The House Dog - Comments

  • rosewater tide.

    rosewater tide. (130)

    United States
    One Shot For One Shot

    This was an amazing story.
    I especially loved how it was told from the view point point of the dog.
    That was brilliant.

    You are very, very descriptive- and use all of the senses.
    It's more than "painting a picture," it's more like actually standing there.
    And it's nice to see it all from the dog's perspective, and feel what Spot was feeling and thinking what Spot was thinking.
    You know what I mean.. I hope.

    I really liked the whole plot of this, and how it was all really quite smooth and flawless.
    No grammatical errors at all, which makes it that much better.

    I loved it.
    Great job.
    March 29th, 2010 at 04:23am
  • Adam Lazzara.

    Adam Lazzara. (100)

    I really liked how you used the dog's POV in this story.
    It was simple which I like, I don't like to read over-detailed stories.

    It was really unique and quite sad. Though I didn't tear up.
    Nice job.
    March 28th, 2010 at 07:35pm
  • silk tea.

    silk tea. (400)

    United States
    One Shot for One Shot

    Wow. This has got to be one of the more unique stories I've read on this site. That tends not to make much of an impact on sites like this usually. There's only sparkling vampires, mushy romances, and fanfictions. But, not a dog fic.

    But it was incredibly sad. I'm one of those people who rarely cry for humans but bawl my eyes out for animals. So currently I'm a bit teared up. I can't even name an animal movie that I haven't cried in. Now, I've never really read any sad books about them but this made me want to go love the animal.

    I'm currently hugging my puppy right now as I type this. My dad makes my puppy speak in all 'r's so I was expecting this to be like "Rhen ri ras..." I'm glad you didn't do that. Haha.

    Otherwise, great writing great, great story.
    March 27th, 2010 at 12:14am
  • Odysseus

    Odysseus (100)

    United States
    One Shot for One Shot

    I love stories written in animal's POV, but I especially liked this one because the dog was really intelligent and witty. It was really refreshing to read Cute

    Most people believe I am stupid; a dim creature that will bend to commands and empty promises. And maybe they are not completely off in their assumptions; I am a beast without a voice, who bows for bread but will accept the crumbs. I am simple, I will admit, and there is no place for greed in modesty.

    That was an awesome way to start the story. It really sucked me into the story and it was insanely intriguing. I especially loved the phrase, "How many years my soul has embraced the air." It's a very different way to phrase it, and to think about it. That got me really thinking.

    The imagery was amazing, you see on Mibba a lot of visual description, but I love that you incorporated all of the five senses with description, like: "The scent of rubber scraping against asphalt, the ugly sound of a tire’s swerve and then pain, limbs succumbing to something much heavier than bone; all of this I remember. And I can picture the fateful night as clearly as the ocean had once reflected the sky." That was really good.

    I adored the way you described their house, I like that you described it the way a dog would kind of see it, but also with feelings instead of just images. Instead of saying, say, "The house was old and white and a bit run-down" you gave feelings, kinda, that made people assume the way it look. I really can't explain it, but you kinda understand, right?

    The emotional level in which you wrote it was very very strong. I felt sorry for the boy and the dog and I grew really attached to both of them. I was extremely sad when he kicked his dog, that was horrible.

    The ending was really powerful and beautiful and sad. I can't really think of a good word to describe it. Maybe melancholy, perhaps? Kinda like the long sad sigh that you have after you've been crying for a while. That's how the ending felt. It was sad and horrible, but I loved it. It was very good, very beautiful. Well done Smiley
    March 25th, 2010 at 10:37pm
  • LaughterHidesThings

    LaughterHidesThings (115)

    There was his face, hard and wasted but so very young. A boy with a soul that reeked of anger and rot, yet with enough heart to handle something broken.

    I loved this line for some reason. :) This was a really powerful oneshot, and was really sad at the end. Well done!:)
    March 25th, 2010 at 12:02am
  • morsmordre.

    morsmordre. (100)

    Well, that was a very interesting piece. You write amazing emotion, that actually made me tear up a bit. I absolutely adore when stories make me feel something, it's great to know what words can really do to a person. :3

    You're descriptions are also really lovely. Great descriptions and emotion are the key to my heart. In Love

    I found that this was a simple yet detailed read, if that makes any sense to you at all.

    'I do not live by years, but by memories'

    Okay, that line was pretty much beautiful. I loved it.

    'No, (How I wish to speak, how I wish the words would come to me.) you have.'

    That was a perfect ending line. It said so much with so little words.
    I really love your writing. (:
    March 24th, 2010 at 10:09pm