Hear You - Comments

  • PinkMartini

    PinkMartini (100)

    United States
    Wahhhhhhhhhhhhh! That is so sad. So very sad. I don't think the James Blunt lyrics ruined it. I loved it, actually. It's my favorite song by him too, so kudos to you. :3 I loved every part of this story. It was... Gah, beautiful. Love, love, loved it. The big, heart-shuddering moment for me was this: "Days later, months later and I'm still here." My heart sank. Truly.

    I think the whole concept of being in a coma and hearing everything, but not being able to wake up is really scary and sad to think about a person's family discussing pulling the plug on them. So... Yeah. Awesome story.
    May 27th, 2011 at 12:58am
  • Universally Known

    Universally Known (100)

    United States
    Oh my god....this is absolutely amazing. I was really touched, reading this. This is incredible. The character just instantly caught me, how much we learn about him without actually knowing much at all.....and I loved the part where he is describing his lover's dog, it just...wow. The ending made me cry a little though, but it's still amazing how much can be explained, how much we can find out just by reading a few paragraphs. Excellently done :)
    October 24th, 2010 at 07:38pm
  • fen'harel

    fen'harel (560)

    Comment for the contest: The Best of the Best.

    I absolutely love your opening line. It's so entrancing and mysterious, and it hooks the reader up, immediately giving this vibe of mystery.

    The theme of your story is something I've never read before. Euthanasia is a rare subject in stories, and I'm so glad that I got to read this, because, even if it is short, you got a variety of emotions conveyed so incredibly well here.

    At first, I get this sort of humorous remembrance vibe, when the character talks about his/her lover's dog and his naming skills.

    Then, it turned a bit bitter, yet, somewhat happy, as if he wanted that.

    Now, your character... wow, just wow. I love how it can be anything. He, she, s/he, whatever race, age, gender identity. Yet, even if you didn't give the reader enough information about it, it has personality, it surfaces through the narration and how his experiences with his/her loved one and the current state has shaped him/her.

    Again, the descriptions were brilliant, the character just baffled me because it's easy to identify with the plot, even when it's something that will probably never happened to the reader before, but we can identify with it.

    Incredibly done.
    October 22nd, 2010 at 02:35am
  • WishingYouBlueBirds

    WishingYouBlueBirds (100)

    United States
    Dude, your stories bring out emotions from me.
    Hahaha x]
    This story made me tear up alil because it reminded me of my uncle..
    Well done, Gemzy :)
    August 5th, 2010 at 09:15am
  • Mexxasauur

    Mexxasauur (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Wow, this is great Gemma. =o
    It's sad, but I love it. <3
    How did you get so good at this stuff? xD
    May 14th, 2010 at 09:00pm
  • Out There

    Out There (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I can hear you. Lovely, simple opening. I grasped immediately what was going on without you having to go into detail about it.

    Your's are calm and cooling, like water puddling across my head. I loved that comparison.

    I really like the part where the character is thinking about Nathan's dog and things like that. It's just so ordinary and has a wonderful calming effect on the whole story, making the ending a huge shock.

    Please, don't name our children without me there to pass final judgement. I don't trust you. This just...it's amazing, I sense this close bond between them that just feels immense with this line. How he's thinking of children without any uncertainty. But also, how he doesn't think if. In his mind, they will have kids, they have this future ahead of them.

    You've agreed, given in. So sad. :( I don't feel any hatred there, or even disappointment. It's as though Ethan has expected this, been waiting on this, even whilst he was so sure of a future.

    This stupid coma has stopped me doing even that. I love how you have a sort of light-hearted, but still sad atmosphere to it. I feel this is a character that I could really admire. He does not seem afraid of death; he doesn't sound desperate or torn. It's as though he's saving face in front of Nathan, even though he can't even speak to him or look at him and only think.

    I don't feel the lyrics were too cheesy at all. Maybe it's because I love the song. But also, by ending it with friend it shows that their bond was more than just lovers.

    The only thing I thought sounded off was slick the switch. I don't know. I maybe would have preferred something as simple as click. Slick just didn't seem to fit to me.

    My favourite line: You are saying our final goodbyes. How you said 'our' instead of 'your', I really, really liked that.
    May 2nd, 2010 at 08:36pm