Neville's Secret - Comments

  • pezzie

    pezzie (105)

    United States
    Hi and wow. That was such a lovely read. I actually just stumbled on your story page for some reason and when I saw that you had a Harry Potter story, I immediately clicked on it, haha. And to make it even better, it was about Neville! I love reading about him because he is truly amazing.

    I think you captured his personality quite well. Every little blush, every stammer, and especially the part about him getting embarrassed about almost being a Squib. And you did a phemonomal job writing about his grandma.

    And even though I'm a hardcore shipper of him and Luna, I really liked Elspeth's character. She was really sweet and just a doll overall. The only thing that struck me a little odd was how Elspeth thought her dress looked a little like Alice in Wonderland. I know that in the DH, Ron knew nothing about Muggle fairytales. So maybe that's why I thought Elspeth was from a Muggle family or something, but I don't think she was. Hm, that was the only thing that got me a little distracted.

    But other than, I absolutely loved this piece! You did a great job and I really enjoyed it. It's always hard (at least for me) trying to find a decent Harry Potter story, and yours seriously surpassed my expectations! :)
    August 10th, 2011 at 07:13pm
  • Bones..

    Bones.. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I loved it. I actually did. The idea was extremely original and as was said above, everything flowed and linked well together.
    The only thing that disappointed me was that the image for the background never worked!
    It was exactly how I thought that Neville would react when he liked a girl.
    Well thought out.

    May 6th, 2010 at 05:19pm
  • morsmordre.

    morsmordre. (100)

    Hm, I liked this.
    I haven't really read anything about Neville before.
    Everything flowed together well, there wasn't really any awkward spots.
    It didn't have much imagery, but I think that suited this piece.
    Good job.
    May 6th, 2010 at 12:21am