It's Time for Me to Let Go - Comments

  • colour me perfect.

    colour me perfect. (100)

    Oh my god... I'm so sorry that that happened to you. Losing someone is always hard, and especially when they mean that much to you.

    You wrote beautifully. It was so personal; you gave so much of yourself away that it made the whole thing all the more wonderful. The emotions you portrayed were so enthralling that I was completely drawn in, wanting to know more about your relationship with him and your story.

    I love how in the summary you wrote that you used the picture of the skateboard because he loved to skate. That really made me smile, because that just personalised the whole thing even more.

    Don't feel bad for telling him that you hated him. People say things they don't mean all the time, but if they love you they'll understand that you don't mean it. And from what it seems he didn't take it to heart, so don't ever feel bad for saying that to him. I'm sure he wouldn't have wanted you too.

    I'm really glad that writing this helped you. I hope you're doing well, and that everything is ok now. Thank you for sharing this with me, it was beautiful and I loved reading it. Well done.
    May 23rd, 2010 at 08:03am