He Won't Be Coming Home - Comments

  • I heard from Tasha about this story and I decided to give it a try. The minute I found out that it was a Matt story; I became really excited, due to my unreasonable love for the man himself. I started reading it a couple days ago and today I finally finished it!

    I have to say that I don’t remember a fan-fiction ever bringing me down to tears so thoroughly. Yesterday I cried myself to sleep pathetically. I just connected so well with the flow and characters of this story.

    Not only was the writing amazing, I could just lose myself in the story and not tear my eyes away from it for hours at a time.

    The way Jay handled everything and the way she was thinking felt so incredibly real. And then when Zacky died and then when she received the letter informing her that Matt was also KIA. I completely broke down.

    I mean with Jimmy’s passing and the war still going on, I felt so shaken. I had to actually go and work on something to calm myself down. Because Jimmy’s death hit me so unbelievably hard, I just got really depressed and your story, especially when Zack died, because for a moment I felt like he really did.

    After it was announced that he was death, (and after I calmed down for the umpteenth time) I reasoned with myself that somehow he must be still alive! For some reason, I thought of the elder woman he and his unit passed when infiltrating Haifa Street. I thought that maybe she would be the one to help him… Well, I was right about one thing – Matt being alive, but I did not expect the grueling injustice he received as a POW, I hated it, when he told Jay the story. I really did. I hate war so much. And to have to imagine a draft forced upon the people of the US, was so horrible…took my breath away…

    The way Sarah had to have her baby alone and how deep into depression she fell after her husband’s death. How Jay had to struggle alone with being pregnant and having to take care of Alex and Amy. Everything just adding on, and on, and on until it all spilled over. Until she couldn’t handle it anymore. Those things added to the tension and sadness in the story. It was a really heavy and dark story, but I am extremely glad that it ended on a happier note.

    I was so resoundingly happy when Alex said ‘Daddy’ when he opened the door. Just like Jay, my heart stopped. I imagined how I would feel if that happened and then as I read on and she didn’t believe what she was seeing, I really appreciated that. It made it all the more real. She didn’t just run into his arms and kiss him passionately, but it took her some time.

    More than anything I absolutely LOVED the fact that you made Matt’s return home hard. I wasn’t expecting it at all and it took me by a pleasant surprise. I am really appreciative of things like these, details that make the action in the story believable. Like Matt’s recovery. I mean no normal person would get used to life at home after experiencing Hell thousands of miles away for two entire years.

    And the letters…The letters were my favorite part of the story. The passion in the word,s the dry humor, the truth in them, just completely blew me away! Every time I saw that slanted writing, my heart fluttered. It was so amazing that your story was able to touch on such a deep emotional level.

    I know this comment is incredibly scrambled, and words cannot really express the way I feel about it, but I just wanted you to know that I love this story, and I’ll be sure to come back and read it again some time.
    January 24th, 2010 at 01:31am
  • I'm sorry that i'm just now reading this story
    when it's... about 8 months old. lol
    but i have to say this was the most
    meaningful story i've read so far. I loved it to death.
    The chapters about Matt telling Jayvee what happened
    during his time being held against his will with the iraqi's
    reminded me of a movie called Three Kings and i think it was
    either a book or a movie called Fallen Angels (sometimes i think of books as movies and forget which is which lol)...

    Anyway I say this story is a -how shall i put this?- FUCKING FANTASTIC STORY ?!?, yeah that is a very good way to decribe it =]
    March 1st, 2009 at 01:55pm
  • I think I cried through over half of this story.
    But I just couldn't stop reading it.
    September 20th, 2008 at 05:40am
  • ok so i'm back. i'm not finished, i'm only about halfway through, but i came to tell you that this story is amazing. i'll finish it in a bit, but i have to take a break because i cant breathe lol. i made the mistake of putting on my country music playlist before reading this, and i totally forgot about the bunch of army/soldier songs right in the middle of that list, and all of those songs, coupled with your beautiful writing and crazy intense storyline is just a bit much at the moment. lol i'm gonna go find a box of tissues and see if i'll be able to breathe through my nose in a little bit...i'll be back to finish later.
    August 29th, 2008 at 01:33am
  • ok so i've only read the first chapter of the story, but i felt the overwhelming need to comment right away before i continue. i started this story because treva told me about how amazing it was, and after only one chapter, i have to say i agree. maybe it's the combination of the music i'm listening to and the writing as well, but this story is going to be a brilliant work of art and emotion.
    i'm going to go read the story now =] so...i'll be back! lol.
    August 28th, 2008 at 11:47pm
  • All I can say, is holy fucking shit.
    Every chapter, there were fucking rivers flowing from my eyes, no joking.

    You are such an amazing writer and I'm so glad I read this story because I needed a good cry. :]

    I've read others of yours and I'll tell you now, I'm just waiting for a book to come out from you so I can go buy it ;]

    This story was amazing, don't ever let anything stop you from writing; ever.

    August 28th, 2008 at 06:36pm
  • Gahhh
    This story made me cry
    Truely amazing.
    Really fucking really.
    July 15th, 2008 at 05:46am
  • i think i cried like 5 times when i was reading this.
    it was emotional; like beyond extreme.
    i loved it. :]
    July 3rd, 2008 at 04:01am
  • Best story I've ever read in my ENTIRE life.

    Back in May I was able to go to Washington DC and Lay the Wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers, and this story really made me appreciate it more, than I had already. It was such an amazing honor, I even cried when I did it.

    So, thank you for writing this story, it's truly indescribable.
    July 3rd, 2008 at 12:14am
  • honestly this is easily my favorite story on this website and quizilla.

    cant wait to see what else you have:)

    June 10th, 2008 at 01:38am
  • Gosh, I love this story so much. My friend who coincidentally above my post gave me the link, and I sobbed the whole way through. You have a lovely story line, and you made me think about what's going on in the world right now... and I'm still crying. This is an amazing story and you are one heck of a writer. :3
    May 28th, 2008 at 03:48am
  • This story,
    Is fuckin

    Fuckin truth right there, i cried so much, and still am. Fuckin amazing story though..sorry about all the swearing.

    You're an amazing writer.
    May 27th, 2008 at 03:31am
  • I just read the entire story in a good two hours.
    Man, I have never cried while reading a fan-fic before but this story really pulled at my heart strings. I loved how you brought in both her world and his. The detailed descriptions of his experience in Iraq was amazing! You did some research I see. I am seriously planning on recommending this story to everyone I know. Despite the fact that its a "fan-fic" it is a very wonderful story! In fact it actually played out in my mind like a movie. Its set up wonderfully for that. Thank you for sharing it!
    May 26th, 2008 at 01:35pm
  • i just want to say that I admire you for writing this story. it made me cry. there should be more stories like this on mibba. You are an amazing writer and this is an amazing story mibba needs more writers like you. it's very sad but its something that people deal with and i think people need to see that. i'm probably not making any sense XD but yeah i just wanted to say that i really liked this story <3
    May 10th, 2008 at 04:58am
  • This is by far the best war story that I have ever read. You really know how to captivate the true feelings of a soldier, just like you might have been over there yourself. I have a cousin in the war too and we get his letters about every 2 weeks. He explains to us about all the stuff that goes over there and I always find myself wanting to cry everytime i read one. There's so much that i could say to you about the stories that you write but i don't exactly know how to put it into words. You just know exactly what to say and you make me feel like i'm actually there everytime i read one. I've said this millions of times to you so i'll say it again. You're truely an amazing writer. Don't ever stop what you do.
    all my love.
    May 3rd, 2008 at 08:04pm
  • Ahhh! Okay, so I've finished reading it today- I have a cell phone with internet on it so I'm like, constantly reading. I get so impatient and just itching to read whenever class is in session.
    Anyways, I'm quite disappointed....

    That it ended :[ it truly was wonderful- about the best war-related story I've ever read and probably will always be the best. Goodness. It's so sad =[
    I can't wait to read the other stories. It's sad that in like.. the year or two I've known you, I've only actually finished this and I Once Knew A Boy, right?
    Haha I'll get on it soon!<3
    May 2nd, 2008 at 07:31am
  • Okay, so I've just got the first chapter of this read and I'm blown away already. Great job. I'm going to hit up the rest tonight. Thanks for leaving it up and for commenting on my story so I could find this wonderful one! :D
    April 30th, 2008 at 09:56pm
  • w00t Amanda! Okay so I've only just started to read this again from where I left off whenever it was the last time you updated it on Quizilla, and i'm only on chapter... 22 so far. But I just finished 21 and I thought I'd just let you know that it's wonderful and sad- a few tears started to leak!
    My eyes sting >.<

    April 30th, 2008 at 09:10am
  • Amazing ending to an amazing story
    April 29th, 2008 at 04:54am
  • Wow, just... Wow.
    Your writing is phonominal [sp?], and I think this is one of the best stories on this site.
    One of my best friends that I grew up with is leaving for Iraq in May so, I think this kinda gave me some hope that he will be okay.

    April 29th, 2008 at 12:59am