Take It With Me - Comments

  • ghuleh.

    ghuleh. (150)

    United Kingdom
    Honestly, lady.
    I adore this so much.
    And it was filled with Tom. Shifty
    'Caught by Mama.' - that was extremely cute. I just could picture it all so clearly.
    I hope his mama gives him a good ol' verbal thrashing for leaving Kitty alone. Con
    Still, this chapter was lovely. A little reflective one for Tom.
    Love it, update soon.
    July 29th, 2010 at 12:44am
  • St_Atrocity

    St_Atrocity (100)

    United States
    Damn straight he'd be the one fussed at. Obviously. (<-- does that looked spelled wrong to you?)
    I feel like the chapters ahead are going to be unbearable because they're not together.
    Pain worth having though :)
    July 28th, 2010 at 12:09am
  • florence

    florence (1000)

    United States
    I had it in mind that I would just read one chapter of this, and then comment, but after I started reading I just couldn't stop. xD

    I'm up to chapter fourteen now, and this story is utterly brilliant. It's amazing, so original and well-written.

    But Joe was 200 miles and 40 years away.
    That was my favorite line. (:

    I really love this. <3
    July 26th, 2010 at 09:40pm
  • ghuleh.

    ghuleh. (150)

    United Kingdom
    Chapter...31! Wow, lady, this story is flying by with each sweet word.
    You know what I adore? When the chapter is about Tom, you kinda switch to his style. Things are sharp and to the point. Yet, when the chapter is about Kitty, it's filled with how she would see things. Like, how she kinda mentally argues with herself and is only a little dramatic, like any girl. XD
    But yea, did the kid make an appearance? I didnt see him. OMG NO!
    I loved this chapter. It's like he can't bare to talk about kitty and its so obvious that he wants to go back and see her.
    I hope he does.
    I wonder what happens next...

    Chapter 32:
    Katie, you are amazing at getting a characters personality across.
    Mrs Bea? Perfect. I can picture her so clearly.
    Once again, I find myself saying, 'poor Kitty.' I want to barge into your story and sit with her in the hotel room and have a nice girly chat to make her feel better. XD
    And the full ashtray that keeps coming into it is actually, strangely enough, one of my favourite things because it's symbollic for Tom. tehe

    Ahem, someone's AMAZINGLY AMAZING story is popular. ;) No wonder. :D
    July 25th, 2010 at 04:45pm
  • Flynn Rider

    Flynn Rider (300)

    Loving the daily emails I get seeing you update Naughty

    And now she was a waitress. Aww, Kitty D:

    The uniform was like a bad Dorothy costume. Kitty snorted. She should have bought red sequined shoes instead of the plain white ones. She hated it!? I'd wear that uniform. I like the uniforms of the Diners' waitresses back then :} and lol at her remark XD

    I felt bad for her ): I mean, she's pulled out of 2010 to just put back in 1974 ._.
    Poor Kitty /cries/

    And she hated Tom for leaving her here alone. < No she's doesn't Sad
    July 25th, 2010 at 01:43pm
  • St_Atrocity

    St_Atrocity (100)

    United States
    Meh, I feel sad for her.

    I'm kind of liking the way you described her uniform though.
    I'd wear it with pride ^_^
    July 25th, 2010 at 09:34am
  • xanstaysbrutal.

    xanstaysbrutal. (100)

    United States
    This story is fantastic!
    Your writing is wonderful.
    I love how the dialogue just sounds so true to that day'n age.

    But yeah, I'm looking forward to seeing how this will end. :)
    July 24th, 2010 at 08:51pm
  • St_Atrocity

    St_Atrocity (100)

    United States
    I'm getting sad. I want them back together already :(
    And I'm pretty freaking anxious to how all of this will end, I'm already thinking of possibilities.

    By the way, side note, amiable by hell's signature freaks me out.
    Apparently the will come on my birthday or something?
    That scares me. Alright :) lol
    July 24th, 2010 at 08:45pm
  • outtahereyall

    outtahereyall (150)

    United States
    so I've been stalking your profile and I figured, what the hell, and read one of your stories.
    And I've decided, that was a brilliant idea~

    This is such an adorable story, seriously. I keep giggling at some parts, being all empathetic with the characters, and grinning that it's so well written! You write in little jokes and serious parts and it all flows so well :3

    July 24th, 2010 at 08:34pm
  • Flynn Rider

    Flynn Rider (300)

    YESSS! Updated /dances around/ Updated and it was worth the wait /dances/

    Slimy Anthony was hunched over Tom, grinning.

    I still don't like him! He's a deal breaker! He told Tom 3 days and... SAKJDALKDA!
    Sorry.. He's on my nerves and he's fictional D:

    “Tell me man, for real. That girl. You liked her a lot, didn’t you?”

    Wayne the MAN!!!! Someone can see through Tom Waits and fuck yes! He really, really likes her! Tom is just lying, he's falling for her - maybe he is.. I mean, he misses her and stuff and stuff :D

    “But this one was special. I can tell. You ain’t got all quiet over a girl in forever. Not since-

    ...TWISTS! Past! Oh My God.. Who!?! I wannnnnnaaaa know :D
    I think everyone reading this wants to know as well ;)

    “You ain’t that kind of guy. Not deep down. Everybody knows that, Tom. You might play this rambling, love ‘em and leave ‘em game, but you want a nice girl to settle down with, don’t you?”

    Awww, Wayne<3 I like him :D

    No good ever came out of bringing a dame into a tour.

    That's true.. But.. Why leave her just like that!? D:
    Hopefully he decides to go see her.
    July 24th, 2010 at 11:49am
  • Flynn Rider

    Flynn Rider (300)

    HI :D .. I hope you didn't mind me.. Commenting and stuff..
    I love your story <3 :D
    So, I read the first chapter and got hooked.. Immediately..
    And I subscribed :D
    July 24th, 2010 at 07:03am
  • Flynn Rider

    Flynn Rider (300)

    ^ Sorry about that.. Errors ._.

    Chapter 21

    Yeah. A tango with Kitty wouldn't be a bad thing at all.
    /smirk/ I get it XD

    Before Tom knew it, his lips were on hers. It was inevitable, he thought. She was pretty, he was a red blooded, American man, and... things happened. He kissed her, and for a moment, she kissed back. She was warm in the cold morning light, and she didn't taste like liquor, which was new for him, and best of all, he could bring her back to the hotel with him.

    /sorry ._./

    "Let's roll, kid."

    Nice punch line, Tom :)

    Chapter 22

    The next morning, -or afternoon, more accurately- Tom woke up, a wicked headache making his ears ring and his head pound. He was hot. Too hot. Cracking his eyes open, he saw that it was because Kitty, a naked, sleeping Kitty, was curled up on his chest.

    GASP :DD

    The bonafied bachelor had struck again.


    He wished desperately for a moment that he could take her with him, sleep with her every night if he wanted to.

    ...So.. Take her with you, Tom D:

    But that would never work. Nosiree, not in a million years.


    Yup. It would all end just fine for him and Kitty Hathaway.
    askldjalksdjalkdja ._.

    Chapter 23

    After last night, -as irrational and messed up as it seemed- the only place she wanted to be besides home was next to Tom. AWW <3 If only you knew the thoughts Tom had in his head when he woke up, Kitty D: He's not just wanting you for the body anymore - something deep is in there..

    "Kitty, oh, you're so amazing. Kitty, you're so gorgeous. Damn, kid."

    ..He's amazing with words or they way you wrote it.. That's hot :)

    And I feel bad for her... For Joe, a little bit, but still.. AKLSJDAKLDSA...

    Chapter 24 /cries/

    The line went dead, and Tom's heart froze.

    I hate Anthony too, Tom D: He fricken said.. 3 days in the city.. Now SAN DIEGO!?!?!
    AKSLDJSAKLDJALDSADJADJAKL!!!! Stupid manager >_<"

    ...I have nothing more to say but this chapter is JUST HEARTBREAKING D;

    Chapter 25

    Kitty choked out a few more unintelligible words, then sunk down on the bed, crying her eyes out.

    Man, Tom.. WHY!?!?!?!? I feel like crying too ):

    Chapter 26

    "Ah, Dios mio,"
    Her line. I love it :)

    She had grown used to Tom's warm body beside her, his arms around her middle, his face buried in her hair.

    This is just sad and heartbreaking ): Why oh why!? D:

    "Yeah, you're not in love with him. Love doesn't happen in three days, Kit," she whispered to herself. "Life isn't a deleted scene from Titanic. Just doesn't work like that."

    You're good with words, I swear and the way you play with it to create realistic dialogue and emotions just coming from words.

    But no matter what she did, she couldn't shake the feeling that without Tom, more than just her bed was empty.

    He probably feels empty too, Kit.

    Chapter 27

    “Yeah, yeah. Quit your bellyachin’. Maybe if you fixed yourself up a little, got a nice haircut, started drinking something other than Bud, you’d get some girls too,” Tom said, shaking his head.

    You guys took him away from Kitty! He has every right to be cold >_>

    God, he hated to leave Kitty behind. The look on her face after he kissed her was enough to break even the hardest heart. And it was common knowledge that his wasn’t that hard.

    Aww, Tom.. You're breaking and she's breaking ._.

    Chapter 28

    She was in love with Joe, not Tom. But she had slept with Tom, not Joe.

    She's torn apart. Come on Kitty, admit it - you're falling for Tom Waits!

    “California girls, we’re unforgettable! Daisy Dukes, bikinis on top!”

    Sneaky ;D LOL. I love that song. Very catchy XD

    “Happy birthday to me. Happy freaking 21st birthday to me.”

    ..She cussed! OMG! SHE CUSSED and.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Kitty D:

    Chapter 29

    “Nah, not really,” he lied. He had tried not to think too much about Kitty. But he hadn’t succeeded.

    YOU MISS HER ;D <3

    He couldn’t believe he’d forgotten his own birthday.

    Doyyy. You miss Kitty. It was her birthday too.

    Chapter 30

    aKJDALKDJA. She's love sick. Poor Kitty D:
    July 24th, 2010 at 07:01am
  • Flynn Rider

    Flynn Rider (300)

    Chapter 15

    Tom probably woke up all cranky because Kitty wasn't in his arms anymore ;)

    woman in a long pink bathrobe was walking a dog around the sidewalk, and a man in a long black coat was out for an early morning smoke. She could hear traffic coming over from the street, and birds were beginning to chirp. The south was always slightly magical during winter. Kitty was sure that snow was incredible in its own way, but there was something about the south. Everything that was normally muggy and foggy and hot was crisp and clean, and even the air smelled different. Granted, though, there was something to be said for northern winters.

    In all honesty, you're wonderful at description. IT'S JUST SO VIVID <3

    Anything was less complicated than here.
    Oh, but Kitty.. I find it.. You're better there with Tom..
    Okay, I'm bias ._.

    Chapter 16

    If there was one thing in the world that Tom loved, it was Diners. And not just for the food.

    I'd love it too by how you described it.
    There was still a few late nighters hunched at a corner table, eyes bloodshot and hands jittery, laughing over plates of hash browns and eggs. A few early birds were sitting at another table, drinking orange juice and smiling over morning papers

    Tom liked people. Tom liked to watch people. Just to look, to see them go about their business, listen in on their conversations, see how they interacted with other people. And a diner was a good place to do that. He loved to watch waitresses –sassy, young waitresses in particular—argue good naturedly with the regulars, loved to just… watch.

    Ahh! Another insight in Tom's personality :D

    Chapter 17

    I love how Kitty describes her siblings. It's so realistic. Dialogue is spot on for your characters. People can relate to them :) And I know about the age gap between siblings.. I have a big age gap between my 2 older siblings ._.

    ‘Cause knowing about her life, her family? All it was gonna do was make it that much harder to leave her behind.

    AWWW! Kitty's grown on him ):

    Chapter 18

    A small part of her hoped he had noticed, hoped that he found her attractive, but the bigger, modest, Catholic part of her was mortified at the thought.

    Ohh, Kitty.. He finds you beautiful because your hips, your lips, and your breasts ;)

    She still felt pretty. And on top of all of that, she was excited. She was going to go out. With Tom.

    Another little thrill ran through her. She liked Tom. She really liked Tom. She just hoped she wasn't falling in love with him.

    You're beautiful, Kitty! Don't deny it! <3333
    And you likey Tom! How adorable :D

    Chapter 19

    His heart skipped a beat when he saw her. She looked gorgeous.

    Damn right! That's fucking adorable :D Mann, I'm spazzing over this story like crazy :D

    “Ain’t I a hero?”

    Aren't you glad you listened to your mama's voice, Tom!?

    Chapter 20 XD

    Earle apologized and slunk off, his metaphorical tail between his legs. Kitty laughed.

    HAHA, CRUSHED. Lovely chapter :)

    Chapter 20

    July 24th, 2010 at 06:39am
  • Flynn Rider

    Flynn Rider (300)

    Chapter 9

    HAHAHA! That blond.. Totally threw herself to him just like that and Tom loved it.
    And what about Kitty!?!?!? ._.

    Chapter 10

    ASLKDJSALDSA! They're so cute around each other :D
    And Tom is stuttering when it gets awkward- it's adorable!
    And lol to the blondie. (Is Tom coming back for you? He's always on the road, yo.) XD

    Chapter 11

    Despite his character flaws and smoking and cursing and the fact that he had quite obviously left her while she was sick to go sleep with some girl, he had been kind to her, and the perfume was sweet. And, she hated to admit, but he was attractive in his own way. He had a sharp jaw, covered in whiskers, and deep set eyes that went from gentle to intense to passionate in a split second. He was tall and wiry, and even though that wasn't what she preferred in a man, she could appreciate it. It suited him. He was twitchy and wild and intense and passionate and she would forever love him for helping her out.

    You just have your way with words - it's jaw-dropping amazing.

    he floor was covered in green shag carpet, the wall paper was blue and flowered, and there were brass candlesticks screwed into the wall.

    LOL. It IS the 70s XD

    Chapter 12 D:

    “How did she get here, how did she get here?”

    “Never mind that, what am I going to do with her?”

    “Well, I can’t just throw her out on the street.”

    And why not? She’s really not my responsibility. I just found her.

    “Yeah. I found her. Found her, all helpless, and took her in.”

    Don't throw her out Tom D: /cries/

    Chapter 13 ._.

    Barely five words said between the two of them. Kitty knew something was up. Something wasn’t right. Something wasn’t going well.

    I'd be scared too.. The sudden change in Tom's mood would scare me too D:

    Kitty bit her finger, trying not to cry. She wanted Joe. But Joe was 200 miles and 40 years away.

    She has a boyfriend!? AKLSJDLSAKDJALKDJSLA... Twists are coming ._.
    And I know the feeling of missing someone.. I feel your pain Kitty!

    Chapter 14 ;D

    It was Kitty. That’s what was different. The difference was this wasn’t some high school girlfriend or some one night stand. It was Kitty. A girl who had only been drunk one time in her life and didn’t like cursing and hadn’t slept with him.

    ASKLDJASLKDSA!!11111!!!! :DD

    It was nice. She was warm. The curve of her back fit nicely against his torso. And she smelled good. Like baby powder and Evening in Paris perfume.

    Yesssss!! Tom..

    He made sure she was still sleeping, then wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her to him. She sighed, shifted, then leaned against him. Closing his eyes, he sank deeper into the mattress and adjusted his hands, rubbing his thumb against that soft space right under her breasts. Still sleeping soundly, she brushed his leg with her foot.

    I died and spazzed at this part.

    It was nice. He was warm. His arm felt nice draped over her waist and his heartbeat rat a tat tatted in a steady rhythm. He smelled nice too. Coffee and cigarettes and some kind of aftershave.

    ...Yess- keep on..

    She was falling for Tom. She, Maria Theresa Katarina Hathaway, a Catholic girl from Jackson, Mississippi, was falling for Tom Waits.

    I KNEW IT <3
    July 24th, 2010 at 06:24am
  • Flynn Rider

    Flynn Rider (300)

    Chapter 8 D:

    Awww.. Kitty misses home ._.
    July 24th, 2010 at 06:11am
  • Flynn Rider

    Flynn Rider (300)

    Chapter 7

    Short and simple :)
    Tom has a caring/sweet side. I love it <3

    It was just too… unsettling. He preferred to think about her cleavage. And hips. And thighs. And lips. But ah, her cleavage. He chuckled lowly, picturing her round, bouncy breasts. Prettiest tits he’d seen in a while.

    And a dirty mind >:D
    July 24th, 2010 at 06:09am
  • Flynn Rider

    Flynn Rider (300)

    Chapter 6 XDDD
    (I had my fair share of laughs with this chapter <3)

    Normally, Tom wouldn’t consider it a bad thing to wake up to a squealing woman. Hell, he imagined it could be a very pleasant experience, if she was squealing for the right reasons. But, when the woman in question was also throwing things at him, it was a whole different animal.

    Typical guy motive XD

    “Nah, no. You’d have known it if I’d done you,” he boasted. She sneered, but he noticed a flush traveling across her cheeks.

    How would you know...? /curious/ XD
    He's sooooo quirky too.. His personality and the way you write about him is growing on me ^^

    “Your very first hangover! This is a great moment in your adult life. What you need is an aspirin and a Bloody Mary,” he grinned.

    Wise words from Tom Waits :)
    July 24th, 2010 at 06:01am
  • Flynn Rider

    Flynn Rider (300)

    Chapter 5

    Another short chapter :) But again.. Who cares? I love how you write - vivid and simple <3
    Does Kitty have "forgetful" syndrome? ._.

    It's not a dream, Kitty!

    The hell?
    Perfect ending :)
    July 24th, 2010 at 05:51am
  • Flynn Rider

    Flynn Rider (300)

    Chapter 4

    Is short, but Ifucking love it <3 :DDDDD
    It's so simple and sweet and inside look inside Tom's thoughts. He really is a gentleman and at the same time - like the boys.. All guys, deep down in their hearts, liked big breasts and little waists and soft hips, he thought. < You got that right on spot :) Tom walked over to the bed, then chuckled when he saw that she had rolled the spare blanket into a little divider. LOL! Way to go Kitty XD She's sooooo adorable and quirky and.. Catholic girl XD

    “Goodnight, kid,” he murmured again.

    ASKLDJASLDADJKASDA.. I imagined his voice to be smooth and a little husky..
    July 24th, 2010 at 05:48am
  • Flynn Rider

    Flynn Rider (300)


    Plus, she had had a hard day, what with being dumped through a wormhole or a black hole or twist through time or fate or the universe back to 1974.

    Another awesome description!

    With a little inebriated sigh, she thought back of all the times she had wished she could travel through time. She had never had any desire to visit the 70’s, though. Too many drugs.

    Who hasn't wished to travel back in time!? I'd love to go back to the 50s <3
    And she's such a good Catholic girl :P

    I chuckled when Tom asked her about her past drinking history and she only drank once.. And champagne.. Then Tom asked about how many shots she had tonight and lol. She maybe had 4-5 and Tom said it'll matter later.. Lol, hangover? Major hangover?! Poor Kitty D: ..Tom will probably laugh and get worried at the same time :)

    “In the bed,” he answered firmly. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to try anything. I ain’t that kind of guy. Just go to sleep. Don’t worry about it. G’night.”

    Ahh! Now I get why the chapter title is that :P
    Oohhhhh, Tom is a gentleman. His mama raised him well =^-^=

    Kitty was left standing in the middle of a strange hotel room, staring at strange bed, thinking about the prospect of sharing it with a strange man.

    He's not strange, Kitty. He actually took you in and not doing any funny business with you :D
    July 24th, 2010 at 05:43am