Strange Terrain - Comments

  • HeatherLH9007

    HeatherLH9007 (100)

    United States
    I love this story so much! I hope you update soon. I'm excited to see how Alex and Brian's relationship goes. You are an incredible writer and I'm so jealous of your talent. :) amazing work.
    January 11th, 2013 at 04:51am
  • cravenista

    cravenista (100)

    United States
    I've officially spent an entire day reading this story, and I am just amazed. This story is awesome, and so greatly written.
    December 25th, 2012 at 12:40am
  • MarriahShadz

    MarriahShadz (100)

    United States
    I've been reading this all afternoon and its so amazing. I really couldn't stop once I started.
    Looking forward to the next chapter.
    December 10th, 2012 at 07:39am
  • helena_88

    helena_88 (100)

    okay seriously.. i just got so sad when i finally finished reading chapter 17.. Mr. Green this story has had me up and reading until after 3(!!!) in the morning(night) for two nights in a row now, stupid me for starting to read late at night and forgetting the time Mr. Green but this story is just so frickin awesome that i just couldn't stop until my eyes just got so teary from being too tired to read Mr. Green

    i just love absolutely everything about this story <3 it's beyond awesome <3 hope you'll update soon <3
    December 9th, 2012 at 04:21pm
  • Moriarty;

    Moriarty; (250)

    United Kingdom
    OK, so I started reading this yesterday and though it’s taken me two days I don’t mind because it’s such a good story!

    Firstly, I think Alex was really hard on herself, because everybody is beautiful-including her! I know what it’s like to be on her end of the spectrum and you learn pretty fast it’s what you think of yourself, not what others think of you. She’s an amazingly written character and I really felt like I was seeing things through her eyes as the story evolved.

    I thought Brian was a douche to start off with, especially after what happened in the car I just wanted to jump into the car and rip his goddamn face off! Nobody messes with Alex- not on my watch. But I liked how he developed all the way through, and that he was super sweet to Alex at Disney, that was the cutest chapter I’ve ever read. It was literally like THERE ARE FEELINGS EVERYWHERE!

    Zacky’s romantic gesture in the cafeteria, Jesus that was beautiful. At that point I was just going, Zacky get out of the story and into my bed please. He’s obviously really in love with Casadee- and that in itself just reminds me of a couple I know. Adorable-ness everywhere.

    The sick bits as well were so cute, especially when Brian was sad that Alex left him when he was ill. I think those parts were so well written, it reminded me of two newlywed parents, especially with Alex looking after Mckenna.

    I KNEW IT! I knew Jimmy didn’t have ‘candy’ he had drugs! I was a little suspicious there…never trust a man who gives you candy to feel better. And Brian’s being a jerk, because of course he’s in love with her, that bitch Madison is just manipulating everything.

    He’s acting like he’s embarrassed to be seen with her- JESUS BRIAN GROW A PAIR ALREADY AND ACT LIKE A MAN!
    I’m only on Chapter 12, so I’m gonna leave another comment when I finish this, but for now, up to the part I’ve gotten to, I’m utterly in love with this story. Incredibly written, I think you are one of the most talented writers I’ve ever had the pleasure to read a story by.

    December 9th, 2012 at 02:12pm
  • gothique4

    gothique4 (100)

    I just found this story today and read it in one sitting - it's now after midnight but I couldn't stop reading.

    I just love Alex but the poor thing is so hard on herself. She's a wonderful caring beautiful girl, and who cares if she is a bit of a nerd who loves anime and gets straight A's.

    I've loved the journey that she's taken and how she's opened herself up a bit more and is getting on so well with the guys.

    I feel a bit sorry for Naoki, but I have a feeling that Brian has even more competition as I'm fairly sure that Matt is quite interested in her as well.

    Oh god, Jimmy and Johnny in bed together was just hilarious. I can't wait to see what happens when those two wake up in each other's arms lol.

    Whoo hooo, I knew that Brian had feelings for her - it certainly explains how jealous he got whenever any of the guys interacted with her. Will be interesting to see what happens now that he's told her.

    Can't wait to read more!
    December 7th, 2012 at 02:23pm
  • Scorpianram99

    Scorpianram99 (100)

    United States
    love that she finally with brian and it totally up to you were you go with the story but i feel like a little more flirty from matt would be fun, but that me just wanting more drama hahaha
    November 18th, 2012 at 06:34am
  • bam_dilligaf

    bam_dilligaf (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Please update! This story is so amazing and so believable, I hope you update soon! xx
    November 13th, 2012 at 12:05am
  • ChristinaZomby

    ChristinaZomby (100)

    United States
    Holy shit, so glad it finally happened.
    October 23rd, 2012 at 04:06am
  • saberhagen

    saberhagen (100)

    i was literally shaking while reading these new chapters.
    like, i got goosebumps.

    asdfghjkl, i'm speechless. but thank you for this, and welcome back! <3
    October 2nd, 2012 at 02:11am
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    Naw, poor Naoki. And poor Alex... it's not like she meant to hurt him. The girl couldn't hurt a damn fly for god sake! But unfortunately she can't help the way that she feels. I also feel kind of sorry for Casadee, too. I mean, she's stuck in the middle coz they're two of her very close friends and she can't do anything to help them. It's quite the little mess right now, but I'm sure it'll blow over eventually... once Naoki has had some time to get passed his feelings for her. At least, I hope so.

    Aww! Her reminiscence of her birthdays before her mothers death was so sad. She truly was a very loving and caring mother, which just makes it even sadder that poor Alex lost her so young. I certainly don't blame her for wanting to spend her birthdays alone, but she needs to make a new tradition... one that honors her mother, but also celebrates the day she was brought into the world. She needs to make it a happy day.. everyone deserves a happy day on their birthday... that's why they say "Happy birthday".. duh!

    Man, this girl is way too hard on herself. Her outfit doesn't seem that geeky to me.. it sounds quite cute. Maybe not as sexy as Casadee's, but I'm not sure how Alex would pull off "sexy" when she's so introverted and down on herself. She needs to learn to fake it... considering most of the confident people are doing just that, she'd fit right in. Hahaha.

    "So where is my no-good, directionally challenged boyfriend this evening?"

    Bahahaha! Considering he's so bad at directions, it's lucky he was even there at all. Though I suppose the rest of the guys knew better than to let him drive. Hahaha.

    At first, I thought he was talking to someone else but when I glanced around me, I realized that there was no one else seated nearby.

    Hahaha, she's so cute! Though I must admit that I'm similar in that I know I'd do the same thing if someone spoke to me in a bar or club... coz you don't want to make yourself look stupid by replying when they weren't speaking to you. Talk about embarrassing.

    "What guy?" Johnny asked. "I'll kick his ass!"

    Hahaha! He's so cute, her little knight in shining armor... who would probably need a step ladder to get up on his horse Wink

    "Wait until you see my gift! It'll make you fall in love with me," Johnny smiled,

    Bahaha! He just won't give up, will he? I think he'd probably have no idea what to do if she ever turned around and told him she wanted him... he'd probably stutter out some excuse about not wanting to ruin their friendship. Hahaha.

    Whoa, Jimmy! Getting way to fresh for the poor young girl! She's just gotten over experiencing her first wanted kiss... bit too soon for her to handle unwanted drunken kisses. He'll scare her off ever wanting to kiss anyone again... Hahaha. At least Matt's around to save her once again... now he's a knight in shining armor that doesn't even need a horse coz he is part horse... well, at least he's supposedly hung like one. Hahaha.

    "Oh no! I've killed my beer!"

    "Fat ass? My ass isn't fat, is it?" he asked seriously, trying to look at his butt over his shoulder. "Alex, my ass isn't fat, is it?" he asked me.

    "Alex, did you know that you're awesome to cuddle? So warm and comfy… I bet Bri's gonna be so jealous of me now…"

    LMAO! Oh, Jimmy... how I love thee! Drunken or not, the boy is entertaining!

    "No Mommy, I don't need the graham crackers… just the marshmallows…" Jimmy mumbled to himself, nuzzling his head on Johnny's chest.

    "Mmm, that's nice Pam. You're skin is just so soft…" Johnny mumbled in response, turning his head towards Jimmy.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh my god, that's just too funny.... you right drunken sleep talking so well. Oh... my face hurts from laughing.

    "I wound up with some of your clothes when I pulled stuff from the dryer,"

    Hmm, for some reason I don't believe him... I reckon they had more than an inkling they'd be staying the night in Phoenix and he was uncharacteristically thoughtful and grabbed some sleeping clothes for her... that's what I reckon Wink

    I hated that my past feelings for him might be coming back after I had decided to give up that ghost long ago.

    Aww, honey, they never really went away... they were simply just buried in a very shallow grave. One that he's been digging at since you stepped foot into his house.

    "Well I hope you'll accept one tonight," he said, causing me to look at him quizzically. "Though I do need you to come over here so I can give it to you," he said, patting the spot next to him on the bed.

    Call me dirty minded, but that totally sounded like a proposition to me! It's good thing she's as innocent as she is or she would've thought the same and freaked the fuck out. Hahaha.

    "So I need you to trust me a little bit," he said, revealing one of Suzy's scarves from behind his back.

    And the dirty assumptions continue... Wink

    I love Lullaby... it's such a hauntingly beautiful song. It's probably one of my all time favourite songs, for sure. It's a very sweet gift that Brian has given, it's so thoughtful to not only take the time to figure out her favourite songs, but to then go to the effort of learning and recording them for her is just incredibly sweet.

    And finally he's realised how he really feels about her! And the way he told her as so cute. I love that she was speechless, because who the hell could blame her? He's certainly got his work cut out for him when it comes to really proving to her that he's sincere and not just setting her up for a fall.

    As they say, once bitten, twice shy...
    September 16th, 2012 at 09:02pm
  • Freakie.Frenchi

    Freakie.Frenchi (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    wow! Wonderful writing! you have completely inspired me to get back to writing again!
    September 16th, 2012 at 05:17pm
  • Scorpianram99

    Scorpianram99 (100)

    United States
    awesome awesome awesome
    no it better than awesome
    and yes finally haha was so excited to read that :)
    can't wait for more and looking forward to reading you m shadows story
    September 15th, 2012 at 08:52pm
  • HeatherLH9007

    HeatherLH9007 (100)

    United States
    I loved the update! I'm glad Brian and Alex are moving in the direction of getting together. I will patiently be waiting for the next update to see what happens with them. :)
    September 15th, 2012 at 12:34am
  • naturalbornsynner

    naturalbornsynner (100)

    United States
    How do you write so beautifully? Jesus! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE how you write, even though I have to go google some words. (lol, hey, at least I'm learning something new!) Great update, hope to see another one soon. Eek, they kissed! asdfghjkl;!
    September 14th, 2012 at 08:51pm
  • SamanthaxSurrender

    SamanthaxSurrender (100)

    United States
    I'm so happy that you're back to writing this story. I missed it while you weren't writing. :( Please try to update soon! <3
    September 14th, 2012 at 04:48pm
  • Jimmy.Sullivan

    Jimmy.Sullivan (100)

    United States
    I have no idea how many times I cried while reading this. This is amazing.
    September 14th, 2012 at 04:34pm
  • Meganator

    Meganator (100)

    United States
    I've missed this story so much :( im so happpy it backk
    September 2nd, 2012 at 12:15am
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    Well, it's been a while... but I'm gonna do our old trick of commenting whilst reading. So here we go! *cracks knuckles*

    Aww, it's sweet that Casadee wanted to prepare and dress Alex for her date. Although I expect nothing less, coz it is Casadee, after all. She likes to play a somewhat mothering sort of role to Alex... which is nice, since she needs female influence from somewhere.

    Even though Casadee made a good point that I was going out with Naoki, it was just the prospect of changing our friendship was a little alarming, especially when I had never thought about him in such a way before.

    I wonder if that means she still kind of doesn't seem him that way... I mean, sure she's going on the date, but she kind of already agreed to it before she realised it was a date. But I suppose it's good she's giving it a chance... she's taking a risk and even though that's not like her, it's a good kind of risk. So she's growing... hahaha.

    Bahaha! Casadee took a picture... she's such a mum!

    Was it all part of his grand master plan to humiliate me further or did he really mean it?

    Whilst I understand her not wanting to get her hopes up, he has given her more than enough reason to assume that it isn't contempt that the boy is feeling for her. I mean, he managed to steal her first kiss away from Naoki... without him even realising it. And whilst it's said that a first kiss isn't all that important... it's rare for a person to ever forget it. So he will always hold that title with her over anyone else.

    The thought of Naoki being her first kiss really pissed me off for some reason so I had to intervene.

    HA! See?! I was right! hahaha

    "No! She's supposed to be with me!" Johnny whined, kicking the edge of the couch.

    Naww! That's just too cute... poor lil Johnny. He missed out. Hahaha.

    Hahaha, Matt's all Mr. Observer and has definitely figured out Brian's feelings before even Brian will admit them to himself. I'm sure he'll have lots of fun at his friends expense... which is rightfully so. Brian wants to act like a dick, then he's gonna be treated like one. Silly boy.

    Bahaha! I love Jimmy and his casual acceptance that yeah, he will take credit for whatever Zacky gets Alex for her birthday and then having the balls to tell him to make it a good gift. Priceless. hahaha.

    I also think it's adorable that there's not even a slight question in Brian's mind that he should get her a gift as well. Yes, he explains it away as him making up for the shitty way he treated her, but we all know there's more to it than that. I bet his gift is the most thoughtful and sweet gift she gets from anyone Wink

    Even Jimmy agrees with me, so I must be right! Cool

    Aww, I actually feel a little bad for Naoki. I mean, he's a nice guy and he genuinely likes her, so it's a little sad that she doesn't feel the same way. He also seems very disappointed that he didn't get to be her first kiss... which is cute, in a way. But it seems pretty clear that although she likes him, she doesn't quite like him enough. And he does deserve someone who will return his feelings wholeheartedly.

    Well, the poor girl has gone from being invisible to the opposite sex, to being caught between two completely different guys who would both be right for her in her own way. It's always the way, romance can never just be simple, there's always complications. Maybe she should just blow them all off and hook up with Matt... at least she'd have a good time Wink

    Can't wait for more! Bring it! Hahaha.
    September 1st, 2012 at 06:14pm
  • bam_dilligaf

    bam_dilligaf (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Oh wow I'm so happy you updated. Naoki and Alex's date was so awkward cute! I hope it doesn't take you another year to update, I did a double take when I saw the story had been updated in my inbox haha I did enjoy reading this chapter cos I like the story development but I do understand when you say its not up to par with rest of your chapters on this but don't over think it cos it'll make you not wanna write. You can always edit chapters in the future if you're inspired to change or alter them. I'd just like to finish this off by saying that I love this story so much and I can't wait until you can update again :)
    September 1st, 2012 at 06:11pm