I'm Not Sorry - Comments

  • stallion ducky;

    stallion ducky; (100)

    United States
    First of all, just so you know, the italics codes didn't work in the summer. (:
    But that's okay, I got what you were doing with it, haha.

    Anyway. There were a couple small grammar mistakes. But nothing too big or too annoying that would make me not like or not want to read this entry. Because I did read it, from beginning to end, and I did like it.
    “Look...maybe, you’re too in over our heads here. Maybe this isn’t meant to be.
    ^It should say: "Maybe, WE'RE too in over our heads here."
    It was only a few things like that, or present/past tense issues. But other than that, it was really good.
    OH. And I REALLY loved The Littler Mermaid analogy. That was cute and made me smile. (:
    I also teared up at the end. Maybe it is because I have a relative in heaven now who left me a letter similar to that and I actually wrote a response, too. I'm not sure. But it's ironic and that really, REALLY made me want to cry. But in a good way. Your entry was the only one that made me tear up. (:

    Good luck in my contest!
    March 21st, 2010 at 02:26pm