A Single Soul In An Ocean - Comments

  • before the morning

    before the morning (100)

    United States
    Hey, thanks for entering! [=
    That was really cute, and original. I loved the whole journal entry thing you did. I love originality, seeing as you don't really see much of it anymore. Haha. I absolutely adored the last line: "What good is having an entire ocean to yourself if you're the only one in it?"
    Great job. (:
    So, about the contest. Now, I only received an entry from you and one other person, therefore I only have two to really "judge". I wished it would have made a better turnout but...oh well. I will let you know the results soon, okay?
    Once again, thank you so much for submitting an entry. [=
    April 5th, 2010 at 11:58pm