The Cardinal's Cake - Comments

  • Emilise284

    Emilise284 (100)

    United States
    Aww, you made me cry! I'm sorry that you had to go through that. My grandma passed in '06 of lung cancer, but I didn't know her well because we lived 500 miles away from each other. I was reading through the comments and began to cry again. This will be one of these things that, when thought about, will spur a new round of tears. Thank you for having the dedication, I suppose, to post this so other people could share in your grief.
    June 29th, 2011 at 02:40am
  • The Rev.

    The Rev. (250)

    United States
    Wow, this was very sad. My grandma is going to go soon, too. She has cancer in her throat and she's hooked up to a bunch of machines and it's just so sad to see her go like that ). This was very well written, and I felt like it was me who lost my grandma while I read it. You show emotions very well, darling. I'm sorry for your loss. ).
    July 10th, 2010 at 10:58pm
  • SmurfGirl

    SmurfGirl (100)

    United States
    The second chapter was as good as the first. It makes u want to cry cuz it makes the reader feel what u r feeling. Ur truly amazing.
    April 19th, 2010 at 04:56am
  • RachaelInRansom

    RachaelInRansom (100)

    United States
    Wow. The way you wrote that was just amazing. I nearly cried, it was so powerful of a story.
    April 18th, 2010 at 06:36pm
  • unique33

    unique33 (100)

    United States
    Wow! That was great. You made me cry, through. My grandmother passed away to, and i think about her everyday. I can never watch a lifetime movie, and not think of my grandmother.I really connected with you in this story/ letter. You write so beautifully!

    The message was in mom’s shaky voice, the one where she tries to stay calm while everything around her collapses.

    I do know that voice, and I hate it.

    Seven hours later, with mom and me at your side, you gasped your last breath.

    That's where the tears came in for me.I mean really, I was crying, and my mom happened to walk by the door. She read it, and was speechless. She said, it was saddest things she ever read. She even shed a tear, which is something she rarely does.

    Grandma Dottie always said that I should treasure the time I have with you because one day that time will be gone. I never paid too much attention to that advice when I was little, but now, even knowing that I did everything I could to spend as much time with you as I possibly could, I still feel like I didn’t do enough.

    I think we all feel like that after we lose a loved one.I feel like anything felt with a loved one, is time treasured.

    I still feel like I failed you.

    Please don't! I think your grandmother, would be proud of you.

    Reading this, I felt like I was there when it happened. Your connection with your grandmother was one I understood. Thank you for sharing your story, and the picture with me. I know that It was hard for you to write, and I thank you for doing that.
    April 5th, 2010 at 11:48pm
  • tom riddle

    tom riddle (100)

    I shall get one thing straight, before I comment: I never, ever cry. EVER.

    ...I almost cried when reading this. It was so... there aren't even words *gives you a hug* :3
    April 1st, 2010 at 11:05am
  • colour me perfect.

    colour me perfect. (100)

    Wow, this was... simply beautiful and amazing.

    Your writing almost brought me to tears, which is a very big thing for me!

    It was incredible how you described your connection to your grandma, and you really evoked emotions in me with your words. I felt like I was able to feel what you were feeling, in a way.

    I really like how you added short sentences, they added impact and emotion to the letter, and sat very well.

    I didn't expect that photo to be in there, and it is really great that you thought to add something like that, and you spent your time on it.

    'We thought it was just another visit, nothing to be too worried about.

    But we were so wrong.'
    That sentence really got me. It sets the reader up for drama, and really strikes up their interest and emotion connecting to the story.

    'Seven hours later, with mom and me at your side, you gasped your last breath.

    And our world shattered.'
    Once again, beautiful. I love the way you started a new, short sentence to describe how you felt. It really was incredible.

    The way you described how you felt after her death, and how you knew she would have reacted to your insecurities really set a scene, and closed up the letter for me. It was great to add that in, and thanks for sharing it with me!

    'I know that someday, hopefully after I have accomplished all the things that would have made you so proud, I will see you.

    And I will never let you go again.'
    Ok, was that necessary? Man, you killed me with that sentence. It was beautiful, my favourite sentence in the whole letter, and a really great way to end it. Really, I couldn't think of a better way to end it.

    Honestly, I don't know what else to say. I'm really thankful that you shared this with me, and I bet that some day you will see your grandma again, and she'll be proud of you for being strong and keeping her memory alive. The cake sounds like a great idea, and I love how you used it as the title for something a bit different.

    Amazing. Thank you, I know it was hard but it was really beautiful. I'll let you know how you go, and I wish you all the best!
    March 29th, 2010 at 01:23am
  • SmurfGirl

    SmurfGirl (100)

    United States
    Oh wow, this makes me cry. it's writen very well. It makes me think of my mom's mom. I didn't get to know her very well cuz of the divorce between my parents. My father got us because at the time my mom had no job. And he was a jerk and wouldn't let us see my mom and her family.
    March 28th, 2010 at 08:52pm