Keep the Faith - Comments

  • I've never commented this thread before, and for that, I supremely apologize.
    But this collection is one of the best things to happen to Mibba from my perspective.
    Every story is different, yet still, just to think about how spread apart we all are physically only to be brought together because of one cause is amazing.
    These are amazing. In Love
    January 26th, 2008 at 11:27pm
  • All the stories are wonderful... beautiful.
    I'm sure Gerard would be put to tears with their works.

    I will write one. I don't care if Gerard won't be able to read it.
    I to be a part in helping the other fans to "Keep the Faith" in those five guys, especially Gerard.

    Wonderful project, Isa.
    January 26th, 2008 at 07:21am
  • I couldn't bring myself to comment on this. At least before.

    This entire story means so much to me. And to a million other people. I've read every one of these stories at least twice. It's just...gah. To know this is in the hands of my heroes is overwhelming.

    KTF, guys.
    January 25th, 2008 at 11:08pm
  • keep the faith guys! we'll all carry on!..*smacks the printer again and again*
    January 25th, 2008 at 02:34pm
  • I printed them all out, and read them by moonlight on my back porch, into the sun rise. And man did they let tears out. I wish I had the time and ability to review every one of them, but excluding no author, from commented on with their Keep the Faith story to have gotten no individual comment, you've all done a highly amazing job. Thank you for that. The boys will be proud.
    January 23rd, 2008 at 08:36pm
  • Marij:
    Decimate These Thoughts

    You completely blew me away.

    I can't even think of something to say, I'm so blown away. :cheese:
    Definitely one of the best KTFs posted.
    And I mean that with all my heart.

    PS; small typo, but I still thought I'd tell you;
    "But he knew he souldnt think of it like that"
    Thank you. In Love

    'Tis fixed. :tehe:
    January 22nd, 2008 at 05:12pm
  • Decimate These Thoughts

    You completely blew me away.

    I can't even think of something to say, I'm so blown away. :cheese:
    Definitely one of the best KTFs posted.
    And I mean that with all my heart.

    PS; small typo, but I still thought I'd tell you;
    "But he knew he souldnt think of it like that"
    January 22nd, 2008 at 05:08pm
  • Cool looking layout!

    Decimate These Thoughts by Tas

    Funniest part: "Lyrics may not be completely correct due to lack of a reliable source." Really random.

    I like the contrast of emotion. The fan is contemplating whether to stay or go, to keep the faith or lose it: "They tell her it'll be alright. They tell her he'll be okay. They tell her to keep the faith. She wants to believe it but she can't. He let her down before. He made a promise and lied. How can she trust him anymore?"

    Then the fan thinks back to her tough times, and how their music pulled her through."How could she ever have doubted them? How could she ever have turned her back? They'd been with her through hell and high waters. Before everyone else. Even when others had left her and turned their backs." She regrets her lack of faith and remembers their message.

    She wants to keep the faith and wants Gerard to keep the faith, too. There is role reversal in the way that instead of Gerard's words getting her through the tough times, it is her words that get him through the tough times.
    January 22nd, 2008 at 04:47pm
  • I just can't believe that all this is going to be in the hands of our saviors. I just want them to see that there are still those wonderful fans out there that care about them. I wish they could read this comment right now.

    I'm just so proud to be reading these small things that have a huge impact on all of us. I'm so glad that all us authors are getting together to help other fans keep the faith. That's all I want them to do. Thank you so much for letting me find my faith again.
    January 22nd, 2008 at 03:08am
  • Final_Tragedy:
    Marij: You have also been incredibly kind for me and I am also in debt to you for your kindness. Your chapters are great as I have told you before and I have not been able to find flaw in them. And, if I have, it doesn't even matter because I cannot recall them. <3
    I forgot thanking you, at first. I'm sorry.
    But no matter how belated this is, THANK YOU, with all my heart :arms: ily
    January 21st, 2008 at 08:43pm
  • Final_Tragedy:
    carcinogenic: Your stories are particularly haunting in, dare I say, a really good way. The emotions, the descriptions and the use of perspective are all such a powerful blow when used in such a way as you do. Your words leave me breathless. <3
    THANK YOU. :arms:
    January 21st, 2008 at 08:16pm
  • The Romantics...
    That left me bloody-speechless.
    January 21st, 2008 at 07:43am
  • I read the first 5. That's how far I've been able to get.
    Honestly I can barely see the screen in front of my face, I can barely see the keyboard. Everything's blurry and there's smuges on my glasses from tears.
    You've all left me speechless. That's actually a pretty easy thing to do, but this isn't the speechless where I'm just moving my lips and can't get any words out. This is the speechless where I know what I want to say, and how I want to say it, but I just stare at the blank screen until I can finally move my fingers enough to get words out onto it, that's not an easy thing to do. And even now, my fingers are slightly trembling still and I have to write this in MS Word just so I don't make any huge spelling mistakes. I've tried to type this out for about 15 minutes now, and only now I've been able to get this far without pushing the backspace key.
    This is so inspirational. So beautifully written and so passionate. I can only get through 5, and I have a feeling I'll only get through maybe 5 more before 10:00 when I call it a night and go to bed.
    What makes it worse is that certain lines are sticking in my head mainly these ones;
    "I'll whisper a prayer for you today. And tomorrow. And the rest of my shallow life, until you find what you lost. Yourself."
    "He had taught her to believe."
    "They make mistakes, they have scars too, they have pasts, but what you need to worry about is the present. How badly you can hurt someone with words or expressions."
    "I know you are just a man, not an angel but for me, you are just perfect to be an angel in my heart."
    "It took ten thousand people to hate him... but it would have only taken one to save him."
    Once I read that last line everything went to hell in my head. And honestly I've never really thought of the verbal abuse Gerard gets daily. I mean, yeah I've thought about it but I've never really thought about it, if you get what I mean. And now that I'm starting to read these and how true they really are I'm realizing that I know people like this. I know people that have lost the faith. And now that I think about it, it really makes me angry, it makes me sad thinking about it. Just the other day my friend said to me, "Now that I'm thinking, I want to meet Frank more than Gerard." and Gerard was her hero up until TBP came out. After that she just pushed him away. I asked her why and she said, "Because, Gerard has changed, he's different from what he once was." I couldn't believe it.
    I'm probably just going to end up repeating myself now, so I'll just stop typing and simply say this:
    You're all amazing, and I'm gonna definitely show this to some people I know.
    Expect another comment from me tomorrow after I read the rest, hopefully I can get through them all in one sitting. (Probably won't.)
    January 21st, 2008 at 01:55am
  • This is something that they can read and understand that each story is about them and that there are still people who never lost faith in them and that makes me feel so good about these. Keep the Faith has helped me see the faith that I have in me and bring it out. Thank you Isa. :arms: We love you.
    January 20th, 2008 at 07:17pm
  • I haven't commented this thread before [as in a real comment] but I'm just gonna say that I love you all like you said Marij. In Love
    This whole movement has made believe that I can do something to make a change; correcton: We can do to make a change.
    Keep the Faith everybody and feel good about yourselves; you've all done an amazing job; especially you Isa for making all this happen. In Love
    And I can relate Marij. :arms: Keep the Faith helped me revive the faith in me and redefine it as well.
    And thank you Jenn :oops: :arms:
    January 20th, 2008 at 04:47pm
  • ^^ :arms:
    That's exactly how I feel about all this.

    I can definitely say that Keep the Faith has saved me. Not in the way of, I managed to keep the faith because of it, but it saved me from myself and from insanity.

    I love you all, and thank you so much
    In Love
    January 20th, 2008 at 01:00pm
  • ^ Woo, go us! Clap

    January 20th, 2008 at 11:08am
  • To all the authors (and I'll exclude myself for a moment because this isn't about me; this is about all of you):
    All of you have done such an amazing job. You have all worked hard on the words gracing each page of this compilation and it shows. Every chapter is so utterly different from the last or the next and yet they all convey one message: Keep the Faith. Some of the chapters brought tears to my eyes; others curved my lips into smiles. There are chapters that made me think and wonder while others made me nod in agreement, wondering how the author managed to grasp a hold of my own thoughts and translate them onto paper. I won't be able to comment about everyone right now (I'll try to do that later) but for now I'll comment some of my all time favorites.

    carcinogenic: Your stories are particularly haunting in, dare I say, a really good way. The emotions, the descriptions and the use of perspective are all such a powerful blow when used in such a way as you do. Your words leave me breathless. <3

    Explicit Sins: You for one, have been incredibly kind to me since I posted on the Keep the Faith thread and while your writing and your friendliness are two very different things, I can't help but not that your stories tend to somehow be as inviting as you are. They draw you in and mesmerize you. I owe you for your kindness but all I can say is "Thank you" and I can just tell you that your stories are amazing. I love your usage of italics, by they way. <3

    Marij: You have also been incredibly kind for me and I am also in debt to you for your kindness. Your chapters are great as I have told you before and I have not been able to find flaw in them. And, if I have, it doesn't even matter because I cannot recall them. <3

    Pengiun Massacre: First off, you've got an amazing and catchy username; for some reason I can't get it out of my head. I loved the tone you used in the chapter you posted. I kept thinking about that one for a while, going over it in my head. You've done the job right if you've got me to really think for a prolonged period of time over your words. <3

    The Way: I couldn't just not comment you. This idea of yours was fucking brilliant. This was an amazing way to unite My Chem fans from all over the world. Belgium, Philipines, U.S.A., Puerto Rico, U.K., Ireland and the list goes on. This has been an amazing way to get people to regain and strengthen their faith in such amazing men as those five heroes are. All of this we owe to you. Besides, you're an amazing writer on your own, not to mention a genius. <3

    Never lose the faith,

    P.S.: By the way, I apologize by how driven we are to kill your printer. But I've got to admit it's fun...XD Oh, and to all the people I didn't mention, just know that I read each chapter dilligently and there was not one with which I was really disappointed in. You all showed your talents as writers and I respect each and every one of you.
    January 20th, 2008 at 02:25am
  • You are a fucking amazing writer! this is awsome!
    January 20th, 2008 at 12:49am
  • This story is AMAZING!!!!! it made me cry.
    January 20th, 2008 at 12:43am