The Man Who Can't Be Moved - Comments

  • So I wanted to re-read one of your stories and was disappointed to find out it was deleted however I just want you to know I've probably read your stories at least 3 times each! Even way back with Osh/Carmindy! Great writing I hope you publish more in the future :)
    August 3rd, 2014 at 09:42am
  • So I thought this was gonna be a Sid story and it turns out to be a max story? I was a little upset and pissed cause em and Sid were cute in the begining. I skipped to the end just to make sure I didn't waste my time on a max story...
    June 21st, 2013 at 04:25am
  • aww i love max and emma-leigh and their happily ever after! i loved this story
    August 30th, 2011 at 01:29am
  • I mean Em* I was reading another fic with the name Sloan!

    Hay Fever sucks!
    September 11th, 2010 at 08:44pm
  • Yay! After reading both stories back to back, it does suck leaving characters that you felt attached with. I felt the same way with Drew-Janelle-Luke-Claudia-Steven on my fics. It's a great story and a great ending for Max and Em! :D Can't wait to read the Max-Sloan fic!

    Great job, Sammie!
    September 11th, 2010 at 05:42pm
  • I'm not to proud to admit that i cried, it's so sad to see a story end but i think that you captured the moment perfectly, it was so good to see that Sid and max had finally put their issues behind them and their both able to move forwards with their lives. Can i have a max? could you make that possible because it seems like all the men in this world just suck lately, maybe we could just clone him, that way everyone could have one. I'm anxious to see what you'll do next, I'll be eager to read either story you write, but it's going to be so sad to say goodbye to Em and Max for good. This story was wonderfully done my dear, thank you so much for sharing it with us!!
    September 8th, 2010 at 02:04pm
  • What a perfect ending for a fantastic story! I love how you mix just the right amount of drama and fluff in to the story. I would love to see Max as a daddy but whatever you choose to do, I will certainly be reading :)
    September 8th, 2010 at 11:14am
  • What a perfect ending! <3
    I still want a Part Three!! I loved this story!
    I can't wait to see what you're gonna do next! :)
    September 8th, 2010 at 08:58am
    September 8th, 2010 at 05:14am
  • One too many times, a story will leave me dissapointed with the ending. In fact I've never read a story on mibba where I was satisfied with the ending. And well I guess there's a first time for everything because that ending was beautiful. It was hopeful, which I find is essential to a story. Sure, there can be moments of despair or pain, but an overarching theme of hope is necessary for a good story, whether or not it has a happy ending. This, I feel is a good way to leave Max and Em off. I feel like a part three would just be too much, a bit overwhelming and redundant, much like a Titanic 2. but should you choose to write a third installment, I will happily read it. It's your story, I trust you to know what's best. Thank you so much for writing this story.
    September 8th, 2010 at 03:38am
  • My own emotions have been getting the better of me for a little over twelve hours now and I’m not ashamed to admit that I’ve cried -unabashedly and unashamed- a number f times already. - - I knew max would fall so in love with his boys that he'd cry. So sweet.

    The love I feel for them is all consuming; every fibre of my being is connected to them and my heart both constricts with the most intense swell of pride and the purest form of adoration and awe that I’ve ever experienced in my entire life. Oh Monsieur Talbot - you are in love. He's going to be an amazing Dad.

    Now nothing can come even remotely close to matching how it feels to be a daddy. To see my boys safe and sound after worrying about them for so long and to be humbled by not only the experience of witnessing their births, but at seeing just how brave and strong and resilient my wife truly is. - - so many awwww moments. Love this.

    “Then quit wallowing and just learn to keep your trap shut from hear on out,” she cuffs me lightly upside the head. “Think before you open your mouth. I know it’s hard for you because you’re a man and men are incapable of keeping their yaps shut. But could you at least try? For me?” - - Man I love Peyton. She may have come out of this as my fav character. So freaking smart, and married to Kris Letang. Lucky girl.

    “Autumn thinks it’s probably the only way I’ll ever get out of being so socially awkward. That it’ll be better if I just throw myself to the wolves. Like pulling a band-aid off quickly instead of doing it slowly. - - It's worth a shot Autumn, but I wouldn't hold your breath. Sid continues to mature, but less socially awkward, I wouldn't bet on it.

    “You want to come in and…”
    “I don’t think I should,” he gives an unapologetic smile. “Some things I’m just not ready for, you know? I mean, I’m happy for you guys and I’m glad that things went okay and that Em and the babies are healthy, I just…some things still hurt a little too much.”
    -- I'm not going to lie. This totally breaks my heart.

    “I’m sorry about the baby. I’m sorry about a lot of things. I never meant for any of it to happen the way it did. I don’t regret falling in love with her, but I wish things could have been different between us. I’m sorry.” - - This legit brought tears to my eyes. They've said these things before, but this felt like for real to me.

    This was a perfect ending. I loved it. You've sure taken us on a ride with the three of them. I am so happy Sid has found closure and happiness. I'm thrilled that the babies are healthy. Something tells me you're not done with Em and Max though. They are in your blood.

    Thanks for writing this for us. For taking us through the drama, the ups and even the downs. You can't really feel the highs if you don't feel the lows.

    Excellent ending.
    September 7th, 2010 at 03:20pm
  • Ch 58

    You need to get laid,” Staalsy declares. “You’re way too anal about shit lately. If your wife was still able to put out… - - I love jordan and usually overlook all his faults - yeah that was kinda bad, although - he has a point here too. Always looking to take up for my boy

    I yank on my clothes and snatching the bucket of ice -most of it has long melted yet there’s still several chunks floating around in the water left behind- off the top of the nearby dresser, stomp over to my teammate’s bed and then rip the blanket off not only his naked body but that of his girlfriend’s before proceeding to dump the entire contents of the container on both of them. - - Fucking hilarious!!!!!

    Do you really think that half the guys are following any of ‘the rules‘?” Sid’s probably the only guy that is following them. You really think any of the others are actually going to listen to management tell them they can’t leave their room after ten and that they can’t have sex - - well we know jordy's not following the rules LOL

    “Slap my ass like that again and you’re going to need someone to pry me off of you,” I tease. “That whole ‘no sex’ thing will go right out the window if you keep doing shit like that.” - - he has a point em.

    I think the nurse thing is a lose lose situation. He can't win, and I totally believe he has her best interest at heart, but she's hormonal and big and she's not going to see it Max's way. Poor guy.

    You’ll be thanking your lucky stars that you found such a perfect, amazing baby daddy.” - - I think he will be an amazing baby daddy.

    Whatever happens tomorrow, whatever the outcome, I’m just glad that she’ll be with me for the entire ride. - - awwww so sweet.

    I love how he escapes the craziness of his room to Em. She's his safe haven anyway. They are so perfect for each other. It took me a good while to accept it, but I have, and I've grown to really love them.

    Oh and Jordy: Baby, I know Audrey is hard to resist, but you could have used the shower. LOL
    September 7th, 2010 at 02:23pm
  • Aww I'm sad it's over. Can't wait for the next one!
    September 7th, 2010 at 07:13am
  • LOVED the last chapter. I really really really would love to see a part three to this story. :D
    September 7th, 2010 at 06:13am
  • Ch 57
    The new Max has learned the true meaning of intimacy; it extends far beyond the actual sex and transforms it into something pure and incredible that involves both physical and emotional closeness. - - awww I love grown up max.

    he last couple of months have been extremely difficult on her; she’s constantly fatigued and afflicted by an aching back and swollen ankles and she finds it hard to feel the slightest bit comfortable for even just a few minutes. - - You're freaking me out about having babies again. LOL just sayin.

    I confess. “I worry that ‘cause I’m gone so much I won’t be able to be the way I want to be in their lives. That I won’t have the time to be with them the way I want to be. And that they’ll grow up and hate me ‘cause I was away so much. - - wow. Now you can really tell that Max is ready to be a dad! Love this side of max.

    I love you to the ends of the earth, Max. But I’m not willing to do this half a dozen times for you. - - Oh man - I so don't blame her.

    “You’re beautiful, Emmy-Lou,” I praise as she disappears into the ensuite bath. “Insanely beautiful.” - - Man - I just love how much he loves her.

    Sweet chapter. Max and Em chapters are always amazing and you can see how far they've come since the beginning. Matured and grown.

    Loved it.
    September 7th, 2010 at 04:47am
  • Ch - 56
    Luc Kristopher Allen Letang is two weeks old and quite possibly the most stunningly beautiful and phenomenally precious creature I’ve ever laid eyes on; - - That is not surprising. Look at his parents.

    Lee-Lee, it’s game seven of the Stanley Cup Final and you’ve been given doctor’s clearance to travel there,” Peyton reminds me, - - as usual I agree with Peyton.

    At first I’d thought he’d gone insane and had hired us a sex slave; I’d thought maybe the orders to avoid sexual contact for the remainder of the pregnancy had drove him mad and he’d gone on line and picked out some skank to share our bed -and himself- with. - - ROFL well I guess she is married to Max Talbot. I imagine it is hard for him to go without sex.

    “I’ve just put on a lot of weight and it’s messing with my back. That’s all. It’s not a sign that I’m going to go into labour. Or that I already am. It just means that I’m a fat ass; a Pregasaurus.” - - awwww - Poor Em.

    “Something tells me this was all inevitable. That despite the fact we were both with other people at some point in time, I would have eventually found my way to Kris in the same way you did with Max. And despite how much we bitch and moan about them, let’s face it; we’d never be able to live without them.” - - man I love Peyton. I just love how she knows exactly what to say.

    “A great man,” I correct. “A phenomenal one considering everything he’s had to put up with just to be with me. How many would have done that? How many guys would have willingly gone through all of that?” - - I love hearing her say that. I love that she knows exactly what he gave up for her and what he did to make her healthy.

    I told him on the phone this morning that if he scored a goal or even got an assist, I’d let him keep the beard long enough to rub it all over my naked body. - - haha now we know what motivates him. Can't say I'm shocked.

    Great Chapter. I always love Em and Petyon together. They are just so playful. It was nice seeing how much they appreciate and love their men.
    September 7th, 2010 at 04:25am
  • I loved the ending, it was so perfect.
    And the part between Max and Sid was amazing. It finally feels like everything has been resolved and everyone is at peace.
    I'm definitely game for a part three, but if you decide not to I can't imagine a better way to end it.
    You did a phenomenal job writing this, it was by far my favorite Max story <3
    September 7th, 2010 at 04:13am
  • I loved the ending, it was so perfect.
    And the part between Max and Sid was amazing. It finally feels like everything has been resolved and everyone is at peace.
    I'm definitely game for a part three, but if you decide not to I can't imagine a better way to end it.
    You did a phenomenal job writing this, it was by far my favorite Max story <3
    September 7th, 2010 at 04:13am
  • that was beyond words. it was so beautiful you cant even imagine. I was litterally crying at the end. My heart broke for Sid, but i felt so happy for them at the same time. Its just so emotional throughout the whole chapter. Brillaint job,really. PLEASE do a part three.


    September 7th, 2010 at 03:44am
  • I hadn't commented yet on which Max story I would want because I was open to both idea's and sort of wanted both. But now that this story is complete, I am sad and want more. I thoroughly enjoy reading your stories so whichever you choose is ok with me. Thanks and great job!
    But I vote for both!!!!!
    September 7th, 2010 at 02:39am