Choices - Comments

  • Oh, this is adorable. <3 You really capture a child's mindset, especially the part where he's thinking about what to call the shop assistant. All the bright colours and simplicities that capture a child's attention really add to the piece. I love it. :)

    Oh, and Alastair is one of my favourite names. Just sayin'.
    June 1st, 2012 at 09:21pm
  • This was really cute! I loved the last paragraph; the atmosphere it made was very lovely and nostalgic. Most things I'd critique are punctuation-related, e.g. putting a comma between pauses in a sentence, replacing a few commas with semicolons (when both parts can be an individual sentence), etc. I also think a little kid like Alastair wouldn't be concerned with the proper terminology for an ice-cream shop worker (that's what I call them too, haha). He'd probably just say "ice cream shop man/lady" since he is younger than 7...but then again, what do I know about your kid? He's your character, after all. ;) Oh, and I enjoyed Zara's exuberant sigh. You did really good! :]
    August 6th, 2010 at 03:46am
  • Firstly - I enjoyed this a lot. It really captures the theme “reminisce”. And choosing ice cream is pretty hard. I love how you described everything: Alistair's thoughts, Zara thinking she knows better, Alistair's pout... I hope this isn't one of those useless comments.
    May 15th, 2010 at 07:22am
  • I thought this was super cute.
    Choosing ice cream is hard sometimes, especially if you can only have one scoop.
    Good little drabble!
    April 30th, 2010 at 02:55pm