A Letter to My Hero. - Comments

  • amberavenged

    amberavenged (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    that did make me cry, i agree with the quotes from the comment above.
    he never failed to cheer me up even in my darkest times<3
    i was hoping it'd be a sick nasty joke too.
    he'll always be here in our hearts
    foREVer </3
    March 28th, 2010 at 02:00pm
  • colour me perfect.

    colour me perfect. (100)

    Ah, hon, you almost made me cry! I was wondering if anyone would do a letter about Jimmy, and I'm actually glad someone did because it really gives me closure :)

    I laughed at that interview too, it definately made my day also!

    I remember typing in his name about ten times when I found out, I read the autopsy report and everything, and once I found out I just remember bawling my eyes out. I know how you feel, hon!

    'When I went to sleep the night I found out you died, my last thoughts were "I wish this is a lie—a sick, nasty joke." It, sadly, is not.' Brilliant sentence, not only was it well written but it sums up exactly how I spent my night the day I found out.

    'A great man, whom had saved many lives, without even realizing it. That great man would be you, Jimmy.' That broke my heart. Because he really saved my life, I know that, and the last sentence you added to it was beautiful.

    And you're right, he'll never be forgotten.

    Oh man, I totally went off topic here, but this story got me a bit emotional!

    Your writing was touching and very beautiful, and honestly, I only found about two mistakes, which is incredible for something you wrote in an hour. You're a great writer, and I really enjoyed reading this. I'm glad there's someone out there who shares my thoughts on the death of such a great idol :)

    Thank you for entering! I'll let you know how you go!
    March 28th, 2010 at 01:42pm