Broken Hero. - Comments

  • So, I know nothing about whatever show/movie/whatever Dean is from. I'm pretty behind on the times, it would appear.

    But I like your writing a lot. This like was my favorite: Those emerald eyes were covered by shadows, and the way his orifice moved it was clear he was fighting back a confession.

    I like that the person of whose view you were writing from wasn't impressed by his modeling agent thing and that she's different from other girls.

    Great job!
    December 22nd, 2010 at 03:59pm
  • Okay since i don't watch supernatural, I can't say I know much about Dean Winshester, but WOW i loved your description of him!
    And like everyone I absolutely loved this line That boy is a fragile structure held together by a fake smile despite his confidence It's just so beautiful!
    This piece was an amazing read!
    You are an amazing writer!
    October 23rd, 2010 at 03:03pm
  • That cocky laugh of confidence, that cheeky smile which always made my own lips turn upright despite my mood and the puppy dog eyes that made my heart melt to just a puddle. < I love how you describe him! It's sooooooo good :) A lot of people probably told you already, but.. YOU'RE AMAZING AT WRITING. And I pretty much agree with everyone else.. Don't edit D: It's perfect as is.. It's raw, intense, and straight to the point. It's simple without dialogues, but the paragraphs that talked about Dean and the girl was enough to satisfy me.

    That boy is a fragile structure held together by a fake smile despite his confidence. < Like everyone... I love this line. It's just wonderful to read over and over again.

    So many dark secrets tearing at his confidence, the connection from his mind to his lips is severed to prevent the skeletons in his closet from consuming everybody around to him. He prefers it this way, it’s a lame attempt at keeping each person he keeps in his heart safe. < And again.. Another paragraph that's just raw. It just goes with the line up there with the whole deception of Dean's smile. And it is like that because Dean hides what he truly feels through sarcasm/crude humor. You got his personality spot-on once again. Kudos to you :D

    He may put on an act, he may smile at everyone, laugh and flirt with anything in a skirt but it’s all just to make him forget the horrific things he’s seen throughout his life. < Okay, I giggled at that line flirt with anything in a skirt ~ Aha, Ohhh Dean :)

    Out of everyone I have met, he is the bravest one of them all, but he is also the most cowardly towards life. He is stunning with an ugly background tearing at his soul. He is sunshine on a rainy day, but the reminder that there is bad weather on the horizon. I love this narrator. She's so insightful and she really knows him well. Well, of course, she got him to spill what Dean's been trying to spill. And it's wonderful how they share that connection... Blow off some tension for Dean~ I wonder who this narrator is.. A past loved one? Just a one-night stander?

    He is a broken hero fighting to keep those thoughts away. Again.. Another amazing one-line ending.
    July 24th, 2010 at 01:53pm
  • This is beautiful, Vee.
    I agree with Vicky - don't edit!
    It's simply perfect the way it is.

    I love how you describe Dean in the summary.
    "That boy is a fragile structure held together by a fake smile."
    It's too true and such a beautiful description.

    Great job XD.
    [I fail at commenting, so don't mind this sucky ass comment]
    April 6th, 2010 at 11:56pm
  • This is simply amazing. It's worded really beautifully and the imagery is gorgeous. I have no idea who the character is but you made me want to know him because of the way he's described.
    "He is sunshine on a rainy day, but the reminder that there is bad weather on the horizon."
    Cheese This basically floored me, it's pure gold, seriously.
    Really, really good job.
    April 6th, 2010 at 12:29am
  • Everything you write is pretty much amazing so I had no doubt this would be great :)
    April 4th, 2010 at 05:15pm
  • I loved it, especially the title. I have a thing for good titles.
    It had a really nice flow and your choice of words was perfect, like none of them seemed out of place at all.
    In regards to your Authors Note; don't edit this, it's actually amazing D:
    March 31st, 2010 at 01:54pm
  • DEAN<3

    I loved this, but then again, I love everything you write.
    But I especially love this.

    I hope you enjoyed yet another fail story comment from me. XD
    March 27th, 2010 at 05:22pm