I feel sad about it for sure. I feel happy about it for sure. I'm a very confused person. x) It's just that since I started reading this story, I find that after every chapter I want more and more chapters. At the same time though, I want to know how everything is going to work out in the end. Either way, I love this story, and your writing (very realistic) and I can't wait to see how everything wraps up. :)
I'm sad I won't be reading this story anymore, but I'd be happy that this has finally reached a great ending :D and I loved this chapter! It was sooooo cute :} update soon!
I love your story! I'm seriously obsessed with Kylie and Jake :) They are so meant for each other its ridiculous. I found myself getting lost and not understanding some things in some chapters but that's ok. I can't wait for the next update! Please let them go to the Winter Festival (I think it was) together <3 :D
I love your writing. I think it's great. I love this chapter as well. I think it's great, but so out of place. I think that some chapters with her borrowing a slutty oufit from her sister or a friend and wearing it in front of Jake only for him to tell her how silly it is would be more effective than a whole chapter of going out and shopping and meeting and adding random characters.I feel like if you dont have a thorough plan of where to go from here you should delete this chapter and try and rewrite towards a direction you know you want to go in. I'm only saying this because form what i gather, you seem confused and have no idea of where you should take off from this and that's never good especially with so many things going on in a chapter. This is all criticism of course, and you definitely dont need to take an inch of it! You're brilliant so whatever you decide to do, I trust will be great(:
I think Kylie is kind of naive. I mean, how could she not realise why Jake is annoyed? If he had gone and gotten some random girl's number, she would have been pissed. Not to mention heartbroken. So why can't the same apply to him? And he did say she wasn't sexy, but didn't he also say she was beautiful? How does that equate to being unattractive?
If I were I their shoes, there's two ways I think it would go from here. They break up because the whole things too confusing, or they have a huge blow out, agree on how to move forward and makes serious effort. But then of course they would try too hard to be perfect lovey Dovey couple, Kylie would feel wierd they'd never talk about anything, Kylie would tell aiden all about how hard it was, aiden would come onto Kylie and then jake would somehow know and freak out and they'd break up. Ad then maybe some sort of happy ending? And if they broke up, they might have to have some sort of real dating 'seeingeachother' type situation before they could get back together? Sorta separate themselves completely, reallise they don't want to be apart and then try an rebuild themselves together a a couple from the ground up. I dunno. Haha I always try to guess how these things will end. I actually write whole plots in my head haha. Anyway, I still loved this chapter, even if you didn't, and I love them , so I dont mind that you're still going. You could write six sequels and I'd still read every one. So good luck I guess :)
I think you should just consult your inner writer and at least just really focus on the characters right now and their personality so you won't accidentally lose them as you write,for example I'm not really understanding Jakes character right now its almost as if it took a complete 180 from them having this cool complex relationship to him just being a jerk to her. You've got a really good story going here and if you need time to just get it together,go for it. Having a great story takes a little time so you should not feel the need to rush. That's my constructive criticism :) don't worry you'll be fine and for the record I'm really fond of this story.
“The closest I’m getting to knight in shining armor is being a douche bag in tin foil, sweet cheeks.” X'D made my day *wipes tear* anywayzzzz i love this as i always do :) Please update soon
Oh man! She actually said the word "girlfriend" :o! Shit's about to get surrrius. Haha >.<. I wonder if Kylie is going to change her looks or something?
No!! Don't change Kylie! Be a strong, independent, 21st century woman! Don't turn into a Barbie like Natalie...unless of course it's going to entertain Mibbians with lots of interesting events happening in the process. But, I hope you come back to normal Kylie after Rivers tells you that he likes you better that way!
I totally agree with the commenter above. This story is much more addictive than any other I've read recently. The spelling and grammar, plot, banter, description and even the multi-lingual chapter numbers are great! (I was so chuffed when I could read the Tamil chapter number!)