Appeal To Reason - Comments

  • ThingCalledLove

    ThingCalledLove (100)

    Am I imagining this? Did you actually update? Does this mean you’re back? Man I have missed you and your stories. Especially this one.

    Speaking of this one, this was an amazing chapter! I want Anna and Dany together so badly, so I totally hate the fact that I don’t completely hate Mike. He’s so incredibly sweet and patient and humble with just the right amount of awkward, and exactly what Anna deserves in a man. Major swoonage. Why can’t Dany be like this? Why? Haha.

    Luke was adorable, and as far as I am concerned, the boy can do no wrong.

    I absolutely loved this paragraph, “ We exchanged several greeting words, but I couldn't remember a single one. It was like they lacked so much importance that I could barely grasp what I had said after I said it.” Because it’s just so real. It’s one of those things that happen all the time, yet you don’t even realize that it’s happening.

    I liked the fact that Anna promised she’d see Mike again before leaving. I do hope she keeps that promise. I also hope she leaves soon, and meets Dany, and he can woo her with his new attitude on life and they can live happily ever after.

    Great update and I honestly cannot wait to see what happens. You’re a fabulous writer, and one of my favourites here on Mibba.
    August 15th, 2011 at 09:00pm
  • deviantwind

    deviantwind (100)

    United States
    I am so excited you're finally working on this again!
    August 15th, 2011 at 04:06am
  • deviantwind

    deviantwind (100)

    United States
    I am so excited you're finally working on this again!
    August 15th, 2011 at 04:06am
  • layna loves her caps

    layna loves her caps (100)

    United States
    You are even more awesome and perfect than Mike. I will legit comment as soon as I get home.
    August 14th, 2011 at 09:55pm
  • megpie12

    megpie12 (100)

    Loved it!! Keep up the amazing work! :)
    August 12th, 2011 at 06:36pm
  • simplymexx

    simplymexx (100)

    United States
    I was so excited to wake up and see this had been updated! Though I forgot to go back and read Anna's last chapter so I was confused at first haha. But Mike was sweet and understanding about the whole thing, even without knowing what was going on
    August 12th, 2011 at 02:25pm
  • Blue Line Fever

    Blue Line Fever (100)

    welcome back, i freaking love this story!
    August 12th, 2011 at 10:21am
  • sonya6w

    sonya6w (100)

    Boo, misspelled Dany**'s name. I apologize! :P
    August 12th, 2011 at 10:10am
  • sonya6w

    sonya6w (100)

    My jaw literally dropped when I opened the email for this update. I'm so happy you updated. Though Danny wasn't in this chapter (what a bummer, especially after a long wait), I really enjoyed the chapter. Can't wait for more! :)
    August 12th, 2011 at 10:09am
  • ThingCalledLove

    ThingCalledLove (100)

    Hi, I just wanted to drop by and let you know how much I miss this story :(
    June 17th, 2011 at 07:57pm
  • LDW Choice

    LDW Choice (1200)

    United States
    Alright, so, this is very well written. It seems to be very well liked by your fan base. I absolutely love the complexity that can easily be seen as simple. This is overall, a cute story. I wish you the best of luck!
    May 25th, 2011 at 11:42pm
  • simplymexx

    simplymexx (100)

    United States
    So I just started reading this and I am in complete love with the story! Seriously, you had me hooked all through my bio lecture and I almost started crying with all the things Dany had said to Anna. I'm really enjoying this, and I can't wait to read more!
    April 30th, 2011 at 06:10am
  • alyssa-anne

    alyssa-anne (100)

    United States
    Hi, my name is fail; nice to meet you! Bah. ):

    I loved chapter 19! I know it's been posted since forever, but yeah, just getting to it. I have no excuses, honestly. I loved how Dany got to talk to his brother! And he's best man! I hope that means turning over a new leaf in their relationship that will hopefully start to mend. I hate that he had to lie to his brother though, about Anna. Maybe, if he had opened up to his brother about it, he'd feel better. Keeping whatever feelings he has for Anna and her disappearance locked up is no good, that's for sure.

    I do hope you get to update soon. I promise my commenting will be more prompt! =P
    April 18th, 2011 at 03:09am
  • centaur

    centaur (100)

    United States
    So let me just say that yours is the first story I read when I made an account earlier today. And it is now currently 1:10 a.m. Because I had to stay up and read. Every. Single. Chapter. I am a HUGE Sharks fan and in love with your writing. I got to the last chapter and scrolled down, expecting another and a bit of me died. I can't wait for the next one.

    I have always loved Heater (yay he's coming back next game from his suspension!). For some reason, he has this sort of... mysterious, roguish charm? Can't quite describe it. And of course his tumultuous past has to do with it. But I love this version of him, this character you've created.

    I also love Ryane (I recently bought his shirt/jersey from the Sharks store) and this is pretty much how I imagined him. Like that protective, comforting big brother that will just engulf you in huge hugs whenever he sees you. :)

    And seeing as Torrey and Seto's little bromance is my favorite thing in the world (and Torrey's my favorite player) I love the fact that you put them in there. And Scotty being the one to let Dany know that Anna had called? I thought that was the perfect choice. I feel like he would be the one to be a mediator, or at least not choose sides.

    Annnnyway, story-wise, from the first couple paragraphs I immediately caught on to the whole Jane Eyre-like "girl tries to emotionally save boy at expense of own feelings" theme. Sometimes I think it's really cheesy, but I love it here. And every time Anna does something to stand up for herself, I cheer. :)

    By the way, my aunt worked at the Axis for a while and met a couple players :) Haha I don't know where you get your info, but good job so far ;) I'm looking forward to the next installment.
    March 20th, 2011 at 09:20am
  • Addyliners

    Addyliners (105)

    Sorry for not commenting on the last chapter. I was reading it, realised I had a test to study for, and didn't realise I only had two paragraphs left to read. Yeah, I'm a little oblivious.

    I really enjoyed your definition of human in ch. 18. Albeit it reminded me of Psych class (not my fave class), but it was good.

    She finally talked to Ryane! Yay!! I'm all for Anna taking a break from the San Jose life and all, but she just left Ryane hanging dry! The introduction of her possibly going back got me a little excited. After all of this and her sudden departure, I would love to see how things go back in San Jose - especially between her and Heatley.

    Again, I still continue to love your wording and style! It's very strong and provides great imagery. Personally, I'm a visual and audio person (although I read a lot) so imagery is a great to have while reading a story.

    Despite not being in their POVs, you develop all of the characters' (the main ones) dynamacy (is that a word?) There isn't a chapter where you feel like you aren't getting to know them.

    The description of just Heatley getting ready for the wedding was powerful. You felt his emotions without being told what they were and yet were able to convey his surroundings at the same time. Good job!

    Dany's world is all just falling together, but still there's that missing piece! He gained some introspect and self-reflection, and he realises that his world is pulled by each person equally. It sucks that it took a loss for him to realise that. But, I guess some doors have to close for a window to open.

    Chapter 19 just had a perfect encircling theme: being human. It was simple, perfect, real, but yet so often forgotten amongst us. It's nice to read that all it takes is a simple apology to realise that the wrong can also be placed on opposite ends of where it has been awarded to. And I feel like this is the step that Dany has to take to either get closer to Anna, lose Anna forever, or just realise and come to terms with his and hers relationship. They were cheating each other and fixing it would be best no matter what the result is.

    I want to say I can't wait, but I think the depth and weight of the story has to sink in with me before I continue to read. This is just too damn good!
    March 12th, 2011 at 10:10am
  • sonya6w

    sonya6w (100)

    LOVED this chapter. To finally see Dany talk to his brother, was beautiful. When his brother asked him to be the best man, it was just the cherry on top of this wonderful sundae :P Seeing Dany finally get closure was awesome. And like before, I agree with everything Layna said. Can't wait for more! :)
    March 5th, 2011 at 07:48am
  • layna loves her caps

    layna loves her caps (100)

    United States
    However, it bode ill for my struggling limbs, which refused to cooperate with me long enough to stop shaking.
    Old age sucks, doesn't it.

    ... I couldn’t help but wonder what the night had in store for us all.
    You, sir, will be a well-behaved little boy and not do anything with anyone because you are trying to earn back Anna's respect. So sit your ass down and support your brother. That is what you will be doing.

    Maybe my fears are irrational at this point... This isn't about me now.
    Exactly. Isn't being selfish and doing things only for himself what got him in this lonely stage in the first place?

    But he was my brother, someone I had been convincing myself was somehow not my friend.
    <3333333333 So sweet and adorable. I love them.

    the same unruly curls -- save for the fact that mine had thinned out with age.
    HE ADMITS HE'S BALDING! *cough* sorry...

    Truth is, Anna always tied them for me. It's been that way for... Since I met her, almost.
    Dany is a dumbass. If a girl ties your tie, it obviously means something. What a poopiehead.

    While he had smile marks, I had nothing more than a straight mouth built for a solemn line.
    Dear Dany, let me introduce you to someone. Her name is Rina and she will make you have smile marks too. Just don't hurt her or smile marks won't be the only thing you'll suddenly find yourself without.

    "Scared of what? You love her, don't you?"
    I love that Dany's the one giving relationship advice. So ironic.

    "Look... I know it's short notice," he paused for quite some time before he gave me a slightly pleading look. One breath later and he was cutting to the chase, "but I already talked to Matt and the other guys about it and I was hoping that you'd be the best man."
    I love these two. Seriously. When you marry Dany, I think I'm going to sneak myself into becoming an unofficial member of the Heatley clan. These boys are perfect and adorable and skjdfksdhfdksjfh

    " ... At this point, I just want my big brother to be my best mate."
    Oh.My.God. So effing adorable. These two... I can't even comprehend how amazingly you've written their relationship. You're a genius. Like this is just amazing and perfect and cute and sweet and... I feel another keysmash coming on... ssdfjksfjkhsfhkshfkjdsf

    So maybe I didn't have the immediate knowledge I was going to start a family
    Uh... Did you forget to tell him you were having 15 kids and two huskies? It may be important to inform him.

    maybe I wasn't some kind of philanthropic, scientific study participant that read to the blind on weekends and constantly glowed with a halo overhead.
    Don't the Sharks visit children's hospitals? I think that's pretty close. And I'm pretty sure you see him with a halo overhead so that's also close enough.

    I held out my hand to the boy as if offering to shake and nodded. "I guess I'm the best man."
    I want a Heatley.

    Ok this was seriously one of the sweetest things I've ever read. They are so adorable and cute and sweet and adorable and cute and skdfjkldfjldk I love this.
    Finally Dany can get some sort of closure in his life and can move on. Hopefully this will also help with his cleansing period.
    But anyway, I loved how you wrote the interaction between the two of them. It was so real and incredible. I'm glad Dany has his brother back. I feel like he'll need him when Anna comes back. Plus it never hurts to have your brother back that you can talk to. I see this relationship coming in handy later on...
    March 4th, 2011 at 04:38pm
  • ThingCalledLove

    ThingCalledLove (100)

    Do you know what I love most in a story? Something I’ll admit I’m still having a little trouble with in my own writing, character development. Appeal to Reason has it in spades and I absolutely love it. I love this transformation that Dany is going through. I’m even tempted to sprout out some clichés of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly.

    The point is, I love that Dany is facing the situation head on, and he’s starting to learn to cope the situation he’s put in. He’s adjusting himself to fit into the world he’s living in rather than trying to have it adjust to him. Does any of this make sense? Am I reading to deeply into things again? I just want you to know that as a reader I really appreciate it, because it shows that Dany is capable of learning from his mistakes, and growing in a positive sense. I made it a mental note to thank him some day for not asking why, for not making me explain the details of my ignorance, my mistake. UNFF. I love this. Dany is realizing that he is the one at fault, and that in this whole situation Anna is the victim. Love it, love it, love it.

    The scene between Dany and his brother was beautiful. It amazing that his brother reached out to him like that, because I honestly think that was what Dany needed. Maybe this finally gives him a feeling of acceptance. Something he sorely needs, especially after pushing Anna away so forcefully. And speaking of Anna, the two of them need to reconcile, like as soon as possible, but I guess I can wait a bit longer if you continue with these awesome character developments. Also, I love that Dany lied about Anna’s whereabouts instead of telling him the truth. I’m going to go into physiatrist mode (with zero psychology experience I might add) and say that it’s because he’s still holding on to hope that the two of them will work out...okay, so maybe it’s more me than Dany but still. I think it still fits ;)

    Anyways, keep it up. This story is amazing and I do a little happy dance when I see that you updated. Also, definitely let me know when you post the re-write of the story you told me about a few weeks back! I’m kind of addicted to your writing style.
    March 3rd, 2011 at 10:38pm
  • alyssa-anne

    alyssa-anne (100)

    United States
    Ryane has got to be the cutest thing on the face of the planet. I mean, really, it would be utterly impossible for him to be any more adorable. Making sure she's okay and that no matter how far away she is and how much she wants to get away, he keeps in touch. Him threatening to kick asses was pretty awesome, too. The birthday thing he wants to plan should prove to be interesting!! I can't wait to see if she sees Dany!

    And perhaps most importantly of all, she knew that I found him perfect only because he was so imperfect.

    Dany was real.
    Yes, yes, yes. Despite all his 'flaws' he's an amazing person. He's never claimed to be a saint or a perfect person, and in turn that just makes him perfect. I can totally agree with Anna there!

    Again, my love, I am so sorry for not commenting on the latest chapter sooner. <3
    March 1st, 2011 at 06:58am
  • layna loves her caps

    layna loves her caps (100)

    United States

    We mess up, yes, but what separates humans from all else, what makes us truly human, is the acceptance of and evolution that comes after learning a lesson.
    Like flushing pills down the potty?

    To be human requires a sense of compassion, though it is arguable that some are often without.
    *cough* Matt Cooke *cough*

    Maybe misery loves its company, but at least misery accompanies compassion.
    This has to be legit one of the best lines you've ever written. Seriously, it's just so deep and amazing and I love it.

    Dany was just a man who had convinced himself he was alone. In his confusion, he probably pushed me away because he thinks or thought that maybe I would do just what everyone else has to him: leave him.
    It's truly amazing how well you're having them know each other.

    I'd like to point out that that Ryane-Anna heart-to-heart was quite possible one of the best things ever. Like if this wasn't a Dany story, I'd instant you have them get married and start making happy little baby Ryanes. Although lord knows the world doesn't need any more of that hunk of sex walking around. Yum. But I digress...

    "Wow... That's heavy. Sweet. But um.... I have nothing to wear to something that nice. And I'm kind of twice your size," I returned reluctantly, glancing at the clock.
    I guess this is where Riley and I differ...

    She knew that I loved the sound of his voice, the throaty yet somehow melodic gentility of his tone the most soothing sound I knew.
    Hehehehehe I'll refrain from making a particularly detailed comment about his throaty voice.

    Dany was real.
    When I read this I thought of that line in A Cinderella Story when ... what's his face ... Chad Michael Murray talks about how real Hillary Duff is. Don't judge me.

    "... I'm thinking about going home in time to let him have his fun."
    Hehehe .... yeah. I bet Ryane could unleash loads of birthday fun ;)

    "I'm proud of you," she commented genuinely, patting me on the back, "You're turning into one of the big kids, sis."
    I love us.

    Alright, after this I'm finally all caught up with Appeal.
    I thought this was such a great chapter. I'm assuming, with the call to Ryane, that this is the call Scott was referencing in the last chapter. But I am so glad that they're talking again. I think they have a great relationship and it's nice that she at least still has some true bonding connection back home and that he's someone that she's considering going back to see. I mean if it wasn't for him, she probably wouldn't be going back to Cali at all. Which would be bad. Because she has to make up with Dany and live happily ever after.
    I love you, this was an amazing chapter and now I really can't wait for an update. Which I promise I will read in a timely manner.
    February 22nd, 2011 at 07:57pm