These Mistakes You've Made, You'll Just Make Them Again - Comments

  • Just working my way through xD

    The first thing I'll say is I found the background pretty hard going =/ I had to highlight the text to read it properly. That might just be my eyes, but as Sheen said in your other story, if someone has to highlight the text to read it, chances are they might not bother.

    At first, I can almost see his name, splashed across the lit screen, under caller ID. My spirits drop when I see it's not his name, and they stoop even further when I read whose name it is.

    I liked this bit =] It's so true, when you're desperate to hear from somebody, you tend to see them everywhere. I thought this was very effective.

    This was beautiful, though. The way you worked the song in was so brilliantly done, it really, really was. It wasn't too over bearing yet it wasn't too subtle. It just lifted the story up in a brilliant way. I really love this. It's so tragic, but Alex is such a strong character at the same time. Beautiful.
    May 24th, 2010 at 02:34pm
  • You won Second Place in my contest!!! Let me know which stories you wanted me to check out and comment on!!!!
    March 29th, 2010 at 11:48pm
  • I love, love, love it.

    So sad, and so beautiful, and yeah.

    I listened to the song while I was reading, and it makes it so much more powerful.
    March 20th, 2010 at 05:29pm
  • Wow that was great. I love that song so much. I love how the story flowed so well with the lyrics. I'm listening to the song now. lol

    A little tip, you used things like "she said" or "she sighed" if you used something a little different like "she wiped a tear from her cheek" after the statement, it give the sentence a much more powerful meaning.
    March 20th, 2010 at 06:47am
  • I loved the way you made the lyrics into the story. Very cool. Glad you enter the contest!
    March 19th, 2010 at 03:21pm