Round Here - Comments

  • moxie;

    moxie; (100)

    Arms Baby that is just so perfect. It's just the perfect ending.
    It is so soft. So tender. I love the emotions between Akira & Taka.
    You did such a great job in portraying a family. A real family. A warm family that everyone wants to be part of. Con Shin is the luckiest little boy to have such wonderful fathers.
    And the love that is in taking care of him shows all over their Taka's face.
    Arms So beautiful, Takito, I don't even have the words to express my feelings for it.
    June 28th, 2010 at 01:40am
  • moxie;

    moxie; (100)

    I feel so so so so lucky. <3
    When I read the first chapter, well, finished the first chapter I was about to comment and scream out, "MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAR!"
    :D But I accidentally clicked summary instead and found out that the moment I finished reading you had posted the second chapter. <3 Yay.~
    So, now that I have read both chapters, I want to say this:


    XD Seriously.

    The whole story is so... homey. It gives you this warm sensation. This great feeling inside of you that just says, "That's what I want when I grow up." Both Akira & Taka are so so so lucky!
    ;3 And like always the writing is flawless. Soft and delicate. I always feel those two emotions each time I read one of your pieces. <3 And I can't wait to read more.

    One of your biggest fans,
    Moxie Hart.
    May 27th, 2010 at 06:50am