Love for the Romantically Disabled - Comments

  • 2023, still randomly remembering this book drunk i hope it gets finished lol
    December 18th, 2023 at 08:44am
  • Hi!
    I just wanted to say, I started reading this when I was fourteen. I'm seventeen soon and out of all the published books, non published books and fan fiction I have read; the ending of this story never leaves my mind. Leon and Phoniex's love story is heartbreakingly beautiful. I really do hope that one day you update this, or even publish this?!? If that happens, please let your fans on here know. This book inspired me to write and I hope you know how amazing this is.
    April 19th, 2016 at 06:53am
  • This is one of my favorite stories I've read on here!
    April 7th, 2016 at 05:57pm
  • Omg I absolutely LOVE this story. Can you please continue it? P.S. if you plan to publish it someday (which would be extremely awesome) I would not hesitate to buy it. The suspense is killing me!!!

    *potential SPOILER ALERT FOR NEW READERS* How does it end for Pheonix and Leon?! And how are they together again on the other side?! Please don't leave me hanging D: *

    Also, I absolutely adore this story. There is so much life and depth to your characters and words. I love the way you write! This story is devastatingly beautiful, and I can't say that about most (published) stories I've read. Anyhow, I hope you continue writing this! But pretty pretty please continue this? o:
    March 19th, 2015 at 01:25am
  • This is the best story I've ever read!:) hopefully one day you will finish it:)
    June 30th, 2013 at 08:55pm
  • Amazing as usual :D
    August 12th, 2012 at 12:06am
  • love love love <3
    July 1st, 2012 at 04:39pm
  • Im so glad you updated! I love this story so much! One of my favorites!
    June 27th, 2012 at 05:15pm
  • "Theodore?....what...what happened to your neck?"
    "I broke it for him."

    How do you come up with this stuff?

    By the way, I think that you are gonna make me cry with this story. HAVE MERCY, O AWESOME ONE.
    June 11th, 2012 at 06:33pm
  • nooo, i am sad . but i'll patiently be awaiting your updates .
    June 2nd, 2012 at 05:16am
  • Pleaseee hurry and update !!
    May 31st, 2012 at 06:40pm
  • I love World War II but this is just making me sad. I feel like I can sense my own death with this story. I DON'T WANT LEON TO DIE :(

    I don't know if I want you to update so soon only because it'll just come faster, but yeah still, update :)
    May 31st, 2012 at 06:09pm
  • Did you know that you're on hiatus as of October in 2012...that month hasn't happened yet haha
    May 31st, 2012 at 05:14pm
  • UH-OH THEY HAD SEX. And yay for awkward sex scenes. :D

    Update soon gurl, you're killing me here now that leon's enlisting and everything :( I gotta know what happens..
    May 31st, 2012 at 03:26pm
  • Awwwww I've been waiting for this story to update. Really good chapter I loved it!!!! I don't want him to go
    May 31st, 2012 at 05:02am
  • This story is so beautifully written. I couldn't stop reading it :p
    This would be such an amazing movie if it were one
    Can't wait for the next update! (:
    May 23rd, 2012 at 02:36am
  • I just started to read this story and I think it's amazing! I hope you will update soon :)
    May 17th, 2012 at 03:15pm
  • To She Who Is Awesome of Epic Proportions;

    Chapter Eighteen – Leon

    I’m in a very serious danger of repeating myself over and over again to little affect since I used so many of the adjectives in my vocabulary in the last chapter review to describe how I felt about your story. I’ll try to be more original with this one.

    (Also I don’t know why the image didn’t show up in the post. That was stupid. But I won’t try to put any in this one, even though it would make it prettier and easier to read. Yeah. Sorry about that.)

    I really enjoyed this little backstory that Leon has provided. It’s unique, this borderline-childish and ultimately cynical take on a marriage gone wrong and once again there were little comments that stuck out for me and painted the story in those most astounding, profound ways I’ve always loved from you. She had a pretty face and a pretty purse with lots of money. This one, in particular, is my favorite from the start of the chapter. I’m not totally sure why – it’s dark and degrading and awful but maybe that’s the reason. It’s what Leon thinks. It’s his dark and twisted take on his parents and oh gods, I hurt so much for this character that doesn’t actually exist. I’m pretty sure I love him. In a totally non-creepy way. I promise.

    Also, Byron was the chubbiest and therefore the most deserving on Natalie’s affections. Just felt the need to bring that up again because little tears formed in my eyes and I know that Leon loves him, deep down. Deep, deep down. And Leon’s discovery of the photo of his mother… that wrenches my gut. That’s not really something anyone his age should have gone through. I feel like this chapter is as much an in-depth analysis of Leon’s character as it is a back-story to the Natalie/Joseph affair. It really blows me away.

    *insert puppy dog sad face here*


    Okay, so I’m overreacting a bit. But I could see it so clearly in my mind and I just needed to share that with you.

    And now for this ending. Probably one of the most standout things I have ever read on this site. Definitely your masterpiece on many levels. To paint Lacoste as such a terrifying, frightening man. To have the contrast between Leon as a young man who was so frightened of his anger and everyone hating him growing up to be so sarcastic and bitter and standing up to the same man that ruined his childhood for him.

    And then you tie it all up with that threat. To tell us, all along, that the one thing Joseph Lacoste was determined to drill into Leon all these years was to not do exactly what he’s gone and done in this story.

    Wonderful. Stupendous. Fantastical. Magic. Helly praise, my dear.

    And now off to the next chapter. Please feel free to shoot me at your leisure.

    From SWLHLM.
    May 12th, 2012 at 02:35pm
  • To She Who Is Awesome of Epic Proportions;

    You probably hate me by now, which is totally deserved on my part. It’s been… well, much too long since I’ve really been on here and heavens above and below, I’d almost forgotten about you. And then one day a friend of mine was talking about good stories she’d read on the internet and I immediately thought of the most talented writer I’ve ever, ever come across on the net. So I proceeded to once again stalk you and read all of your lovely stories.

    It’s been something in the vicinity of seven or eight months since you’ve heard from me, so rest assured I have a lot to say and you are perfectly welcome to forgo this atrocious misuse of commenting privilege and rage at me for essentially writing you a story to read. Because this will not be a short affair. Not in the slightest. You have been warned. I’m going to actually do individual comments for each chapter and everything. Please don’t be alarmed. You can also expect this treatment on your other stories.

    Chapter Seventeen – Phoenix

    I actually wish there was an appropriate mibba smilie for me to place here or some really meaningful way to sum up my emotions on the gravity and content of your writing. You surpass words, Andi. You are infinitely better at your craft than dozens of published authors I have suffered through. You deserve much more than simply posting these stories on Mibba. You deserve to earn millions and sell movie rights and meet other brilliant, gifted minds to collaborate on the movie script for your works.

    Simply put:

    Kissing someone is a funny thing. Okay. Look, I know I’ve said this many, many times before, but I really cannot wrap my head around your immutable talent for understatement. I just... I know exactly what you mean, and you’ve hardly even said it! I think a lot of what I love about your writing is the simplicity of it – I’ve always found simple things to be beautiful, and you---just, there are no words. All of your beautiful, unrestrained, effortless, simple sentences have just destroyed me completely.

    I actually think this paragraph:
    ”It should have lasted longer. Even after I slapped him out of shock.
    We should have had more time together. I could have known then, what I know
    now, had I chose to listen to the tiny fading intuition in my head that I was
    desperately pushing away. I didn't want to know the truth: that at the
    end of the day, Leon Sinclair and I were not meant to be together.”

    is probably one of my favorite. Maybe you don’t even realize it, but I think you do: it is the epitome of what makes your writing so wonderful. There’s the simplicity to it, of course, and there’s the cadency of the words that would make this one of a bare few to sound pretty when spoken aloud, and there’s also the flow. But that’s not what strikes me the most. What hits me about this is the way it’s been set up: Should have, followed by could have, and finally didn’t. It’s the contrast that really does it. I’m just not sure how you could make something so flawless with such apparent ease. It baffles me. And then you wrap it all up with a collection of simple words, a cliché used to carelessly but that you use to such effect: they were never meant to be together.

    As if I needed reminding that this story will not have a happy ending.

    Damn. I’ve already written too much. But even all of these words are not enough to convey exactly how I feel about your writing. The most apt of words fall flat: awe, jealousy, reverence, adoration. I think the most effective of all, really, is simply thank you.

    Anyway, I’ll try to wrap this up. Not to say that the rest of the chapter wasn’t equally as stunning, but that beginning really stood out for me. So I just wanted to really evaluate that. I suppose the best thing to say next is, of course, I HATE JOSEPH LACOSTE WITH THE BURNING PASSION OF A THOUSAND FIERY SUNS. Which is quite an accomplishment, so congratulations! I had a semblance of pity for Oriole, too, that her wedding was ruined by this monster, regardless of the fact that for the most part I find her selfish and annoying and not half the woman that Phoenix is, but I guess that’s how most siblings appear from a first person point of view. Nobody deserves to have their special day shat on like that.

    I really loved the subtle development of Leon and Phoenix’s relationship in this chapter (a relationship for which I have devised the shipper name: Leonix… which sounds vaguely like some kind of pokemon). It speaks volumes through small things like Phoenix stepping closer to Leon to ‘avoid her father’s rage’, so to speak, and my heart nearly stopped when our sexy little boytoy caught the bully’s hand mid strike. Because, let’s face it, Leon does have the best one-liners, and ”Don’t fucking touch her” is right up there. And then his arrogant little spiel concluding with him being ‘an 18-year-old boy who doesn’t know any better’ – yes, your writing really touches me. Somehow, even the way you describing it just hints at these oh-so-subtle undertones of Leon’s personal hell. He’s just… he seems so unhappy. I’m really not sure how you’re doing all of this. It’s witchcraft. It must be.

    The showdown between the pair is such a sick twist on the whole overbearing-father-meets-daughter’s-boyfriend. And so public, too. Once again, congratulations on your enormous display of literary competency. I also felt like cheering when Phoenix actually bit her father. I wanted to be able to reach through the screen, high five her, hug her and then send her on her merry way to her future lover.

    So finally, I’m going to finish with the mental picture of me vomiting buckets. Because oh-my-fucking-God I know that the Colonel is sarcastic and cold and stuff but he’s a much better choice than Joey-bloody-Lacoste and I can’t believe that Natalie had an affair with that horrendous tub of guts. I figured it was probably something like this, but I didn’t want to believe it. And you just wrote it so well, too, it just… unf.


    ^^ and that would be the most accurate description of my feelings in regard to this chapter as a whole. I hope this eleven-hundred word review didn’t make you hate me too much. Because, well, there’s more to come. I’m so sorry.

    From She Who Leaves (Horrendously) Long Messages.
    May 12th, 2012 at 02:08pm
  • [insert long review no. 1 here]
    May 12th, 2012 at 01:30pm