Mental Breakdown - Comments

  • the god of thunder.

    the god of thunder. (300)

    United States
    Okay, this isn't an Axel/Roxas, but I really wanted to comment on this, too. <333 ;__; Poor Cloud. It always makes me so sad to think about him coping with his loss of Zacky. :/ The sentence, "died serving that purpose," though... kind of makes me smile. <3 The idea of it is so sweet, and I can hear it with every capitalized SOLDIER. Which I thought was a really good idea, too. Almost like, even though it's a "lie," in a way, it's not. He is a first class solider. With the things he went through, at least, even if it's not as formal as could be. I really liked this. How it was put together. How a lot of it was feelings, thoughts, emotions, left-over emotions. And thinking of Zack's hair with the word "raven" IS THE CUTEST THING EVER. And it kind of reminds me of how he died. Just the word choice. <3 This was pretty. Sad, but pretty.
    May 12th, 2010 at 06:51am