All We Are Is Bullets... - Comments

  • love it :D
    update more often please
    May 27th, 2008 at 01:54am
  • *new reader*
    i really like your writting
    it intrigues me what the main caracters are going to do from now on (with lyn-z and the rest)
    update soon please
    May 22nd, 2008 at 02:35am
  • Thank you! I will be updating it soon, worry not. I hit an impasse for a while but I know how to progress, so I can start posting new chapters over the coming days!

    I really appreciate the comment! :)
    December 27th, 2007 at 11:08am
  • absolutely amazing so far!
    If only they'd do a tour together!
    More soon?
    December 27th, 2007 at 07:35am
  • Bwuahahaha-It was LONG ~
    BUT, I survived!! All hail me (shit.I'm vain)
    Other than that - its so detailed and everything !!
    I love it!! No problem at all - you shall continue :)
    December 4th, 2007 at 07:14pm
  • Ooh, thank you! Sorry about the disclaimer, I was being fussy cos I do Law at college so I know about having to place them in a "clear and reasonable" place bla bla bla. Don't let it distract you, it won't appear on any of the other chapters. :) I'm glad you liked it! Thanks so much for the comment! xxxx
    December 4th, 2007 at 06:41pm
  • DISCLAIMER: The following is a work of fiction, borne entirely of the over fertile imagination of the author. I am in no way affiliated with either Amy Lee or Gerard Way nor do I pretend to know anything about them in their private capacity. Think of the individuals so named in the story as fictitious characters please, who have assumed the physical identity of said singers. Thank you, and have fun! No offense, but you should've put that on the summary, just a suggestion.



    "Smash," I repeated out loud, adding the sound effect from my flashback. "Something always broke after the incessant questioning." Amy smiled sympathetically and came over to me.
    I like the word choice!

    That was one army that always made me feel invincible; our fans. That was a great comparrison (fans as army)

    "Have you decided what to wear tonight?" Amy asked, setting up the straightening tongs so as to get started on my mane of waist-length black hair. Are you sure its tongs? I sunno if it is or not.

    I walked over to the sleek black and grey metallic case that held my stage outfits and started ruffling through the colourful ensembles. Again, lovely word choice!

    I'm in a pensive mood today. Cry Clap

    The unpleasant side effect of wearing beautiful outfits on tour; sweat and overpowering body odour. :lmfao

    My boy.
    My Gerard.

    Every hero needs a hero, and he was mine. He was the one who found me at the bottom of the stairs, stood staring lovingly into my eyes when I woke up in the hospital, held my hand as I walked unsteadily out of it, came hundreds of miles in one night because I rang him crying, wiped my tears away and held me as I shook inside and out. What a reversal of fortune. Where once I sang, When you cried, I'd wipe away all of your tears / When you'd scream, I'd fight away all of your fears, now he did it for me. Quite literally too-given various accounts of his needing to be physically restrained at Phil's arraignment. I didn't need to be there and he had gone on my behalf, only to lose his reliably volatile temper and be forcibly removed from the courtroom. I'd never have walked away without him. When realities are crumbling around you, you need a new dream to believe in. And it had to be a dream when the real world seems so vague and frail..
    I am crying; that is outstanding...

    Overall, this is a great story and I hope to see more soon! :) Just the disclaimer thing is all...
    December 4th, 2007 at 08:49am