A Distinct Lack of Trust - Comments

  • The Color Abi

    The Color Abi (300)

    United Kingdom
    First off, your title isn’t capitalised right. It should be A Distinct Lack of Trust. You might want to fix it. Second off, maybe you should give your hand at making your own layout because to me, a pre-made layout just makes it seem like an author doesn’t care enough about a story to make one. Also, you lack a summary…

    This story seems rather drag and honestly just doesn’t interest me. There’s just nothing that strikes it out as a story that would interest me if I chose to read it from the story page. It’s not the most unique of plot lines and some of it drags a little.

    Overall, it was a bit eh. I wouldn’t have read it normally.

    One last thing, your word count should be in the summary.
    July 17th, 2010 at 11:52pm