Shit Town - Comments

  • astontheowl

    astontheowl (100)

    United States
    Okay, so I sat at this comment box for about ten minutes trying to figure out how to phrase what I think, but I still don't think I have it spelled out perfectly because this pretty much blew my mind, so bear with me:

    First off, this is funny. I hope that doesn't offend you because believe me, the concept is sad, trying to live in such a narrow minded world, but your style is so quirky and entertaining. Its obvious you are unaffected by the narrow-mindedness you have to deal with and are trying to make the best of it. That takes extreme bravery so I salute you.
    Second, I come from a large west coast city, so a great deal of what you described is foreign to me, and yet after reading this, I don't know if there is a word for it, but it feels like even though I haven't experienced this, I understand, love and respect the way you feel. Does that make sense? Well even if it doesn't, I really do like this and sincerely hope you win the contest :)
    May 28th, 2010 at 07:08am