Sometimes Dreams, Can Be All To Real - Comments

  • Bella Goes Away.

    Bella Goes Away. (860)

    I didn't dislike it, and it wasn't bad, but I got a bit confused. Mostly because of the layout, I think. But anyway. There were a few grammar mistakes, but overall it was alright.

    Not my cup of tea, but not a bad story. Taking away my confusion, I liked it. (:
    June 6th, 2010 at 10:30pm
  • CC;

    CC; (205)

    Just on the background... when I saw it, my first reaction was "oh sweet Jesus."


    "The reason many got to Horror movies"
    Should that be get? I'm not too sure there.

    "it was so vivid she swore it was real"
    Perhaps a comma between "vivid" and "she", or something like, "so vivid that she swore".

    "watched where what caused"
    Were not where.

    "Jane, started watching"
    That comma doesn't need to be there.

    "the movies never where scary"
    Same deal, were not where.

    "but one night when she’d been awake for two day she feel asleep while watching, a movie called: Childs Play, and as she slept she dreamed, and it was one of them deep sleeps…

    There's something going on with the syntax here. Perhaps try something like, "one night, after being awake for two days straight, sleep overcame her in the midst of the movie she was watching, Childs' Play. As she slipped further into a deep slumber, she dreamt."

    Double comma not needed.

    “Its time to play Jane.”
    Comma between play and Jane.

    "Jane a woke in a cold sweat, she bolted up from her bed till she was in an up right sitting position"
    Syntax again... try, "Jane bolted upright as she woke suddenly, cold sweat dripping down her face."

    "brown eyes where darting"
    Were, not where.

    "She said panicking not sure what"
    Comma between said and panicking, and perhaps change not sure to unsure.

    "know its time"

    "my funs only just began"
    Fun's; begun.

    "able to viste your mom"

    I feel like such a bitch now. All in all, good story. Generally well written, although I see you still went with the bald man. Good work, Kat. I'm impressed. Mildly freaky as well.
    May 9th, 2010 at 04:25pm