I Used to Be Pretty - Comments

  • seething

    seething (100)

    United States
    Not gonna leave a lengthy comment like the person above, but this was truly amazing ^^
    September 30th, 2010 at 04:58am
  • outtahereyall

    outtahereyall (150)

    United States
    I don't know where to begin with this. So, I suppose I'll start with the title/layout and then get to the story :3

    When I saw the title, it was so... intruguing, I was curious what it was about. Eating disorders, someone hurting themselves... I didn't expect this in the slightest. Plus, the layout itself is so perfect and simple, it's amazing.

    The amazing part of this story is the innocence. How you use things like 'grow grow grow' and 'wishwishwish,' along with how often he repeats himself with just a slight difference in phrasing, it makes you really know that it's a little boy, a child, telling the story and that only makes it more heartbreaking in my opinion.

    How he wishes to be beautiful to regain his parent's love that he thinks he's lost made me legitimately tear up a little. He seems so mature, yet so childlike in the way he wants to please others and wants to find that part of him he thinks is beautiful again at first. And then, he just seems to give up at the end.

    They stopped getting complimented on my beauty and but I stared in the mirror more than ever now, tilting my chain and touching the cancer through my skin, trying to find the beauty in me.

    That's possibly one of the best lines of prose I've ever read. It's like he's desperate to find something good about himself when he's sure there's absolutely nothing good in him anymore, and it's sad and touching and lovely.

    Also, that's the only fault I can find in this, and it's just a little bitty thing.

    They stopped getting complimented on my beauty and but I stared in the mirror more than ever now, tilting my chain and touching the cancer through my skin, trying to find the beauty in me

    Shouldn't chain be chin? tehe
    July 23rd, 2010 at 04:55am