Weightless Perfection - Comments

  • I like this:) I used to be bulimic, and if I got through it, than so can you! I was bulimic from 13-18, five years. My aunt was anorexic for 20yrs (she passed when I was seven, I heard that eating disorders can be past down or something). I think the relapses are something we all have to go through, even I did (and sometimes still do), but you just have to keep strong.

    I have to keep converting the pounds to KGs, in NZ we use kgs lol:)
    September 27th, 2010 at 10:58am
  • eighty? im 13 and i way over 80 and people say i'm skinny. People find girls that are too skinny unnatractive. Most models are unnatractive, because they are too skinny. Please (: Im so sure you are beautiful. inbox me (:

    and i like this story (:
    May 19th, 2010 at 08:26pm
  • I'd really like to read more of this, if you have anymore. It's deep, insightful. Very poetic, please post more!
    April 27th, 2010 at 09:39pm