Closer - Comments

  • My comment will sound so silly & short compared to the others.

    But then Dean pushes him away, and Castiel wishes he could not feel anything.

    I just found that last line so heartbreaking.
    Loved this whole story.And the banner.Nice editing :D
    October 6th, 2010 at 03:41am
  • Contest judging;:

    Okay, first off...WOW. This was insanely good. No lieee. I'm not usually into Supernatural slash, especially Wincest, so I was a little happy to read a slash that wasn't Sam and Dean, cuz that weirds me out a little. Lol.
    The banner for this story is amazinggg. It looks totally real, like it actually happened in one of the episodes. Also, I enjoyed how you wrote the summary. The whole thing was written very well, and I have to say, one of the best I've read so far.

    Thanks a bunchhhhes for entering this in my contest. I'll definitely let you know when I'm done judging && the winners have been announced!!<3
    June 7th, 2010 at 12:43am
  • I just have to say, I love you. File

    The summary is so delicious. Gah. Seriously. And the rest too. I love the idea of gunplay, especially with these two [because Dean is trigger-happy... -cough-] and you pulled it off so brilliantly well.

    It's late and I'm tired, but I promised I'd comment and I shall.

    I agree with above, you have to write more Cas/Dean. I shall give you some if you give me some, okay? XD

    And I got deds! Crazy

    [I'm aware my comment sucks, just so you know.]
    May 24th, 2010 at 02:46pm
  • You don't matter if the comments is here or there, do you? :]
    I gotta say, that even if it wasn't you, I'd read this after being given such a summary.
    Yep, I think it should be mentioned that 'Castiel is losing his grace and Dean is losing his mind. They play with death;' this is almost as good as the story as a whole.
    For me, that's just kind of summary that would make me click and open the story.

    Okay, now to the main point.

    (You probably noticed that when I like a story of yours exceptionally much, I feel urge to leave long comment. So prepare for it now :D)

    Let me mention, as for the formal side, you have a way with words. You know how to organize them to say what you want to say, to convey a feeling or an image. It words for me here.

    The first part was just fabulous beyond words. No matter how WOOO this sounds, for me it was like that. Gawd. So so perfect. Not to speak of how hot it was. The second part kinda slipped into a smut fic but then BAM, the final paragraph and I was blown away.

    For viewers of Supernatural... I don't know. It probably gives total sense because it belongs into the concept of Cas and Dean's characters? I dont know. For me as a reader without knowledge of Dean and Cas as SPN characters, it was an ending par excellence. I just love uncliche endings, ya know. 'Coz... blablasexsex then cuddle cuddle... ok that's nice when the writer is a real master of word and can do it in a way which is above the average or a decent average at least. But endings of the kind you put here, that's my thing <333 lovelovelove. It worked so well. It... it created such an emotion. And the flutter of wings at the very end. That's just... one sensual image (the sound of fluttering wings) underlined the previous paragraph so well. The emotion conveyed there got so... how to call it... real. I can't describe this well, I guess I'm maybe getting too much into the story but when a story is as good as this one and makes me FEEL THINGS, then i just get passionate for it.

    Gunplay is one of my most most most favorite kinks in the world. And with loaded gun? OMG even better. That part was just so damn hot I caught myself holding my breath. When Cas put the gun away I breathed in again, haha.
    It's not just that gunplay is hot. It's also what it means for the couple. Why they do it. What feelings bring them to doing it. You kind of said it in the summary. There's just this level of insanity and despair I love.

    You should write more stories about Dean/Cas. You are great with andy/cat, but as for me, Dean/Cas are even more perfect pairing. (Cas being an angel? omg yes).

    Now on to the quotes.

    But he doesn't reply to Dean, not verbally, and shifts on the bed. He switches the colt in his other hand, tracing Dean's quivering thigh with the cold metal. --> This is where I stopped to breathe.

    A part of Castiel is sure that this is what turns Dean so much, --> And hell, no wonder why.

    “Cas...” Dean says again, and this time it is just a plea. Castiel understands immediately, and moves the gun lower, the metal gingerly sliding along Dean's erection, making the man bite back a moan. --> I'm imagining Dean and Cas in that situation... Dean, so hot. Cas, so .. caring? Scared tohurt him. Protective. But wants to give him please. Love the image.

    As it brushes Dean's opening, Castiel realises his hands are shaking almost as much as Dean's legs --> <33 the image

    And you know, actually now that I reread it... the part outside the gunplay is so hot too. In a slightly different way. And maybe even hotter? Because it is maybe even more filled with emotion. Why just handjob, one would wonder.... Why they won't be together? ....

    He is now leaning over Dean, the edges of the trench coat brushing Dean's exposed skin and Castiel's hot breath washing over Dean's lips, his fist moving up and down Dean's erection steadily. --> this image is beautiful (hot too)

    Them lying together... so powerful.

    But then Dean pushes him away, and Castiel wishes he could not feel anything. --> sad... <3

    The last sentence... I've already said my word.

    I take back what I said about the middle part being an ordinary smut... it isnt. Now that I reread it, it's actually the most beautiful part, with the emotion, with ~love~ and ~pain~ mixed together.

    I think this is too long for LJ, so I'm gonna post it on mibba.

    PS. The banner is beautiful. It sets the emotion... it gave me shivers and it keeps giving them.
    PS2: I'd love to read more Cas/Dean from you....
    PS2: I with you luck in the contest, you have my vote.
    May 22nd, 2010 at 10:44pm