Bound to You - Comments

  • loved the update
    July 31st, 2010 at 04:51am
  • WHAT IS THIS? D: You confuse me with all this suspense! XD

    I'm so confused and at a loss with whatever the heck Sean is doing. Leana is falling into his trap? Whaaa? D: NOOOO! I won't allow it. Unless... His trap is using her to call the guys so he can find out where they are and plan an attack? What an evil bastard! Down with Sean! I really can't stand how certain he is of everything. Like he can predict the future or something. I'm gonna slap that smug little grin off of his face one day, and he won't see that coming! Gah. That man just gets under my skin.

    Moving on to Leana's story, I'm glad she hasn't called the guys yet and knows in her mind that Sean has done something with the phone. At the least, I think she could call 411 or something to find out where she is. (can you even do that?) However, I'm completely against her using the phone to call the others. That is just a bad idea. Well, I mean... it's smart in a sense. She has the high risk of getting caught again and killed, and then Sean would win completely because the others wouldn't know about Michelle. Gah. I'm just as confused with the whole situation as Leana is. XD I think she just needs to keep running and never look back, no matter how tired she gets. She needs to find somewhere that isn't within Sean's reach and then use a payphone or something. Unless Sean has some sort of tracker on her... JUST RUN, LEANA! :O

    But, still going off of Leana's story... I KNEW IT! :D Sean, you aren't as sneaky as you think! I know your rotten little tricks. >:) Sleuth Cassie on the case. I knew Leigh had to be an experiment of some sort. Although I'm curious if she knows that she was an experiment? I mean, she's already made it clear that she knows she isn't human. Hmm. So maybe she is aware of what Sean did to her? If so, why did she keep that from Matt? ...To save her own skin I guess. Still don't like Leigh. XD I mean, I feel bad for her, but she is just causing too many problems. She should never be turned into a vampire, because that is beyond wrong. Leana is right, she may not be a threat, but she's dangerous. And it's dumb to risk changing her just to heal her wounds, seeing as she can't die anyways. I'd just give her some Tylenol and kick her out the door. XD

    Moving on to the complex... YES! I'm so happy that they decided that the both of them need to be cleared first. Even though poor Brian is innocent, he kind of deserves to be kicked out for short notice. I mean, he made a dumb move by turning Michelle without the others' consent anyways. Then again, he does love Michelle more than his own life even though she's a treacherous snake. I hope they sniff out all of Michelle's lies and deceit. But then again, they might not know what to do with her once they see she's been turned. GAH! Screw you, Michelle. You traitorous scalawag.

    Here's where I get kind of sad again. I mean, Eliza is right, everyone is falling apart. It's so sad to watch this happen. I mean, everything was so nice and somewhat simple in the beginning and now their life is a chaotic mess. And once they find out about Leana and Michelle and Leigh, everything will just come crashing down. Jimmy will do anything in his power to get to Leana, weakening him and putting him out there for Sean to take. Johnny will freak out about Leigh when he finds out that she's an experiment and will probably try his best to still save her, no matter what -making her dangerous side come out if he decides to change her. Val and Brian will crumble if they find out Michelle is a lying nasty-nasty. And not to mention, there will be hell to pay when they find out Michelle's been turned.

    Ugh. Such a suspenseful, gut-wrenching, sad, and unpredictable story you've got here. I mean, how did the story start with Eliza at work and end up like this? XD This is just so chaotic and... I can't even describe it. I can't wait to see what will happen next. And I can't wait until the day when Bat Country kicks Sean's ass into next week. Sheesh. What a dumb man Sean is. He just makes me so angry. Shiver me timbers. D:< XD

    As usual, I absolutely cannot wait to see what will happen next and I will be on the edge of my seat until the next update. :D Keep it up! :D
    July 31st, 2010 at 03:56am
  • I feel bad for Brian. But Michelle can rot for all I care. Val is thinking with her emotions way too much. And leanna, she needs to call zack. Like now.
    July 31st, 2010 at 03:54am
  • wow, that was a good chapter,lolz can't wait for more! lolz
    July 31st, 2010 at 03:33am
  • I need to catch up on commenting these wonderful updates, don't I? :D

    Okay, first off, I really love the fact that Leana is still kicking it. I was so relived when I heard she was still alive. And so happy. I mean, now Jimmy can be happy again! :D And not to mention, I'm so glad she escaped. Hopefully she can run back to the others, even though she is horribly far away from them, most likely. And I'm kind of worried about her making the cell phone call. For all we know, Sean could have trackers on the phone and have the lines tapped or something. :( And we don't need him finding everyone! D:

    You suck miserably, I want to add. XD I thought Eliza was the sneaky little devil at first, so I was freaking out. I wanted to pull Zacky out of the story and take him away from her evil-ness. But when Leana spilled out the truth, I felt a huge weight lift off of my stomach. One, because I like Eliza way too much for her to be evil and two, Michelle isn't really a big character, so I'm fine with her being the bad one. Although, I want to punch my wall right now because stupid Brian made her a vampire! >:( I know he had no clue, but he could have... I don't know... waited or something. Because now dumb Michelle has what she wants. >:( Like I said, I want to punch a wall. I need a bowl of Captain Crunch. XD

    I feel really bad for Bri and Val, though. I mean, Michelle is so close to them and it must feel awful to be betrayed by someone so dear to you. Then again, that goes for everyone in the group who has been betrayed. It's going to be really hard when they learn the truth. :( That is, if they believe the truth. They might think Leana is just another trap or something. Who knows? Suspenseful! XD As I've said in another comment before, I'm always on the edge of my seat.

    Which leads me back to Leigh. I really want to know what the heck she is. O.o I wonder if she's like a werewolf or something? XD I mean, there is no way she could still be alive right now if she were just human. And Matt is right, who knows what would happen if she was turned? Sorry Johnny, but I hope Leigh dies in her sleep. XD She is just too big of a worry to the guys when they already have so much on their plate. I still don't like her. D:< I hope the guys do something about her, because she really needs a kick in the butt... again.

    Sean has a son? D: Since when? Man, this guys certainly gets around, doesn't he? I pull the man-whore card! XD However, I wonder what exactly is going on with his son. Why isn't his son with him? Who is the mother? Well, I can't quite recall if we found out who the mother is or not, but whoever it is... ew. I feel sorry for that woman. XD And what is it with the whole hostage thing in the basement? I really think Sean was conducting experiments on people or something, y'know? Which might explain why Leigh is "different." :O I think I figured something out! XD If Sean was playing mad scientist, maybe he did something to Leigh, which is why she isn't human! Then again, that guess was kind of out of no where. XD And knowing me, it's far from right.

    Anyways, my favorite song on the record... well, that's a tough one! I'd have to say Victim, Fiction, Danger Line, and Save Me are my favorites, even though all the songs are beyond amazing.

    And my favorite line in the chapter? Hmm... Well, I don't have a favorite line, more like a favorite paragraph.
    Leana couldn’t let that happen. She needed to put an end to the plan before it started, or Bat Country was doomed. They would all be dead if Michelle got away with this. That wasn’t an option in Leana’s book.

    I love it because it shows Leana's dedication to Bat Country. Also, it shows us just how great of a character she is. She is willing to do anything to keep the ones she loves safe and this paragraph really tells us that. That's why I love Leana. :)

    Moving on, and closing this long comment up, I really love what you've created so far and I can't wait to see what unfolds next! :D You have major talent and I'm envious of that. :)
    July 31st, 2010 at 12:01am
  • Hey (:
    I'm a new subcriber!
    I finally got caught up and my favorite line in the chapter was the advice that matt gave leana about using size to her advantage!
    I haven't heard many songs from the new album but i do like the song Nightmare.
    July 30th, 2010 at 06:44pm
  • my favorite line from this update would be matt's saying he told leana.
    and my favorite song so far from the new album would be god hates us. don't knoe why but it just calls out to me
    more soon please
    July 30th, 2010 at 07:40am
  • Jimmy. She loved him more than anything in the world; he was her absolute everything. Without Jimmy, she had no doubt that she’d be dead by now.

    Fiction and God Hates Us

    " Not that I could
    Or that I would
    Let it burn
    Under my skin,
    Let it burn."

    His voice is so raw and beautiful.
    July 29th, 2010 at 07:16pm
  • Oh my god! Go leana! And my fave song on the album is Welcome to the Family. She should just call zack as she's running.
    July 29th, 2010 at 09:00am
  • OH fuck I did get my birth years wrong!!...And now I see how I was right and wrong at the same time. DAYMN!

    She escaped! Hells yeah! I like when you write action scenes. They come out action packed. :D

    Leana should climb up a tree to rest for safety reasons and then call Zacky! And although Eliza isn't the one to be blamed, I still don't like her. She's quite a bitch (sorry for the choice of words).

    I haven't been able to listen to the entire album a few times so I can't tell you which song I like the most. So far, it has to be Fiction because I cried and the song is so soulful and emotional.
    July 29th, 2010 at 08:44am
  • favourite line in the chapter: he tapped his fingertips together in what he knew was an intimidating fashion to the young man.

    I don't know why :D
    my fave song in the new album: So Far Away.
    Fave lyrics: Time still turns the pages of the book it's burned :D
    July 29th, 2010 at 07:20am
  • loved the update
    July 29th, 2010 at 03:10am
  • Something wasn't right about the escape. There seemed to be few people on guard around the property. We're the two men she took down normal humans or vampires? A man in general should have been able to beat her pretty badly considering how small she was.

    I totally called the Michelle part!

    I have a feeling that now that she's escaped into the fields that Sean is going to be calling out his hounds. It's time for a little vampire hunting practice. Maybe Sean will train his baby soldiers to hunt enemies using Leana.
    July 29th, 2010 at 03:01am
  • Fiction. I love that song. Anyway, awesome update =)
    July 29th, 2010 at 01:13am
  • wow.

    Michelles a bitch.
    July 29th, 2010 at 12:38am
  • I'm so happy Leana isn't gone!!!!!!
    July 28th, 2010 at 11:59pm
  • OMG SHE ISNT DEAD!!!! OMG MICHELLE TRIED TO KILL HERSELF!? wtf. You're trying to give me a heartattack lol
    July 27th, 2010 at 07:43am
  • :D She isn't dead! Now, can we keep it that way?

    I think Eliza is the spy. She had sworn her love to the foruth oldest member of Bat Country? That's Zack. I did think it was Michelle at first, and it might still be but Brian isn't the fourth oldest, unless I'm completely off with my birth years.

    I don't like Matt for doing that shit to Leigh. She seems like a shady character, but what the hell. -_- And I still don't like Eliza for speaking that way to Leigh. I like Leigh even though she knows things she shouldn't. This may be because Johnny is my favorite member of the band and I'm biased.
    July 26th, 2010 at 08:19am
  • oh no! michelle is a traitor!? and leigh is.... well, untrustworthy i'd say :) poor leana, i hope she gets out and that eliza and zacky are all good :D
    July 26th, 2010 at 12:42am
  • o:
    i loved the update!!
    July 25th, 2010 at 02:31pm