Smoke Screen - Comments

  • jared leto

    jared leto (100)

    United States
    Happy face

    That's amazing Tara.
    You are indeed a skilled writer.
    I literally felt like I was there with them.
    You are awesome Sempai.
    March 30th, 2010 at 10:23pm
  • skank.

    skank. (200)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Yayyayyay Gazeporn~ tehe

    I loveloveloved it. It flowed really nicely, and there was that touch of realism in the narration which always makes first person stories a lot easier to get sucked into. (I'm generally a fan of third person nowadays, so it makes a difference for me to read and enjoy a first person story tehe).

    I liked the little tibits of personality of both of them that shone through this, too, even though this was only a short piece. And of course, it was hot. Happy face

    Favourite lines:
    He sighed, bringing the almost non-existant cigarette back to his lips. Message received.
    Something about the last line made me giggle, probably because it sounded a little sarky, and I love that sort of thing. XD

    I heard a dissatisfying sound from his mouth. "Seems you're broken, seeing as you won't moan for me," he murmured against my neck, moving upward until his lips were a millimeter away from mine. "Looks like I'll have to fix you, then."
    I could picture this perfectly in my mind, and damn, it's a hot image.

    All n' all, t'is awesome. :D
    March 30th, 2010 at 10:14pm
  • the fallen.

    the fallen. (100)

    United States
    Happy face Geez, Tara!

    You have that magic touch with stories Weird
    I love how sexy this was; especially the last sentence Happy face
    I saw him smirk, his lust-filled eyes liking what he was seeing before he kissed me again. His kisses were as soft as feathers, compared to what he did with his hips. Oh God. I gasped and shuddered at the contrasts, bucking into him when he'd grind into me. My legs were growing weak and I unwrapped myself from him, his hands moving to my hips, fingering at the belt buckle and shirt I had on.
    I literally squealed at this part tehe

    I LOVED IT!~
    March 28th, 2010 at 09:01pm