His Name Is Regret - Comments

  • I always want to comment on your stuff, but I can't ever seem to think of anything to say other than the generic 'holy crap, this is amazing.' I'm always left somewhat speechless by your writing.
    Loved this story.
    June 20th, 2012 at 08:30pm
  • Eek.
    I love this.
    Like all your others :')

    Everyone above pretty much said what I wanted to. It's stunning how you can make something so overdone so original. I love that <3
    May 4th, 2010 at 12:16pm
  • Before I actually read the story I saw your post in the back story/unknown facts about the person at the end being Z...that seemed to make it have such a stronger impact on me.

    I love how we can just go in our minds and make it seem like she really cares about him going back to them but he is being so fucking stubborn and just not...

    This was excellent Dru.
    May 2nd, 2010 at 08:39am
  • This is an AMAZING story! I love the ending. you worded everything PERFECTLY! I wish that I could write like you! It's so hard to name a certain favorite part of your stories because I love all of your writing! ^.^
    <3 *HUGGIEZZ U!* <3

    P.S. I just realized that I'm listening to Panic At The Disco. I hadn't really realized this! Well, I had, but I just REALLY realized it. O.o Wow, I have a confusing mind! :D
    May 2nd, 2010 at 05:53am
  • Story Review Game:

    First off, I love the layout. Green is my favourite color and these are gorgeous shades of it tehe

    I also really enjoyed how linked everything is. And when I say that, I mean how literally everything - the title, the summary, the chapter title - are connected. In this case it's with regrets. I just thought that I'd point out that I liked that aspect of it.

    It’s such a simple question.
    - I really loved this line. I think it's mostly because we know that this is anything but a simple question. Regret is such a strong emotion that so many people feel. And I think that with the paragraphs that follow, you've really done a wonderful job of revealing to us all of Ryan's regrets in a way that we can actually feel that he does in fact regret these things, you know?

    It’s that, collectively, Ryan is a regret.
    - I think that this is my favourite line so far. You've done so well with expressing Ryan's feelings, and allowing us readers to come up with our own feelings towards Ryan. I know that I personally, was sympathetic to his plight. Losing everything you ever wanted in life and knowing that it was your own fault must be horrible. I think the emotion portrayed in this is spot on.

    I was a little confused after the "***" and wasn't really sure what was going on for a bit. I didn't understand if this was an hallucination, or if someone was actually there, but after reading it over another time, I think I got that there was actually someone there? Maybe?

    And then there’s lips against his cheek and a door clicking shut and he’s all alone again with his thoughts.
    - Amazing ending, as well. I thought that this entire piece was (no surprise) amazing. It was well-written (of course) and overall, made a wonderful read. It tugged on my heart strings and definitely got me thinking about my regrets - although none of them are so ... life-affecting as Ryan's.

    Anyway, amazing, amazing job, as per usual.
    May 2nd, 2010 at 04:23am
  • Damn, I meant "My favorite part was..."

    Sorry about that!
    May 2nd, 2010 at 02:02am
  • That was excellent! My favorite parts were, He’s an artist. One of those people who stays in their head and creates from it and doesn’t apologize because if they’ve done something wrong then they fucking deserve to suffer and try to scratch their way out of some hole. I liked it beacuse it seemed so fitting, so...hefuckedupandit'sallhisfaultandheknowsit.

    I admire your writing, and especially you :-]]

    May 2nd, 2010 at 01:45am
  • New story.
    Ryan character fiction drabble.
    ~600 words.

    Happy [?] reading!

    Thank you for every review/comment!

    May 1st, 2010 at 08:53pm