Light in the Storm - Comments

  • aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagghhhhhhhhh I LOVE THIS STORY! So i finally finished it and its just beautiful! You know ive never cried for a story or movie before and this one actually made my eyes water? Like seriously? And ESPECIALLY when Nick got stabbed D: But he's aliveee:D! And i was so extremely happy that my sister was looking at me like i was crazy when she walked into my room. Jesus how much i loove your writing and your long chapters and Nonnie! I cant believe Guiding Lights is the last installment! But i still can't wait to read but i need to do some stuff first that i havent been able to since ive been reading this all day(even in school) and then im going to read it sooo im going to subscribe to it right now and go in like an hour. Sooooo it guess thats it so im gonna go. Byeeee(:
    May 10th, 2011 at 03:19am
  • THAT LAST CHAPTER WAS SO CUTE!!! oh my gosh it was just... adorable. i loved everything about it, and the detail was fuckin awesome. i love the way you describe things.
    i'm subscribing to the new story right now :]
    January 15th, 2011 at 05:00am
  • OMG!!!! Thank you so much for the dedication. :) I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED the final chapter/epilogue! I'm squealing so much that you're writing a third installment AND I've subscribed!! :D I'll check out the third installment now! I loved this story from beginning to end and I'm sure I'll love Guiding Lights just as much! You're an awesome writer!
    January 12th, 2011 at 02:28am
  • AHHHHHH it's taken me forever to get to reading this but I have and all I can say is AHHHHHH!
    It's over! Well LITS is anyways haha
    I'm so happy about the whole ending and I can't believe you were going to kill Nick off!! But you didn't so I love you for that :)
    And I definitely love how I was briefly mentioned in the authors note :)
    I'm off to read the next part of nonnie!!!! Hope it's as amazing as the first two :D
    January 8th, 2011 at 04:03am
  • Heeey. 601 comments.
    January 8th, 2011 at 01:32am
  • I hope this will be the 600th comment because I am ready to make it grand and awesome.
    First of all, this epilogue was the most amazing thing I have read in a while. You made me cry in the last chapter, but I cried while reading this as well! They got married and it was so perfect, and let me tell you my imagination is so wild that I imagined the whole thing so perfectly; gosh! Insert a girlies squeal right here. I just love Nonnie so much.
    I am such a huge fan of all of your stories, but this world you created is something so unique and it just- sort of- sucks the reader in. i just wanted to punch Jeremy and make Nick and Lonnie go away somewhere, alone. It's amazing how your stories give such an amazing insight into the mind of the characters and even though these series are in Lonnie's point of view I have a feeling that I know Nick as a character as well.

    I don't know if this will compare to other comments you get, but I just wanted to tell you how happy I am that you started the third installment to Nonnie because I can't imagine my life without them [okay, pathetic much, but yeah]. I love their story so much and compared to BD and TMT it's less dark, which makes them that more addictive. Even though BD will always be my first love. [I am such a girl] and I simply enjoy TMT.

    I don't know what it was, but the moment I started reading EOL I had a feeling thatit would be amaing and I was right, wasn't I? And you said that it was yoru first sort of fantasy story, but you made it so great. It's better than most of the fantasy stories out there and I would love it if they made a movie after this one because it is so amazing. Dude, it is totally movie worthy. As is BD <-- I'd kill to get a movie adaptaton of it. Can you just imagine that?? Okay.. I'll calm down now.

    Anyway. This is my comment and I hope it was good enough because I wanted it to be good and I had planned out all of these things I wanted to mention but I get confused easily so... I probably didn't say half the things I planned on saying. :D

    The point is I love your stories, I love your writing style and you're my favourite author by far!

    - Maya : )
    January 7th, 2011 at 05:29pm
  • heyya.. i just read the last 2 chapters (i can't read chapter 24 without chapter 25 being posted. and i re-read chapter 19-23. :D lol) i'm kinda late.
    seriously, This story is just amazing. it's like i'm part (wishfully thinking) of this world you created. It's just fiction but it's like the real thing! All your stories have that effect on me, gaah!

    I almost cried at the part when Nick's gettin beaten up and then, he, ready to die just for Lonnie; Then, at their wedding, their vows and all. (of course, i kept chuckling on that part, too :D)

    Russel and Ryan - i love 'em. I just have to say it.

    Nick and Lonnie...they're the cutest lovers ever! I really, really loved all the cutesy in their relationship, like all their childish comebacks at each other and playfulness. Lonnie and her "desires". lol.
    Like them, i can't say what exactly i'm feeling right now. Because maybe later, i'll sya something like "i should have changed that blahblah" so yeah. All i know is that i am so happy for them, they've made it! yay! And that i'm hoping Jeremy would just disappear.

    Okay, just want to say that you have really grown up in your writing. I'm proud of you (that sounded REALLY WEIRD 'coz im younger, i'm crazy) And I know that you'd still improve more, learn more.. ;)
    and OMG, you mentioned me! i honestly didnt expect that.. so, wow! :D i'm glad.

    okay, that's all, bye, Tay! :)
    January 7th, 2011 at 04:08pm
  • Is it even possible that LITS is over?
    Taylor this was just all kinds of beautiful. I'm speechless like Nick was, which by the way I thought was impossible!
    Taylor, congratulations. You created this world that we all got into. People try it time and time again but honestly your stories and Harry Potter are the only ones that have ever felt believable to me. Through every single chapter I fell more in love. I became a part of this story and I felt like I was reading a novel. You are going to be such an amazing writer one day and I will be the first to say I will be queuing in lines to buy your books.
    This epilogue was gorgeous! I recently read over "You're different; I like that". At the time I had first read that, I thought your writing was amazing. Looking back on it and comparing it to how you write now- I'm so proud of you! Is that weird? haha. Seriously though, you've improved so much and grown into your own style and words. You've crafted these amazing series and made the words so believable.

    Light in the storm is one of the greatest things I've ever read. This epilogue had me in tears from moment one when I realized she was getting married. I've never had something evoke so much emotion out of me! I can't even quote to you what was my favorite part because I loved it ALL! Thanks for the dedication at the end, but honestly how could I not LOVE and comment all the time on this story?! It's too great for words :)

    Have a little party for yourself because this was amazing! I can't even express in words right now! haha. Awesome job Taylor <3. What an ending...

    ps: I just read the summary for Guiding Lights, my interest is peaked, i'm in love already and I have subscribed :D

    January 6th, 2011 at 06:45am
  • amazing amazing amazing! when i first started reading this i was a little hesitant because i thought it was gonna be a twilight copy, but as i read i really fell in love with it. Not even because it has nick jonas in it, because your an amazing writer! All your stories capture my attention and get me addicted, thank you so much for spending time on it. I cant wait for the third installment! (:
    January 6th, 2011 at 05:59am
    oh my gosh.
    i'm like dead. DEAD.
    hahaha, not really cause I HAVE TO READ THE SEQUEL!
    I can't even explain how much I loved the vows and the song... OMG so good.
    but beyond that... LITS as a whole was unbelievable. I remember being skeptic when I heard your were writing a fantasy while I was reading broken danger(<3) but how much that has changed isn't even an fathomable amount haha. I LOVED this. I can't even put into words how much.
    I'M SO FREAKING EXCITED FOR THE SEQUEL!!! I like freaked when I saw the link lmao.
    I cannnnnot wait omg<3
    January 6th, 2011 at 04:56am
  • I basically cried my eyes out. (:
    January 6th, 2011 at 03:04am
  • That was amazing. I don't know how you do it but you make me get into the story. You make me feel everything they feel. And I feel like I'm a different person since I read your story. I'm really beginning to get on my friends' nerves because all I talk about is your story. They think I'm crazy. I'd literally freak out when I'd sign on to Mibba and realize you haven't updated yet. I'd want to crawl into a ball and rock back and forth but I knew I shouldn't just in case my parents walked in and sent me to a mental hospital. I haven't done barely any homework all week because I couldn't concentrate. And I couldn't focus in class either. All I could think about was getting home and checking.

    Reading your story made me want to write again. Writing is one way I can escape my crazy life and take a vacation to my own little world. I haven't been able to write for like four months now because of writers block. And now that I want to write I can't because my teachers are cramming everything in for exams. But enough about me. I just want to let you know that your story is very inspirational. And I can't wait for the next.(:
    January 6th, 2011 at 01:26am
  • So being the crazy obsessive person I am, I re-read Guiding Lights’s summary, and them BAM! I saw this was updated and when on lockdown mode. Lmao. Aim, skype and Facebook shut off so I could read this amazing chapter without any distractions! :D

    Speechlessly crying while screaming in joy because this has to be the cutest wedding scene I’ve ever read. I mean wow. Deep tay! I loved it, you don’t even know. I mean, Nick’s vows were like perfect. If only you could copy and paste him and send him out to every girl in the world. PERFECTION. (; HAHA. Russell. Loved that you put that in there! They were both nervous, and that was adorable. I was like jumping to the next word because I wanted to see what would happen. Yes, it is that freaking good!!!!!

    I didn’t know why, but I suddenly felt the need to blurt out something embarrassing. I bit my lip and allowed my eyes to dance over his face. “Do you want to?”

    He raised his eyebrows as soon as the words left my mouth, my cheeks flushing with what I was sure had to be a bright red. “Do I want to… what?”

    “You know,” I hissed, lifting my hand out of his to punch his arm.

    He smirked. “I’m sorry, but I don’t have a perverted mind like some people.”

    “Oh, sure. You know what I’m talking about, so obviously your mind is just as perverted.”

    He sighed and, after a moment, opened his mouth to speak, his own cheeks pink. “Do you?”

    “Well, it is our wedding night…”

    “And you aren’t about breaking tradition, right?” he mumbled. I nodded and he scoffed, both of us smiling. “You’re a very bad liar.”

    Oh.My.God. LONNIE, I OFFICALLY LOVE YOU. hahaha wow. I was laughing my ass off. that was FREAKING CUTE. :D Lol, I mean like favorite part of that chapter right there.

    Anyway, THANK YOU FOR WRITING THIS STORY. Without it, I don’t know, like what I would’ve done. ITS AMAZING. like this should be a book like the ones at Barnes and Noble, if you de-jonas it I bet it would be a number one selling book right next to Nicholas’s sparks masterpieces. Your amazing, and I am so glad that I met you! Thanks for the dedication by the way <3

    Oh. and you know me. I always will predict your stories!!! (:

    Thanks for everything Taylor. NOW GO WRITE. GUIDING LIGHTS. LIKE NOW.

    haha :P
    January 5th, 2011 at 10:28pm
  • Blubber...Blubber....Blubber...Sniffle...Sniffle
    WHAT is your obsession with making me cry?!?!?!? Are you on like, a crying spree now that I distracted you from your killing one?? Haha.
    No but seriously, I cried from when Lonnie and her dad were talking to the end. Of course I laughed at the "puppies" thing that Lonnie says (that is SO you) and then I laughed at their NEWLY MARRIED interaction. Ahhh...awkward turtles...
    But I mostly bawled at the author's note. What is that, like the fifth time?? :P I honestly can't take any credit at ALL. Any/all of the ideas are only good because YOU are bring them alive through your writing. And yes, you're MY best friend. (MY otmeal. :D) I'm SO honored to have gone through EOL and LITS with you, you don't even know. (And yeah, I have been there from the beginning, I just didn't stalk you till later. :P) They honestly have been the best moments of my life. :D

    Moving on, before I start bawling in the library.....The song worked out beautifully!!! And the little addition at the end did too!! It was SUPER cute. See?? Cutesy chapters are natural for you! :D

    I CANNOT wait for Guiding Lights, in waaay more ways than one!! :D Can you believe how many comments you've already gotten for it?? :D

    Love you always Girlie!!
    January 5th, 2011 at 10:14pm
  • So I woke up this morning to see this got updated and all through school I'd go hide somewhere just so I could read it and then I re-read it once I finally got home haha. Thanks for the shout out in the authors note and I can't wait for Guiding Lights. This story is y absolute favorite out of all the stories that I've read, Nick and Lonnie stole my heart. I'll be waiting with bated breath for your future creations :]
    January 5th, 2011 at 10:09pm
  • I cant believe that it's over! It's been such a long ride with this story and I've loved every twist and turn of it all. I can't wait to read the third installment, even though I know it's probably going to stress me out and make me cry, but I know for a fact it'll warm my heart and make me smile because your writing always does.

    You know I could sing your praises forever, but I'll never get tired of telling you how much I love your writing. It's seriously something special and unique. It's captivating and that's something you rarely find with fan fictions. I only hope my writing makes people react in the ways yours make me react. I have such an emotional attachment to these characters and it's really a credit to you that you can conjure up those emotions in people with your writing.

    Well done and I'll see you in the comments page of 'Guiding Lights.' :)!!!
    January 5th, 2011 at 09:18pm
  • Perfect ending to an AMAZING story :)
    I am so glad that you decided not to kill Nick :)
    I can't wait to read about their newest adventures! :)
    January 5th, 2011 at 09:11pm
  • Yay!! Yay!! Yay!! I laughed...I nearly cried! It was awesome! I can't wait for Guiding Light!!!!
    January 5th, 2011 at 06:28pm
  • I was mentioned in a author's note! AWESOME!
    The epilogue - awesome :)
    It was so beautiful and to be honest, this was the first time I actually read the wedding part as well, I usually can't really be bothered about the vows and stuff, but here... I felt like I needed to read it, you know. This story affects me so :D
    Also, already subscribed to Guiding Lights. This is sooo like Minnie and Nick, cause I had subscribed to their sequel before any chapters were out :D
    YOU ARE AWESOME, my friend and I'll be waiting for my Guiding Lights :)
    January 5th, 2011 at 05:10pm
  • Wow. I'm completely speechless. I've never read any other story or book that made me feel so many emotions not ony in just one story, but in just one chapter! Everytime the characters cried, I did too; everytime they laughed, I did too. Your truely a great author.
    I want to thank you for writing this, and eventhough that might sound odd I really do. You have a gift and I hope you someday use it, make a profession out of it. Your too good to not show the world what you can do. (:
    January 5th, 2011 at 01:18pm