Sinners - Comments

  • Natural Born Killer

    Natural Born Killer (100)

    United States
    Yep. He's a dick, I'll say it. But...fuck. I don't know what to think of Ryan anymore.
    YAY FOR AN EXTRA CHAPTER! :D My wandering shall be suspended!
    AndohmygodMATT :D This story has fucking awesome characters. You have amazing taste in both men and music.
    I'm afraid for them to meet Ry's mom. I feel like she will either be really evil, or like Brendon, and just trapped in all of this. Ahhh fuck I can't wait D:
    February 27th, 2012 at 02:06am
  • knockmeout

    knockmeout (100)

    New Zealand
    First of all, Hello fellow New Zealander! :p
    Anyway, I just started this story this morning, it took me a few hours but it was so worth it.
    You don't know how many times I closed my laptop near the start when Mikey was being all awkward, I can't handle awkward things at all :/
    But I powered on :p
    And this story is amazing. I honesty cannot wait for you to update it.
    February 27th, 2012 at 01:44am
  • BoWs

    BoWs (100)

    I' still tring to process what thjs means in my head but this is amazing , it just...... ugh <3 . Im goin to be so sad when you put up the final chapter. ( i know your where talking about a prospect of a sequel did you figure it a yes or a no ? ) Im also super jealous that you got to see MCR ive never seen them , hey really need to come to Canada more often , I need to go to the states a lot more . Fanstasic work - im eatarly awaiting your next chapter <3
    February 24th, 2012 at 03:37pm
  • username007

    username007 (100)

    United States
    Oh my gods. You are hands down the best writer on mibba to me. This is my favorite chapter out of everything I've read so far. The description and dialogue where well written and it had me on the edge of my seat. When you can get readers that invested in a story you know your good. My family knows how much I love it since I was going on about how great and crazy it is. I can't wait for more.
    February 24th, 2012 at 01:38am
  • Brandy Alexander.

    Brandy Alexander. (100)

    United States
    Okay I think I figured out what threw me off. I went back and reread some stuff and in chapter 29 whenever Ryan threatens Mikey at the end of the chapter it seems as if Ryan forbids Mikey to top Brendon, but not Brendon to top Mikey. That was one heck of a run on sentence! Does that make sense?
    February 21st, 2012 at 04:35am
  • inactive;

    inactive; (105)

    Neutral Zone
    I'm so happy you finally updated! Two great things happened to me this week. One, I found out that my college no longer bans mibba. And two, you updated! Yeay! My week can't get any better. ^_^

    Anyway, I wonder what's gonna happen to Mikey.

    Mikey thinks that Brendon is too afraid to leave Ryan, that's why he never leaves. But, I don't think that's the case. You see, in my opinion, love can make people do stupid things. And sometimes, love can make people turn the blind eye on all the bad sides of the person they love. It's just how it is. So, no matter who or what Ryan and Frank are, both Brendon and Gerard love them respectively, and that's why they just don't care. Mikey just doesn't understand that yet.

    As for Ryan, I think he has this twisted sense of logic planted in his head. It's not really his fault. He was born in that family, he was taught that way and his family had been living like that for generations. The only way he knows to protect the ones he loves is by killing. I don't really blame him. I think his head is a bit twisted, that's all. But, that doesn't mean what he did to the bishop is right. Nobody deserves to die that way. Not even a rapist.

    This chapter just got me sitting on the edge of my seat. I just want to know what Ryan is going to do to Mikey and I just got really frustrated when you end the chapter with the stupid cliffhanger. GAH! I hope you can update soon so that I can ease my mind. ^_^

    ps : I don't know what you meant by I'm right up there with Icamane but I guess it's a good thing. And yeah, I also think that my previous comment is my most favorite comment I'd ever given to a story. ^_^
    February 17th, 2012 at 06:45am
  • lEt.ThE.eViL.Go.EaSt

    lEt.ThE.eViL.Go.EaSt (150)

    MORE. Your story is super addictive, and I need to know what happens next. NEED. TO. KNOW.
    So, more whenever you can! c:
    February 17th, 2012 at 02:39am
  • Natural Born Killer

    Natural Born Killer (100)

    United States
    D: God dammit Ryan, you dick. Ahhhh I can't tell if he's going to kill Mikey or keep him like he does with Brendon >.<
    Of course I care! D: This is my favorite story! I don't know what I'll do after it's finished. I'll probably end up just wandering around mibba, cold and lonely in search for a story that will fill the emptiness. *sniff sniff* :'(
    February 17th, 2012 at 12:26am
  • mikeystruelove

    mikeystruelove (100)

    United States
    I am so not worthy! You are the best! I knew that in the recesses of my mind that something was just not quite 'on' with this Ryan feller! You are nuts like me if ya think that this isn't good, I keep my eyes peeled the entire time I am reading ad naught can break my attention as I read your words. Well, Mikey...Welcome to the family! And Heya, how ya doing? I'm good for a change, even better since you updated! *hugs and kisses!, with chocolate chip cookies!*
    February 16th, 2012 at 09:37pm
  • killxtoxfeel

    killxtoxfeel (100)

    United States
    OH MY!! AMAZING!! More soon pleaseeeee!
    February 16th, 2012 at 08:45pm
  • Matt Sanders;

    Matt Sanders; (455)

    United States
    I didn't see that happening and wow, just your description and the background information you put into it and just everything, is amazing!! I love this story and sorry I haven't been commenting, just havne't really been commenting a lot on things, things tear me down!! Anyways, Oooo poor Mikey can't go anywhere and awwwh I think Mikey and Bren are so sweet together, though Ryan has his dibs on him!! I wonder if they are going to try and get out together, though I see that as going relaly wrong!!
    February 16th, 2012 at 06:08pm
  • Mikey'sWay

    Mikey'sWay (100)

    United States
    I just spent an hour catching up on all I've missed since I've been gone. Wow this story has really been amazing! I am so glad i stumbled upon it what..a year ago? I remember clicking it because it said waycest and then it turned into so much more and so amazing. My best friend was watching me read it last night and my hands were balled into fist as i scrolled down and she thought i was about to go through the computer screen. I love a story that makes me stay at the edge of my seat. I will be sad when it ends but I am so amazed at how well this has went. :)
    February 6th, 2012 at 03:17pm
  • inactive;

    inactive; (105)

    Neutral Zone
    Oh yeah, one more thing. I also felt the ache when Brendon told Ryan that Ryan wasn't there, but Mikey was, that's why he did what he did. Again, I know you didn't describe how Ryan was feeling that time or what he was thinking. But, if it were me, I'd be really hurt and angry at myself if the man I love said that I wasn't there for him. I don't know. Maybe I'm easily emotional.

    Alright, that's all. I'm gonna stop rambling now.
    January 24th, 2012 at 04:19pm
  • inactive;

    inactive; (105)

    Neutral Zone
    I'd been reading this a few weeks ago but I just couldn't find the right words to exactly tell you what I felt about the chapter. And I reread and reread and reread all over again but it's still the same.

    I had this ache in my heart when I read this chapter. The moment where Ryan just got back and when Mikey came out and he saw Brendon hugging Ryan excitedly and both of them looked so happy. I felt this ache for Mikey's behalf. I know you didn't exactly describe how Mikey's feeling for that moment, but if it were me, I would be really hurt. I mean, Mikey and Brendon just got that intimate moment and then, Ryan, who Brendon loves, who Mikey also loves is back and the both of them obviously needed each other more and Mikey is just the third person in their relationship.

    And when Ryan got angry. I got really scared. Like, I thought it would be like in the movies and Brendon got shot in the struggle to save Mikey. Luckily he didn't. And now I know Ryan is going to the bishop. Please, Ryan don't do anything stupid. Dangerous Ryan is only hot in the bedroom. Outside, it's freaking scary.

    I know I'm rambling and sorry for the long-ass comment. ^_^

    I can't wait for the next update.
    January 24th, 2012 at 04:03pm
  • puckty

    puckty (100)

    I'm a horrible horrible person for waiting so long to read this and comment on it but school is killing me at the moment,
    ok, sorry to say this, but Ryan is sick, the huge Mikey lover in me really hates him at the moment (not the realy Ryan, just so you know) I really wonder what the hell is wrong with him,
    only four more chapters, that isn't much, but I know they will be good so I don't mind.
    my sister came back from New Zealand last week, showed me all these amazing pictures, I really envy you, Auckland looks so fucking beautiful, really makes where I live boring, somber and flat
    January 17th, 2012 at 03:13pm
  • Icamane Hatake

    Icamane Hatake (250)

    United States
    I don't know WHAT happened, but I somehow missed getting emails and wtf so I read like five chapters...

    Holy shit.

    Just... just holy shit.

    I like, can't form a real comment.

    I'm stunned. I really am.

    I don't think I'm going to be doing my homework anymore...
    January 11th, 2012 at 05:00am
  • BoWs

    BoWs (100)

    You lovely make me laufgh XD .... It alright that I had no leverage I love presents like these. I'm glad I wasn't a "let's" home coming his was so much better. My head was like "Ohshitohshitohshotohshit" he ENTRIE TIME. I had to remeber how to exhale for a couple seconds there I love you VH one of my favorites yet. ^^
    January 9th, 2012 at 04:38am
  • Brandy Alexander.

    Brandy Alexander. (100)

    United States
    I was a bit confused about what Ryan said when he had Mikey pushed up against the wall. But holy shit! Who knew Ryan was packing a gun! I bet he is going to kill Gregory
    January 9th, 2012 at 04:02am
  • Bludgeoned.Brittany

    Bludgeoned.Brittany (100)

    United States
    That chapter was crazy but i loved it! update so i know what happens asap:)

    January 7th, 2012 at 08:05pm
  • mikeystruelove

    mikeystruelove (100)

    United States
    oh forgive me for the last chapter, for I have not been honest with you. I was rushed to the hospital the morn of Christmas due an allergic reation thanks to a new chemo regimen that I am on, st 2 breast cancer, I think all is well. But this morning I got up and started checking and you have once again blown my mind! I thought that Ry said Mikes cannot have Bren, not yhe other way around....hmmmm, still I get the feeling that even after all the drama, Bren won't be the only one in Mikey, but the poor baby was just not quite ready yet, ah, makes me think like this right here, is Bren what and WHO he says he is? And Ryan, WTF!!!!! Any killing of Mikes should be done by Gee, k I am nutters! But no, ba d bad bad! Now I saw them open their presents and it was more than 742 omg, 2 new games systems and a new home, I try to be a n alright mom! But thank you and love ya soo much for making even the most bleak times happy, along with my sons of course and my phone better update when you do or i will be mondo pissed! Hope ya had a happy Holiday, and cooking, is an awesome skill! Happy New Year, Sweetie!
    January 7th, 2012 at 02:29pm