From the Cradle to the Grave - Comments

  • honeyjoons

    honeyjoons (350)

    United States
    Oh my word. That was creepy and twisted but AMAZING!!
    I loved it (i hope that doesn't make me a weirdo XD)
    May 19th, 2010 at 02:48am
  • Iris Absurd

    Iris Absurd (100)

    United States
    This is horrify, but I just couldn't peel my eyes away from the screen. I loved this but now I'm going to have nightmares. XD Well done, my dear. This is definitely worthy of first prize.
    May 11th, 2010 at 05:15am
  • still a secret

    still a secret (100)

    Retell a Nursery Rhyme Contest
    I actually appreciated the warning. Thanks for that. :)

    Yesterday, her mother, Claudia, had found out that her father, John, was sleeping with the [Nanny], Christine. – this sentence is a little awkward because of all the pauses made when the person's name is said. I think changing the last part to “sleeping with Christine, the nanny.” will make it a little better. :) And I don't think the N in nanny should be capitalized.

    (Claudia still, through her insanity, had the sense to wear thick rubber gloves that absorbed the shock). – I really like this little tidbit :)

    Oh my gaaah, that was disturbingly cool that there was an unborn baby in Christine. :( It's making me sad, but in a good way.

    This was really really good. It had me on edge all throughout. It's leaving me a little breathless. XD
    I like how the deaths were described.

    There's a little problem with the beginning though.
    The look in her eyes was wild, and it was evident that she had gone completely insane.
    Natasha Galilee was exactly three years, five months, and fifteen days old. Right now she was sitting on a tree branch in the pouring rain in her family's spacious orchard.
    – I thought the “her” described in the first sentence was Natasha. Although the sentences after this already tells that it was Claudia who went crazy, that doesn't mean that Natasha wasn't either, so at first I really thought that there was another baby and Natasha was the one who's gonna kill that baby, especially since a “baby” is, I think at most, 2 years old. I guess I just keep remembering Rugrats where the 3-year-old Angelica's always insisting that she's not a baby anymore.

    About your author's note, hm, it's making me think. It could also work if Christine was the one who climbed the tree, and Claudia still chopped it off, and when Christine fell, Claudia stabbed her and the baby. So the “cradle” from the song would be Christine. O.o

    Clearly, I'm very into your story. Haha. Awesome job! Congrats on 1st place. :)
    May 9th, 2010 at 06:25am
  • Humanoid.Bibliophile

    Humanoid.Bibliophile (150)

    United States
    Congratulations for getting first place! I really did like this story. It's so...can't even say. You duly deserved it. Did I use that word right?
    May 8th, 2010 at 10:45pm
  • rooftopsandbirds

    rooftopsandbirds (100)

    Slovak Republic
    congrats to the 1st place and wow.
    At first I was all... wth... And then the nursery rhyme came and it just suddenly fit so well. What a twisted and interesting piece of writing. This is disturbing.
    May 8th, 2010 at 08:00pm