Blind Eyes (short story) - Comments

  • My opinion is maybe make another story like this and make it more in depth. Add more details and make it longer. It would make an amazing story plot and it would be cool to read. I would probably be one of your first subscribers!
    September 13th, 2010 at 08:02pm
  • It was interetesing to see a vampire love story from a blind girl's pov. I have written such things before but never dared shared them because well, I'm not blind and didn't want to offened anyone who was or knew a blind person. I thought it could have had a little more detail on the characters so we got an idea on what kind of personaitlies they had, but the story it's self was cute and over all I enjoyed it. It's hard to devople characters in oneshots, so you didn't really mess up or anything.
    June 28th, 2010 at 11:54pm