New Years Day - Comments

  • Da-Da-Dakota!

    Da-Da-Dakota! (100)

    United States
    No, I apologize.

    This was great, though it's conclusion was a little... cliff-hanger-y. It was a tad confusing, and I wasn't sure what happened.

    I love how you involved Tempe, seeing as how all my favorite music is from there.... Irrelevant...

    So, no grammar or spelling jumped at me. I don't hunt through... So you're clear for that.

    I do like how you used the line at the END. That's new for this contest, every other person used it as the opener and it was nice for a change of pace.

    Again, I sincerley hope you excuse my awful outburst earlier and thank you for your entry. I'll start judging them against each other soon. :)
    April 24th, 2010 at 11:24pm