt and embarrasment it would cause. Jerk. I hope Casadee at least gives him a good slap across the face for hurting her friend so severely. It's the least the prick deserves. Grrr!

    Well, there's nothing like coming home to your house destroyed to distract you from having your heart stomped on. This has to be the worst day of that poor girls life... I would like to say it can't get any worse, but I know better =(

    I find it a lil strange that she doesn't call Malcom, 'dad'. I mean, if he's all she's ever known as a father, then why doesn't she call him dad? Or is it his choice?

    Ahh! Enter Brian Senior.. who is a hell of a lot nicer than his son. I bet he'd be mighty disappointed in him if he only knew the way he'd treated poor Alex. I hope he knows he might not get grandkids unless his son shapes up.. coz I won't be returning his balls otherwise.

    "I owe you one for posting my bail that one time. It's the least I can do to pay you back," he said.

    Bahahahaha! Well, they really were lil hell raisers, weren't they? hahaha

    "Brian Haner Jr. Nice to meet you," he said kindly. "Welcome to our home. I hope you feel comfortable here," he added, his words spoken with a slight edge.

    OH! That just makes me want to smack the lil bastard even more! Argh!!!! I'm so mad at him! I want to kick him in the butt. And... and.. and shave his head! Yes, that's what I want to do. Shave off all his precious hair... maybe that would wipe the smirk of his stupid face. Grrrr...

    But I can't wait for more! Seriously, I love it and shall hound you day and night for new stuf... just so you know = p
    June 7th, 2010 at 03:06pm
  • Queen of the Clouds

    Queen of the Clouds (4955)

    New Zealand
    wow this seems like it could be really interesting. great first chapter, i love the way you write and put all the words together. you kept my attention for the whole chapter, so congrats lol can't wait for more! :)
    June 7th, 2010 at 10:29am