Shadows - Comments

  • waits.

    waits. (250)

    United States
    Tara! OMGYES

    This was AMAZING! I love how it was told from a shadow's perspective! I seriously never saw it coming. Wow

    I loved this part.

    We decided to move in on him once he walked halfway down the street, his casual gait making it's way to the sidewalk. Now all we had to do was pick an alley to pull him into. This one? No, it's full of garbage. Oh! How about this one? Nah, there's someone living there. No need to disturb them. Wouldn't want to scar them for life by watching someone die by shadow engulfing.

    You have a REALLY unique way of narrating things, and I love it. It definitely keeps true to the spooky feel of it all.

    All in all, amazing. I love how you gave a broader backstory to characters that don't really get explained much in the movie, and holy crow, even their NAMES were awesome.

    Amazing. In Love
    May 26th, 2010 at 01:25am
  • revelio.

    revelio. (100)

    United States
    Well, Tara, you've done it again, madame. You've blown my mind with your writing.

    The descriptive wording never left me wanting anything more; I never got bored reading it at all. It's so eerie and wonderful and magical in its own special way. Honestly, I felt a little chilly while I was reading it, and I definitely got some chills.

    Well done! One of my favorites of yours.
    May 26th, 2010 at 12:45am