I Could Just Eat You Up - Comments

  • kew_atl

    kew_atl (100)

    United States
    Omg this story was so amazing! I am in love with it!
    July 12th, 2012 at 11:36pm
  • InsincereBlack

    InsincereBlack (100)

    this apsolutly the cutest storry ever, i freakin love it:D
    there has been only one story before this one that has been so well writen that in some places it makes me cry. you are really good writing about feelings.
    :D thank you so much...*cryesinjoywhilethinkinbackaboutthestory*
    March 17th, 2011 at 08:46pm
  • No Tomorrow

    No Tomorrow (100)

    United Kingdom
    On a bad day, there's nothing better than just reading this story from start to finish.
    Thank you =]
    February 27th, 2011 at 12:21am
  • ladywolf89

    ladywolf89 (100)

    United States
    I love your story and like to read it over and over whenever I can and hope that all your other stories you make show just as much if not more love and care than you showed when writing such a great story. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and letting others read such a wonder book.
    January 17th, 2011 at 09:41am
  • BooMonster

    BooMonster (100)

    United States
    Ive already read this like three times, but i just cant stop!!! I LOVE IT!
    October 16th, 2010 at 01:51am
  • animal soup

    animal soup (100)

    United States
    How on earth can I begin to sum up the extent of my feeling for this story?
    I have no earthly idea, but I shall try.
    When I first started reading this, I was like, "Oh. This is a really cute story."
    That quickly transformed into: "Oh my Frackles. I need to scarf down my blazing hot
    mashed potatoes so I can race back to my computer and go read ICJEYU more!"
    No lies, I actually did that. -.-
    But anyways.

    The evolution of your characters within this story was simply amazing.
    In the beginning, Anthony was a broken, lost shell of a boy, and by the end,
    Nick had made him whole again. I remember how Anthony was so self conscious
    about his thin body, and how he had all of those bruises, and how he would cry because
    of the littlest things. Then he realized just how much Nick loved him and cared for him,
    and so he gradually got better and better, until he was healed by love. That is such a beautiful
    concept to bring into a story, and it makes my heart melt, and I'm seriously getting all teary eyed
    as I'm typing this because the sheer beauty of that fact just hit me. You have perfectly showcased
    the power of love here, and it just melts my heart and makes me want to hug you forevers. The
    evolution that Anthony has gone through within the course of the story was so evident when he was looking into the bathroom mirror, and describing the way he saw himself then. It was like he took
    all of the nice things Nick had ever told him about his body, and with the power of your writing skills,
    and time, and Nick'l astounding love, he FINALLY came to accept and believe those things.
    It's just beautiful, and I am seriously crying right now as I think about it.

    I also loved how you were able to create Nick.
    You took a man who was already a happy and positive person,
    and made him even more happy, to the point of bliss.
    It's like, Nick didn't even know that he could find someone as amazing as Anthony
    to transform his life, and to truly make him complete. I'm so happy that he did. (:
    Look at me, I'm talking about the two of them as if they are actual people.
    But in all honesty, through reading this, they have become unforgettable characters.
    I will always remember them and this story, and hold it near to my heart.

    This is the type of story that I want to read when I'm feeling sad,
    because it makes me have hope that maybe someday, I could
    be as happy as Nick and Anthony. I have become more of a
    believer in the healing power of love by reading this, and I want
    to thank you for that. So thank you. (:

    You truly have amazing talent, Lili.
    I really do mean that.
    Don't ever stop writing, because it would be a shame.
    I just...I can't even express it, you know?

    So I am just going to leave you with this:
    I Could Just Eat You Up has become one of my favorite stories ever.
    I thouroughly enjoyed reading it, and I found it to be amazing.
    Thank you so much for writing it, and for reccomending that I read it.
    It has been one heck of an experience, and one that I won't forget. <3
    August 15th, 2010 at 10:32pm
  • animal soup

    animal soup (100)

    United States
    Holy Frackles.
    I must have been on crack when I said this couldn't get any better.
    Oh my god.
    Your writing leaves me breathless, and speechless.
    But I'm going to force some words out to type you the amazing comment you deserve
    for creating such a magnificently wonderful story.

    Having Anthony give Nick his journal was just perfect.
    The gesture was just so adorable, and honest, and so Anthony.
    I don't think he could have given a better gift to Nick.
    I have no idea where you come up with this ingenious stuff.
    It showed perfectly how much Anthony has grown to trust Nick with everything,
    and how much Nick appreciates and understands the man that Anthony has grown to be.
    Simply wonderful. (:

    Okay, so this was what my face looked like
    while I was reading the sex scene between them:
    It. Was. Purely. Electrifying.
    My mind was blown, for sure.
    It was so beautifully written, and wonderuflly detailed.
    I don't think I've read a more amazing one in my entire reading experience on Mibba.
    That is the complete truth, mmkays?

    "He pulled my face to his, kissing my lips softly, just like the first time he kissed me.
    “I love you,” he said as he melted into the now unkempt bed sheets."

    The "like the first time he kissed me" part was just lovely. (:
    It was an adorable way to end them making love, and it just...
    too much for words, really.
    So amazing. <3

    "However, I can’t really complain since I’m now concocting plans on how to secretly take advantage of the dominant streak in him. It’s sort of really sexy, not going to lie."

    That line made me laugh so hard, haha.
    I love Nick.
    He's too funny!
    The way you characterize him is just lovely.
    His random thoughts make me laugh, haha.

    " I know that last night happened purely because he wanted to show me how much he loved me and that was probably the most beautiful and intimate way that he could do it. More importantly, he wanted to prove to himself that he was deserving and capable of loving someone."

    So good. (:
    You describe the way they feel about each other so perfectly,
    it makes my heart melt.
    Absolutely stunning.
    I also love how you make sex between them more than just an act to get pleasure.
    It is truly the essence and definition of making love, as sex should be viewed.
    It's so refreshing to see a slash story portrayed in that light.
    Wonderful job. (:

    The ending of this wonderful story was spectacular.
    I admire the way you are able to sum everything up perfectly.
    No loose ends were left behind, and everyone got their happy ending.
    As much as I would love to hear more about Nick and Anthony,
    I think you ended their story at just the right place.
    Anthony was finally able to help Nick financially,
    and Nick opened up his own restaurant, which was named perfectly, by the way.
    The little bit about Anthony getting drunk and randy just made me giggle to hard.
    I love the fact that Nick and Anthony have matching tattoos.
    That idea is just perfect for the two of them.
    Their love is so true and strong, having it permanantly etched into their skin is just right.
    So good. <3
    I'm SO HAPPY that they are going to get married. (:
    It might seem cliche' to some people, but I find it to be jut perfect for them.
    They'll be together forever,
    and thats all I could really ask of you as the author. :D

    All in all,
    these last few chapters were purely electrifying, amazing,
    spectacular, and fantastic. (:
    I know I am completely lame for not having better adjectives, haha.
    But I loved this, Lili.
    So much. <3

    and be waiting for my last comment!
    Poor little innocent Anthony. (: hahaha.
    It's good he has someone like Nick to care for him.
    August 15th, 2010 at 10:11pm
  • animal soup

    animal soup (100)

    United States
    Wow wow wow wow wow times a million and one.
    The scene where Anthony and Nick make love just completely blew my mind, Lili.
    I have no idea how you are able to write so beautifully.
    It was eloquent and tasteful, beautiful, stunning, and amazing.
    There are too many times when people just write so...crudley.
    They need to take a look at your wonderful creations,
    and learn how to write correctly.
    I think I'm going to create a new textbook called "The Amazing Writings of Lili Alexandra"
    and force people to read it, mhmmh.

    "and wants me to be the first person to feel every inch of his naked body, feel what it’s like inside of him, give him the most immense levels of pleasure he’d ever feel, just all around love him with all of my heart."

    No words can even express how amazing that is!
    Jeez, you just blow my mind with this stuff.
    It's like...they're not even having sex for the pleasure aspect.
    The sole purpose of them making love is just that,
    to show one another how much they care.
    It's astounding that your writing conveys that element,
    because it's definitely missing from a lot of slashes i read.
    Well done, dear. :3

    "I don’t know what came over to me make me be filled with such overwhelming levels of need for him, but I’m glad it happened. I mean, Nick loves me. He really does love me as much as I love him. "

    Thank you for making Anthony finally realize that. :P
    I've been yelling it at him for awhile now, but I dont think he heard me.
    It was really rather frustrating.
    And I just don't know what it is about your writing, but you can just make me go
    AWWWW so much in one chapter it's a little scary at times. (:
    Take this line for example:
    "His hot breath on the back of my neck sent a shiver down my spine, and I pressed myself as close to him as possible. I can never get enough of this boy. A small smile graced my lips as I closed my eyes, perfectly content."
    Ohh my gosh, that's so cute!
    You are so amazing with descriptions,a dn conveying feelings and emotions.
    There's like, no doubt how much the two love each other, and no doubting
    the truth in their "i love you's". All because of how well you tell this story.

    And wow, how can you say that you're not good at writing speeches?
    Nick's speech at the graduation ceremony was just simply amazing.
    The words flowed so smoothly and freely, and the message he has to say was
    honest, and pure, and inspiring.
    I really liked this part:

    " Through cooking I have learned so much about myself. It brought me closer to my mother, a woman who always encouraged me to follow my heart even if I was ridiculed for enjoying what some people refer to as a females profession. It's not a female's profession, though. It's a form of art. A great deal of the most famous artists are men. So why can't I be among them? I'm not saying I'll be the next Michaelangelo or Da Vinci, but I'm saying that if you find something you have a passion for, you should pursue it no matter what the cost."

    With just that one little excerpt from Nick's fabulous speech,
    the reader can truly grasp and understand how much he adores his chosen profession.
    Cooking makes Nick so happy, and as a writer, you do an incredible job at illuminating
    that aspect of Nick's mind, and just the way he feels in general. Amazing. <3
    I also really loved how he included his realtionship with Anthony, and the fact
    that he mentioned how cooking brought him to Anthony and helped to save his life.
    Its like...the one thing that Nick thought he loved more than anything, cooking,
    brought him to something that he has grown to love even MORE, which is Anthony.
    I lust love that idea and aspect of this story. <3
    You also have a way of summing everything up perfectly, and bringing all of the elements
    of your story together at some point to make everything smooth and flow.
    It's amazing. <3
    Because I have a lot of trouble doing that.
    You have so much talent, Lili.
    It is truly amazing.
    August 7th, 2010 at 07:42pm
  • animal soup

    animal soup (100)

    United States
    Wow wow wow wow wow times a million and one.
    The scene where Anthony and Nick make love just completely blew my mind, Lili.
    I have no idea how you are able to write so beautifully.
    It was eloquent and tasteful, beautiful, stunning, and amazing.
    There are too many times when people just write so...crudley.
    They need to take a look at your wonderful creations,
    and learn how to write correctly.
    I think I'm going to create a new textbook called "The Amazing Writings of Lili Alexandra"
    and force people to read it, mhmmh.

    "and wants me to be the first person to feel every inch of his naked body, feel what it’s like inside of him, give him the most immense levels of pleasure he’d ever feel, just all around love him with all of my heart."

    No words can even express how amazing that is!
    Jeez, you just blow my mind with this stuff.
    It's like...they're not even having sex for the pleasure aspect.
    The sole purpose of them making love is just that,
    to show one another how much they care.
    It's astounding that your writing conveys that element,
    because it's definitely missing from a lot of slashes i read.
    Well done, dear. :3

    "I don’t know what came over to me make me be filled with such overwhelming levels of need for him, but I’m glad it happened. I mean, Nick loves me. He really does love me as much as I love him. "

    Thank you for making Anthony finally realize that. :P
    I've been yelling it at him for awhile now, but I dont think he heard me.
    It was really rather frustrating.
    And I just don't know what it is about your writing, but you can just make me go
    AWWWW so much in one chapter it's a little scary at times. (:
    Take this line for example:
    "His hot breath on the back of my neck sent a shiver down my spine, and I pressed myself as close to him as possible. I can never get enough of this boy. A small smile graced my lips as I closed my eyes, perfectly content."
    Ohh my gosh, that's so cute!
    You are so amazing with descriptions,a dn conveying feelings and emotions.
    There's like, no doubt how much the two love each other, and no doubting
    the truth in their "i love you's". All because of how well you tell this story.

    And wow, how can you say that you're not good at writing speeches?
    Nick's speech at the graduation ceremony was just simply amazing.
    The words flowed so smoothly and freely, and the message he has to say was
    honest, and pure, and inspiring.
    I really liked this part:

    " Through cooking I have learned so much about myself. It brought me closer to my mother, a woman who always encouraged me to follow my heart even if I was ridiculed for enjoying what some people refer to as a females profession. It's not a female's profession, though. It's a form of art. A great deal of the most famous artists are men. So why can't I be among them? I'm not saying I'll be the next Michaelangelo or Da Vinci, but I'm saying that if you find something you have a passion for, you should pursue it no matter what the cost."

    With just that one little excerpt from Nick's fabulous speech,
    the reader can truly grasp and understand how much he adores his chosen profession.
    Cooking makes Nick so happy, and as a writer, you do an incredible job at illuminating
    that aspect of Nick's mind, and just the way he feels in general. Amazing. <3
    I also really loved how he included his realtionship with Anthony, and the fact
    that he mentioned how cooking brought him to Anthony and helped to save his life.
    Its like...the one thing that Nick thought he loved more than anything, cooking,
    brought him to something that he has grown to love even MORE, which is Anthony.
    I lust love that idea and aspect of this story. <3
    You also have a way of summing everything up perfectly, and bringing all of the elements
    of your story together at some point to make everything smooth and flow.
    It's amazing. <3
    Because I have a lot of trouble doing that.
    You have so much talent, Lili.
    It is truly amazing.
    August 7th, 2010 at 07:42pm
  • animal soup

    animal soup (100)

    United States
    I'm finally commenting again!
    Whoop whoop.
    Sorry it's taken awhile,
    life has been insane these past couple of days!

    So once again, I have to say it.
    Every time I think that this can't possibly get any better,
    you go and make it even MORE amazing than before!
    I bet you have some type of magical genie hat or something,
    hat gives you all these fantastic ideas about writing and stuff!
    Wait no, it's probably just because you're a literary genius, mhmms.

    I think I have around six ish chapters left to read.
    I got really super ahead of myself here, and couldn't stop reading to save my life.
    So I'm going to try and cover all of my favorite stuff thusfar.

    I really loved when Anthony went to Nick's cooking class.
    It was so awesome being able to see inside of Nick's world of cooking,
    as well as to hear and feel Anthony's feelings and reaction to it.
    It was really cute when Anthony was helping him make the salads.
    It reminded me of when I was little, and always wanted to help my mom cook.
    Simply adorable and sweet. (:
    My happiness concerning that scene was quickly shattered, however, when I found out
    that Nick was going to have to travel to France without Anthony. I was like WHAAATTT!
    You should have seen my face, Lili.
    It would have scared little children. -.-
    I almost didn't want to read the next few chapters, because I knew I would be sad.
    However, I knew they would be essential to the story line, so I went through with it.
    And I'm really glad I did! Even though they were sad, they served to only make the intensely
    loving connection between Anthony and Nick even more obvious to the reader. I truly understood
    in that moment how much they really love each other.
    Through your wonderful and descriptive writing, the pain they two felt was also felt by me.
    It was intense, but simply amazing and awe-inspiring.
    I think this line nearly broke my heart:
    "The same thought was running through our mind; how could I live without him for an entire week? I can’t even begin to imagine not being able to wake up with Anthony curled in my arms, kissing me awake, telling me that he loves me while looking into my eyes. I’ve become so dependent on him for company."
    Gosh, Lili.
    I was secretly hating you for making them endure that for a little while,
    but I'm glad you did, because in the end, it just brought them so much closer, you know?

    Oh, lord.
    And when Anthony stopped eating again,
    I freaked out! I was like, noooo!
    I contemplated trying to jump into the computer screen and shaking him
    until he promised to eat the damn grilled cheese!
    It just broke my heart to see him like that,
    and the way you descibed his painfu emotions was just gut wrenching.
    You know? Ohh my gosh.
    This line was one of my favorites for that chapter:
    "I stared down at the half eaten grilled cheese sandwich in front of me. It was so tiny, but I couldn’t bring myself to eat it. It’s as if my body shut down and refuses to function without Nick being here."
    Wow, Lili.
    I really feel like I know these boys personally after reading so much of this story,
    because you have such a way with words and enabling your readers to understand the emotions
    behind each character's actions and thoughts.
    Superbly amazing and stunning and fantastic and yada yada yada.
    I love this so much. <3

    I do have to say that I wanted to punch Mister Oliver in the face for taking Nick's phone away.
    I mean, seriously?! HOW could he do that to Nick and Anthony?
    No no no no no no no no no.
    France is just not that important, meh.
    I'm really glad that Nick was able to get back to Anthony, though!
    Ohh, and the scene where Nick was inder the Eiffel Tower was just marvelous.
    They way you illustrated his turmoil over missing Anthony was just amazing.
    I say amazing too much, but still, it is.
    This line took my breath away:
    "I want my Anthony back. I want to be able to love my Anthony under the Eiffel tower and kiss him and hug him and hold hands with him while I continuously promise him that I will never let him go. I want that to be me and him, not them."
    I just wanted to develop super powers and bring them together again.
    Anything to make them both feel better!

    Oh, god!
    And when Nick came home and found out Anthony wasn't eating...
    and when Anthony was crying because he thought Nick didn't love him...
    And when Anthony asked him to show him how much he loved him...
    I seriously thought I was going to die from like, reading too much amazingness.
    I don't think I have enough words to say just how intense and emotional and beautiful
    and illustrative and revealing and heart wrenching and honest and pure that chapter was.
    Well, actually, that was a lot of words.
    But really now, that was my favorite chapter so far.
    Brilliant, and stunning.<3

    Now I'm going to leave you and finish reading.
    I can't wait to read about them, well, you know.
    I'm sure it will be beautiful. :)
    August 5th, 2010 at 09:18pm
  • animal soup

    animal soup (100)

    United States
    Oh my freaking jesus.
    I know tat I have ranted on and on about the same concept in like,
    every single comment I've left on this epic piece of literature, but really.
    This just keeps getting more scrumptious with every new chapter I read.
    Ha, like that? I Could Just Eat You Up" being "Scrumptious?" :D I crack myself up.
    But really, this story is just way too amazing. I know I keep leaving all of these really
    long comments and stuff, but I don't think the depth of my appreciation for your writing skills
    can realy be described with what I say.
    This is one of those stories where I wake up and think "Oh man! I get to go read this today!"
    And then I keep looking forward to it all day long until I stil down and read.

    Okay, so the huge thing I left out last comment:
    I think you making Anthony get a tattoo is absolutely perfect.
    t just fits him so well, especially the inscription, and where it is on his body. (:
    Little Anthony with a hopeful message engraved on his hip.
    That just fits who he is as a person perfectly, not to mention that it illustrates
    the massive journey he has been on, with Nick by his side. I loved it. (:
    Ohh lordie, and the fact that seeing it got Nick all excited made me squeal!
    Once again, that was another beautifully scripted sexual act between the to.
    I think I might have accidentally drooled on my computer a tad bit. ;D
    This line was just gorgeous:
    "I slowed down my pace, softly kissing his neck, nothing else, as I waited for him to readjust himself to the situation. "I love you," I murmured into his neck softly, loving how he shivered in response."

    Just completely beautiful and perfect, my dear.

    Oh! And one more thing about the tattoo.
    When I was reading that chapter, a song lyric kept popping into my head.
    We The Kings said this in one of their songs, "Tattoo our sweat and tears, forever you and I."
    I thought that was cute and kind of fit Anthony getting a tattoo, and Nicks reaction to it.

    I also really love just how close they have grown throughout the story.
    YOu are able to describe their relationship so perfectly, it is really stunning.
    Nick is so watchful and protective to Anthony, and Anthony is like, attuned
    to Nicks feelings and such. The way they are with each other....
    Honestly? It kind of makes me like "Fuck you Twilght, Edward and Bella don't
    have shit on Nick and Anthony!" haha. :) It's true though!

    "I nodded my head and picked him up, sitting him on my lap when I sat on a kitchen chair. I placed the chocolate gelato in front of us and laughed when I immediately saw his nose wiggle, smelling the gelato’s aroma. “What’s that?” He asked me hopefully. I laughed again. God, this kid is beyond adorable."

    That line is just too adorable!
    Silly Anthony and his chocolate addiction. :)
    I also love it because it illutrates how close they are now.
    Like, Nick pulling Anthony into his lap and everything,
    plus sharing the ice cream.
    There you go again with the whole "actions speak louder than words" theme.
    It really is wonderful. :)

    Okay, so this wasn't as long as some of the others.
    but i wanted to make sure I commented on those things
    before moving any further with this.
    I don't want to forget stuff again. ;P

    Once again,
    this is so amazing!
    I can't wait to keep reading. ;D
    August 2nd, 2010 at 07:53pm
  • animal soup

    animal soup (100)

    United States
    So far, I think my favorite part of the story has been when Anthony and Nick were
    visiting his mother. (: I just love that woman, and the way you characterized her, so much.
    The way that she just automatically accepts and begins to care about Anthony made me
    smile so BIG it's like, not even funny. My jaw dropped when she wanted to take him shopping.
    It it truly wonderful when an author takes the time to create a positive motherly character,
    espeacially within a slash story. Nick's mother completely breaks all of those stereotypes and everything. You are a brilliantly talented super genius, my dear. I think all of my thoughts on her
    and on Nick's life. I think you wrote it best when Anthony said:

    "This week with Nick’s mother has been truly amazing. I can’t believe that today is our last day together. I can’t believe that after I see the place that gave Nick the motivation to become a chef we will be boarding a plane to go home. I don’t want to leave. I’m not ready to leave. I want this to be my new home."

    The power of your writing just hit me like a bolt of lightning there. You created a character as fragile
    as Anthony and enabled love and care and wonderful circumstances, like Nick and his mother,
    to heal him, and I don't find it unrealistc in the slightest.<3

    This part was also intensely adorable:
    "I took a deep breath and buried my face in Nick’s neck. I may have made a lot of progress with my weight, but I think I will always be on the shy side. It’s as if being shy is stuck in my genetics. It is something that I’ll never be able to get over. It’s just one little thing that makes me unique."

    I just adore the way you sometimes make Anthony's actions tell more than his words. Does that make sense? For me, it is a rare find in a story when I can read something that is wonderfully descriptive with both dialouge and descriptive action. As in, what they do and think as well
    as what they say. This story show cases that special element perfectly, in my opionion.
    I think there is a perfect balance of both types of writing.

    Oh my gosh, this is so good. (:
    I'm really glad that I began to read this.
    It is without a doubt a gem on this website.<3

    I can't wait to see what happens next!
    August 2nd, 2010 at 03:38am
  • animal soup

    animal soup (100)

    United States
    First of all, I have to say fuck my life, because I spent like ten minutes typing up an amazingly awesome comment for this and then my laptop died. >.<
    So now I'm gonna try and re write it, and I apologize if it isn't as amazing this time!

    Okie dokie then. :)

    So I must admit that I am finding it increasingly difficult to stop reading this amazing story long enough to type up a comment for it. :D Mhm, it it just that good.

    I am completely in love with the pace that Nick and Anthony's relationship is growing and evolving.
    It compliments who they both are as people, and also reflects a truly realistic circumstance.
    Nick is willing to give Anthony time to adjust and to heal, and Anthony is willing to try and change
    to please the man he loves. It's really all too amazing for words. :)
    It's like...not way too fast, but not dreadfully slow either! It's just perfect. ;D
    I also really like how, as a reader, I'm able to pick up on how their touchiness has channged.
    Like, Nick and Anthony have been affectionate from the beginning, which illustrated how Anthony trusted Nick with so much, but now that they are officially a couple and together, all of the kissing and cuddling means so much more, and yet retains the meaning it held for them beforehand.
    It takes a truly gifted author to bring an element like that to light within a story,
    and you have done just that, plus so much more!

    I really hope that made sense to you, haha. If not, just tell me and I'll try and explain.<3

    I also have to commend you on writing such a beautiful and altogether tasteful
    sexual scene between Nick and Anthony. It seems like, all too often, writers
    end up making an act of love such as that seem all lusty and rushed and crude at times.
    But you described everything to beautifully, nothing of that sort ever came to my mind.
    All I could think about was how much Nick loved Anthony then, you know?
    I think this line show cases that perfectly:
    "I would move at his pace, not my own. This was all about teaching him and letting him grow into the man he is supposed to be."
    The way you write just...blows my mind there. I think that line also represents a very large part of
    what they story means to me as a whole, as well.<3

    The plane ride scene was just too adorable for words. :)
    With Anthony being all scared and Nick comforting him.
    This line made me awww:
    "Nick squeezed my hand in reassurance, unbuckling my seat and placing me on his lap. He put my head on his shoulder as he traced soothing circles into my back, still grasping my hand. He always knew when I was internally freaking out and he always knew the best way to soothe me."
    That just illustrates how utterly amazing the bond between Nick and Anthony has grown,
    and I know that it's only going to get even stronger! :D

    I also really liked that you chose to reveal another side of the LGBT community
    through Deanna and Michelle. I thought the way you characterized and portrayed
    them was really flattering and truthful. :)
    It made me smile, and I really hope that Nick and Anthony become good friends
    with them at some point. :)

    Okay well, I'm off to go read some more,
    and hopefully I'll have another comment posted
    August 1st, 2010 at 09:16pm
  • animal soup

    animal soup (100)

    United States
    Okay, now I've read to thirteen.
    I didn't think this was possible, but the story just keeps getting better and better!

    Nick's voice just amazes me. He is just so...gallant! It's like you took my idea of the perfect
    man, all humble and noble and caring and genuine, and created Nick! You have also led him
    to have a startlingly beautiful mind. His thoughts are genuine, and pure. Only extremely talented
    authors like yourself are able to pull of a character like that, and you so did!

    Anthony just makes me smile so big. You crafted him to be such a unique person, it is really amazing. I love the way you make him think. Its like, he's really depresses at times, but he
    also retains this innocent chilklike view on aspects of the world. I think it is really intersting to
    see a character that contains both of those elements. Way to go!<3

    I so have to point out how freaking adorable their complete clueless-ness is. How can Nick think that Anthony doesn't like him, or vice versa? :o Those silly boys. But it definitely makes the
    entire story believeable for me. That part of growing to like someone is definitely life like.

    This is one of my favorite lines from Nick:
    "I've been throwing around the thought of locking him away and keeping him forever."
    That was too cute!
    I bet Anthony wouldn't mind that one bit!

    And the kissing was just sooo freaking adorable and perfect and cute and sweet and a thousand other words like that. :D
    Perfection, my dear.<3

    "As he leaned in again, pressing yet another delightful kiss to my lips, I realized I may be forming a new addiction. I wouldn't mind being addicted to his kiss."

    Wow, that line was just too good for words. ;)

    This is so amazing!
    August 1st, 2010 at 06:55am
  • animal soup

    animal soup (100)

    United States
    Oh wow Lili, just wow.
    This story astounds me, amazes me, and blows my mind with it's sheer adorableness.
    I love it so much!

    I really like how caring Nick has turned out to be.
    Its so adorable how he is always worrying about Anthony, and making sure that he is okay.
    The fact that he is actually getting Anthony to eat again is making me so happy,
    and it stands as a testiment to how utterly amazing Nick is to have that ability.
    Anthony is just too adorable for words.
    His numerous insecurities and unhappiness make me just want to hug him too tight!
    I want to just tell him that everything will be okay, even though Nick seems to be doing
    a perfect job of that himself. ;)

    "He's like my medicine, and I have a feeling I'm slowly going to get addicted to him." That line is my favorite one of Anthony's so far. It perfectly shows how he is growing to feel about Nick, and how he trusts him.

    I also really liked this one:
    "We speak our language through recipes" or something to that extent, when Nick was talking about his mother and their relationship. It made me smile, because I really love the way you made her out to be. Shes such an amazing person, and so is Nick.<3

    How on earth do you come up with things like that? :o

    The shopping trip was also just too cute. :3
    I also really like the touchiness bewteen the two, because it reveals the growing trust between them, and the bond that is beginning to form.

    Im so excited to see what happens next. :D
    July 31st, 2010 at 06:52am
  • animal soup

    animal soup (100)

    United States
    I've read through chapter four so far, and wow!
    I really like this a lot.
    Nick is so sensitive, caring, and insightful.
    I enjoy seeing the world through his eyes and his thoughts.
    You have made him out to be seeminlgy genuine, and kind individual.
    I love how you go into so much detail about his life, and his passions.
    It makes me feel like I really know him, you know?

    And poor little Anthony. :|
    I cringed so bad when I read about the beatings...
    It was so descriptive... and heart wrenching to see him like that.
    It was so sweet how Nick just automatically took Anthony in.
    Im really excited to see where this ends up going, definitely!

    I can see why your readers grew so attached to them throughout this.
    I can tell that Nick and Anthony are going to be two men I don't forget!

    I also really adore the setting of this story.
    Italy is so beautiful, and it's refreshing to read a story not set in the U.S.

    Ohh, and I must tell you that I laughed so hard at this line:
    "It was so quiet and peaceful, the streets nearly deserted. All you could hear was the sounds of grasshoppers playing their songs and young boys whimpering. I stood still, slightly alarmed. Small boys whimpering?!"

    I could just picture Nick being all...whaaat!?

    Even though it was sad that Anthony was crying.
    I think you get what I mean, though.

    Anyways, great job!
    I'll be posting more comments as I read. :D
    July 30th, 2010 at 06:32am
  • imyouth-imjoy

    imyouth-imjoy (100)

    United States
    I just started reading this today, and I loved it<333
    The ending actually made me teary eyed. xD
    This was absolutely beautiful<3
    July 18th, 2010 at 02:29am
  • BooMonster

    BooMonster (100)

    United States
    I love it! Ending it with them getting married is soo cute!
    July 1st, 2010 at 02:37am
  • BooMonster

    BooMonster (100)

    United States
    OMG! I love this story!! It's amazing!
    June 30th, 2010 at 01:43am
  • MiniTree

    MiniTree (100)

    United States
    I like this story alot. Keep writin XD
    June 18th, 2010 at 04:46pm