The Introvert's Guide to World Domination - Comments

  • Ariveria

    Ariveria (100)

    United States
    Oh... my... god.

    I am in love. I am in love with a text document on the internet.

    Haha, really, this story is absolutely amazing. I love the characters, the plot, the writing style, the layout... everything. You truly have a talent for writing, don't ever even begin to think you don't. I was soo sad to see that I'd reached the end of what you've got up so far. Can't wait for the next chapter! :D
    September 5th, 2011 at 12:06am
  • SkyLyte

    SkyLyte (100)

    That was epic!!!! That chapter seriously rocked and kicked butt. I most definitely love when Laura and Tania are greeted by the butler to the end of the chapter. Man, he was so scared. Hahhaha. I love it. I'm smiling like a maniac now, even more when I was reading. You've done absolutely well. Most of your errors were erased, but very few typos were in this chapter. Standing ovation (even though the story isn't finished. It's just getting started baby!)
    August 31st, 2011 at 02:06am
  • Maisweetlove

    Maisweetlove (100)

    I liked this chapter too you know. A lot of actions, it was fun! Oh and btw, I still want Tania to be with Rian...Sorry but Valin never got my heart. He is like a parasite to me, surviving thanks to his party and now that his party turned on him, he was taken away like a little girl :P

    I still think that you are one of the best writers out there. There is something so smart about your writing that drives me to the conclusion that you my friend are a very smart person. :D I knew that, of course, I just like to repeat it :D again. and again. and again again again again :P


    much love, :D
    August 26th, 2011 at 12:09am
  • jellyfish-spine

    jellyfish-spine (100)

    United States
    I LOVE IT. I LOVE IT SO MUCH. This was such a wonderful chapter. Everything was beautiful! I love how you wrote it.
    August 25th, 2011 at 07:06am
  • BeedleBard

    BeedleBard (100)

    United States
    This is definitely amazing. It feels like it has a new life to it and I love it!
    August 25th, 2011 at 04:25am
  • Eclipse Galaxy

    Eclipse Galaxy (100)

    United States
    This chapter was stunning. Just. Wow. You should be a career writer, dear, because you've got it.
    August 25th, 2011 at 01:12am
  • AsToldBy...

    AsToldBy... (100)

    United States
    August 25th, 2011 at 12:53am
  • RazzleBazzle

    RazzleBazzle (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I love this. It's just amazing. I'll think I'll go back and read it all again just to reacquaint myself with it's brilliance.
    August 21st, 2011 at 07:29pm
  • Eclipse Galaxy

    Eclipse Galaxy (100)

    United States
    Yayy an update! This was a good one. As usual, of course. Anyway, I really liked when Rian wanted to turn around - the dialogue was just undescribably perfect? I don't know....great job :)
    August 21st, 2011 at 05:21am
  • bLuLoVeR33

    bLuLoVeR33 (100)

    United States
    wow. thats all i can say. please keep doing this story. It's so refreshing to find a good story with a good plot and just plain writing on this site. I love it!! hope you find your inspiration again :)
    August 21st, 2011 at 05:07am
  • Lazael

    Lazael (100)

    United States
    Chapter 1:
    I couldn’t help but sympathize with Tania a bit. Some of the kids I went to school with were absolutely horrible. But I never recall them using such coarse language as what Rian said! Yet I also did feel her pain when it came to unrequited feelings. It surprised me a third grader could even feel that way.

    There was one spelling error in this chapter:

    “Wait until you’re father hears about this!” should have been:
    “Wait until your father hears about this!” no need for using you’re. that would be like saying “You are.”

    Besides that, it was excellent. Your description is beautiful and has a way of flowing in a lovely rhythm.

    Chapter 2:

    I wanted to slap Aeryn upside the head! I hate when people pull crap like that! People like Tania seem naturally shy, so they shouldn’t be pushed to their breaking point. I hated how self-centered Aeryn acted. It left a real bitter taste in my mouth when she did something so underhanded as asking Rian out, especially when she knew Tania’s feelings for him… it’s even worse when girls outside of stories would do this to their friends with little regard to how they might feel.

    ALSO. I loved how you used the butterfly effect in your story. Or Murphy’s law… I know it as the butterfly effect though. I loved how you used it in the story layout as well!

    Chapter 3:

    This chapter actually reminded me of a real life experience. I was walking upstairs to yearbook club when I saw a guy hunched over in a chair crying… I had wanted to ask what was wrong but didn’t. I was only in seventh grade so it seemed weird. I still wonder why he was upset though. When Tania was crying behind her book, I sort of remembered that.

    I was STUNNED when Valin came into play during this chapter. It did seem like a real game changer. Guess he grew up some. But wow. Their ways of speech definitely are how teenagers talk today. Usually when you have adult writers, they make the kids in their stories never curse, or be so straight forward. I love Tania’s articulate narrative, as well as how she speaks in general.

    Chapter 4:

    I loved her opinion on the name of the New York Eye! Funny, but cynical. You seemed to change up your style of writing in this chapter. It isn’t a bad thing, so don’t get me wrong. I mean she interjected her thoughts while saying something else. So she does seem to be quite the introvert.

    I would write a short opinion on each chapter, but then my comment would be longer than a page’s worth. ANYWAYS. I love the story. It’s sweet but also at the same time hitting on tough subjects. Your layout is beautiful, faded colors make it definitely easy on reader’s eyes, and the banner is very nice as well. I intend to subscribe. This is a great story. I hope you keep writing~
    August 20th, 2011 at 05:52am
  • Maisweetlove

    Maisweetlove (100)

    -but as a person; a soul stuck in a vessel.

    I loved that thought ! :D
    August 11th, 2011 at 06:56pm
  • InvincibleZebra

    InvincibleZebra (100)

    United States
    The last lines were kickass!!
    I'm glad you updated :)
    can't wait for more.
    August 8th, 2011 at 06:48pm
  • theroyaljester

    theroyaljester (100)

    Whatever you decide to do with the story, your readers especially me will be behind you all the way. Take all the time you need, I promise to be patient. Or at least as patient as I can be. :)
    August 8th, 2011 at 07:58am
  • nine crimes.

    nine crimes. (100)

    United States
    'Oh. There you are. I've been waiting for you forever.'
    -- Blaine Anderson, Warbler, Glee.

    This is how I greeted your new chapter. May I begin my review of your tender awesomeness by saying, dear God woman, you and your talent shall be the death of me some day.

    Dear She Who Is --you should damn well know already-- Awesome of Epic Proportions;

    Mmhhhaaaahhhh.... Mmhhhhaaaahhhh.... Mmhhhhaaahhhhh. <---- This is the sound of me breathing heavily and altogether unevenly as I read your latest chapter. Now, I read it with the warning from you that it was updated with you feeling like an android while you wrote it and I was freaking out thinking that meant you really didn't care about what happened to your characters so I was in a fragile state of mind while my eyes took in every word and my brain fought to process them.

    You are not, I repeat, not allowed to regard even the "worst" of your work as anything other than purely magnificent. You are incredible. Do not doubt this.

    May I just say that your chapter title, [size=120Damaged Wings, is very clever in regards to irony and punning and consistent use of theme? I just wanted to credit you some brilliance for actually thinking these sorts of things through rather than just picking a short sentence from within the chapter (which I confess is what I do). It was so very simplistically intelligent to make that kind of reference to birds in regards to Tania and her situation. I was vastly impressed.

    At the beginning of this chapter, I felt as if I was waking up with her. I was in her predicament because it was all so confusing and I'd forgotten much of what had happened around this point. It probably also helped set the mood of waking up that you hadn't updated in a while, so, in a roundabout sort of way, I think that may have had a significant effect on the reading of it. It may not have been as powerful to simply go from the preceding chapter straight onto this one. SO THERE! EVEN YOUR SUPPOSED BAD HABIT HAS IT'S USES AND IS BRILLIANT TO ME.

    I wanted to puke too, just so we're clear about this. Kennedy makes me sick to my stomach. He is such a disgusting freak. I'm so pissed off! I just--ARRGGGHHHH!!!!!!!! This is a display of how much I hate the characters you want me to hate. You are very good, very good indeed, and I am so openly jealous of you.

    He's so slimy. He's a total colossal douchebag. I'll kill him. Okay? Don't you worry about that, I swear to everything that ever was I will find him and kill him.

    Settled? Good. So, the way he talks to her is so degrading and it's so clever and you really have a talent for getting inside character's heads to know exactly what they would say and how they would say it and how to never drift in their persona in the slightest. They're always innately the same person, just like real people are. (&& Also I though it was really clever how you had Tania throw her comment back at him to emphasize the switch in power and how much it reflected the situation and--ungh. You're beautiful. Your language, your literary 'voice', everything. So beautiful.)

    That drug he gives her to make her body go slack? Very clever. I like how you used a physical deterrent to once again emphasize how emotionally strong Tania can be. It really brings her to life on the page--or screen, as it were.

    When you describe the way Kennedy assaults her. It made me want to go have a shower. It was revolting. I felt how disgusted she was. It was like I was her, and that's a very rare thing for me as a reader. So I think you deserve mega props for that. You are fantastical. And the slow way you bring back her strength, building it, making it out so that she feels in control even as he--well, you know. I loved it. I loved her. She is a heroine; someone worth admiring.

    I damn well hope Kennedy ends up in a coma. And now I want Tania to go save Valin because he needs her. And I want them to have some sort of happy moment that's shattered because then Rian comes bursting in, saving the day and stealing a part of her heart away and the she has to choose. Hehehehehehehehe.

    I'm rather fond of this.
    I'm rather fond of just about anything you do, actually.
    Until next time!
    - She Who--well, you know. x
    August 8th, 2011 at 04:00am
  • Eclipse Galaxy

    Eclipse Galaxy (100)

    United States
    Um, this chapter was great! I love how she just overpowered him. Good girl. Glad you're back :)
    August 8th, 2011 at 01:29am
  • nine crimes.

    nine crimes. (100)

    United States
    Dearest She Who Is Awesome of Epic Proportions;

    Well, hello there.

    I have no excuse. I'm simply an epic slacker (with a job, scholarship applications, 50 hours of school work a week and too many co-curricular activities). Still, I feel I owe you an apology for not reading these beautiful chapter.

    I don't like them.

    Now, I know this may sound harsh, Andi, but it's really a good thing, because it means you're doing spectacularly well. I hate these situations with a passion because of the predicament you've plunged our dear Tania into. Simply put, you are a cruel woman indeed. Which just shows how incredibly brilliant you are.

    Darkness - How very clever you are with this chapter! You're one of the very few writers on this website who actually manages to craft a story using significant motifs and themes and whilst raising provoking questions abotu our own morality and mortality and not answering these devious questions you propose. You're so very clever.

    I must say, I'm rather fond of how you've brought it back to the birds. Because the image is so striking in terms of your complex storyline and really well emphasizes how small things like this can affect the world in drastic ways. Your character interactions (namely Cypher's eloquent way of speaking, gah I love his character!) are so very flawless and flowing and believable. It's like watching a little movie in my head except I have the added bonus of being inside Tania's mind in the process. It's delightful.

    "Rian lives in the middle of fucking nowehere. Write that down, it's important."
    - New favorite quote from this story. Oh, how you make me laugh, you brilliant, incredible person, you! =]

    Rian's wearing a bath robe. Okay, this is where things got a little weird for me, if I'm being honest. Because it's so normal, and I just have a blatant inability to use that word in the same context as Rian Deveraux. Also;; his childish hiding in the house pissed me off more than it pissed Tania off! I mean, I get that he's trying to lay low because the bad guys are looking for him, but with all his mystery and handsomeness and intrigue, I just... I don't like how cowardly he's being! I want to see him save the day in a very dark and almost anti-heroic way! I need some Rian lovin'. But, like I said, my distaste for how things have turned out is a huge testament to the realism of your writing. So... bravo, I guess! I still love/hate you for doing this to me... =P

    As for An Unwritten History, the provided backstory on the Rotmans and the bad guys was so damn clever where did you come up with this? Why is it that you are so incredibly talented while the rest of us just have to meander around in our useless little lives? You're sitting on a freaking gold mine with your talent, Andi. And I shall worship your talent in the hope that it rubs off on me xD However, I maintain an epic dissapointment in my hero Rian. I still love him, in his msytery and gorgeousness and righteousness, but it seems like Valin is making so much more of a name for himself in terms of the story through Tania's eyes. He's such a beautifully crafted creature. Thank you for sharing him with us all!

    Lambs To The Slaughter. I--you--... It's. Hmm. Sigh. Argh! I can't... You can't do this. It's so unfair! It's not fair! It's not fair! IT'S NOT FAIR! Valin is like... good heavens. He's a hero. He's attractive and a bit of an asshole but intrinsically a good person and you're there letting people punch hyim in the guts and hurt him and send him off to his death! You're destroying him! Your own beautiful character.

    Also - there is no fucking way that Kennedy is going to rape her. I won't let it happen. I will march through the screen of my computr, dive head-first into your story and prevent it from happening myself. And don't hurt Valin! And--oh God, Andi! I'm bloody terrified! I trust you as an unbelievably talented writer to do the absolute perfection of your talent to justice, but I fear another case of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallowes where Fred lies dead and Lupin and Tonks are just lying there and Dobby sacrificed himself and---I'm almost too scared to read this story in case you do kill off someone I've grown to love! =/ please, be gentle.

    And with thsi final plea, I finish the longest comment I've ever written you. (I think.)
    Please, please, please, don't leave us hanging for too long.
    - She Who Leaves Long Messages and Now Lives in Fear.
    August 7th, 2011 at 01:46am
  • NOTtheTripotentOne

    NOTtheTripotentOne (100)

    United States
    I have just read your story, and I have to say, it is one of the best I've read. I have subscribed, and I hope you will continue writing. (:
    July 4th, 2011 at 12:44am
  • bluedinocupcakes

    bluedinocupcakes (100)

    United States
    This is probably my favorite story that I've ever read on Mibba. I feel so connected to each character. Whenever you add a new piece of information about one or the other, it surprises me that they can get even more developed. You're doing a phenomenal job and I'm anxiously awaiting on the edge of my seat to find out the fate of Tania, Valin, and the rest of this dystopic North America you've conjured up. I hope you update soon!
    July 1st, 2011 at 07:37am
  • xlaura17x

    xlaura17x (110)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Of course I love it. And I'm terrified of what's going to happen to Tania. He better not rape her, or hurt her! Man where's Rian when you need him?
    Amazing, as always my darling :] xox
    June 10th, 2011 at 06:49pm