Wrecked - Comments

  • I finally found the time to chill and really read some of your writing, and I really like this. With my stuff I always feel like I have to back track and add things to make it more coherent, but this piece seemed so fluid and pristine, it only seemed to give you things that would make the story better and nothing detracted from it.
    I also really enjoyed your writing system with the paragraphs. I usually forget about it and just start free writing, but it always eats me up inside that I'll go too in depth on some things and just skim past others. Your set up seemed to really encourage the flow of it all and keep the details on a level plane with one another.
    My only lament with Wrecked was the character. I know she has friends and family and clearly enjoys the ocean, but it still seemed like she was a little too hollow; maybe I just have trouble connecting sometimes. To be honest though I really had to look around to find a con that I could stand behind (I have an OCD to do +2,-1,+1 on reviews, so I try to find something all while really believing/feeling what I say).
    Truthfully, this was an excellent piece and I loved the details on her demise. Until now I could never picture death by drowning and it was interesting to see the transition from a main character to just a body prop.
    April 25th, 2010 at 06:43am
  • I think this was very well-written. :) The phobia could have been played up some more, but it's still pretty good as it is.
    April 13th, 2010 at 11:12am
  • Your description is beautiful, and the entire story builds gracefully.
    Great job (:
    April 13th, 2010 at 04:02am
  • I really liked this.
    You're an amazing writer.
    April 13th, 2010 at 04:01am
  • Hi, there! I just want you to know that I've read your story, and that I think you did a nice job. You made a very brave move by not using any dialogue, and I think you did a great job with that.

    I'm going to send you a longer, more detailed review for the contest soon. I'll give you a score out of one hundred from a rubric that I made, but you won't get to see that. It'll just help me decide who the winner is.

    Again, very nice job!
    April 3rd, 2010 at 05:43pm