I Think I'll Sneak Out More Often - Comments

  • prettyxinxyourxpain

    prettyxinxyourxpain (100)

    United States
    Hey there, I'm not saying I have anything against it or anything, but you've still got errors. Everywhere. You said to tell you, so hi! I'm telling you. (I'm not being a witch or anything... sorry if this comes out the wrong way.)

    I think you might have been reported because your story title itself isn't correct. Instead of ['I think i'll sneak out more often'] it probably should be ['I Think I'll Sneak Out More Often'] <--- I don't know, but Admins have stated that they will delete stories with title errors.

    Also, after dialogue you have zero punctuation and apostrophes where needed. ["Im angel" I replied.] Should be ["I'm Angel," I replied.] See what I mean?

    You might want to find a beta, or someone to proofread these things for you. It's hard to find mistakes in your own work, so you've got to have another set of eyes look at it. You've got a few spelling errors too. Maybe run a spell check and read everything slowly.

    Just some advice. I personally hate when there are a ton of grammatical errors, it makes me dislike the story even if it's a good idea.

    I liked this story, I was intrigued, so I'd like to see it stay. Hope you don't get reported or anything like that, because I'm waiting for an update.
    May 5th, 2010 at 12:02am
  • Alicia..is...love

    Alicia..is...love (100)

    United States
    i absouotly love this story its hilarious cant wait for more!!!!
    May 2nd, 2010 at 01:47am